i think it's time to make a list of which magical weapons are available and what they do. Not only for myself

, but also for any new players around.
Here are the weapons i remember, and what they do:
Auto-Armor: ??? Currently disabled.
Auto-Cure: Casts cure on yourself at random intervals or when poisoned? Currently disabled.
Auto-Heal: Casts heal on yourself at random intervals. Currently disabled.
Auto-Med: ??? Currently disabled.
Auto-Sight: ??? Currently disabled.
Durable: Means that the weapon is more durable than a normal weapon.
Fire: Will cause extra damage upon hit.
Gate Travel: Double-click on weapon to cast gate travel. (Fixed number of
Greater Heal: Double-click on weapon to use. Heal yourself or other player. (Fixed number of
Heal: Double-click on weapon to use. Heal yourself or other player. (Fixed number of
Life Leech: Upon hit there is a change of draining life from opponent.
Lightning: Upon hit there is a chance of casting Lightning for extra damage.
Magic Arrow: Upon hit there is a chance of casting Magic Arrow for extra damage.
Mana Leech: Upon hit there is a chance of draining mana from opponent.
Pain: Upon hit there is a chance of casting Harm for extra damage.
Poison Strike: Upon hit there is a chance of poisoning your opponent.
Resurrection: Double-click on weapon to use. Ressurects dead player. (Fixed number of
Silver: Does extra damage to undead.
Stamina Leech: Upon hit there is a chance of draining stamina.
Total Leech: Upon hit there is a chance of draining life, stamina and mana. Currently disabled.
Total Protection: Double-click on weapon to use. Casts Protection, Cure, Nightsight and Magic Reflection. Does not work on bows or xbows. (Fixed number of
Post edited after input from blob, Kinetic and Drizzt. Please give me more input.