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PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 12:29 pm 

Joined: Sat May 20, 2006 12:00 pm
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1. What guild is your main char in?

2. Who got you in or talked you into joining?

3. When did you join?

4. What is the main drive behind the guild?

5. What does the guild's name mean to you?

6. Is there anyother guild you wish you could join?

7. Have you enjoyed your time in the guild?

8. How many guilds are you in total?

Last edited by Drakkar on Sat May 27, 2006 8:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:07 pm 
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Wow great topic here. Good idea, Drakkar.

What guild is your main char in?
GWAR (obviously)

Who got you in or talked you into joining?
I never wanted anything to do with a guild originally. Then Kigger gave me a mining shack a couple years back which came with a guildstone that was later converted to my guild.

What is the main drive behind the guild?
True neutrality, slackness, and fun.

What does the guild's name mean to you?
God What A Racket (inspired by a metal group close to me). The theme of GWAR the band goes quite well with GWAR the guild.

Is there anyother guild you wish you could join?
Not really.

Have you enjoyed your time in the guild?
OH yeah!

How many guilds are you in total?

Ultima avatar: The Famed JIZABOZ,GWAR Guildmeister

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:38 pm 
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1) I belong to the Obsidian Staff guild.

2) Cybervic introduced me to being Obsidian Staff (facilitated by Broadband at the time, naturally)... I can't remember which actually made me a member of the proper 'guild'.

3) I joined over a year ago, but I was ingame staff for a while before I got round to joining the 'guild' proper.

4) Our main drive is to help run the shard and help the players - in terms of events, discipline, community spirit, and most of all - fun.

5) The guild's name means pride to me, and also authority, but mainly it is a symbol to all players to identify those individuals who are here to help them.

6) I have no wish to join another guild, save for the various quest-related guilds we staff may or may not create (such as my 'Paladin's of Britannia').

7) My time in the Obsidian Staff guild has been my most rewarding on Obsidian; although I enjoyed being a player immensely, too.

8) As staff, I am in two guilds - one for staffing and one for quest purposes - both of which are mentioned above.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 6:04 pm 
1) Legion of Valor

2) The old guildhouse was right next to where I'd mine. Talked to them as they passed.

3) A few weeks after I started playing.

4) Just people who get on well together and have fun.

5) That Americans should learn to spell (there's a "u" in there).

6) Not really.

7) Yup. Lots of great people in it....except drizzt....he sucks.

8 ) Just the one.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 6:35 pm 

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What guild is your main char in?

Who got you in or talked you into joining?

When did you join?

What is the main drive behind the guild?

What does the guild's name mean to you?

Is there anyother guild you wish you could join?

Have you enjoyed your time in the guild?

How many guilds are you in total?
1) Murderers of Britannia

2) Zureese and Kilorious, as they started it with me, and trained me :wink:

3)Oh god... I dunno, years ago.

4) To kill by any means nessicary, screw with peoples minds while you fight them! :D

5) It means the memories of about 2+ years, it hold's alot of meaning to me, and a lot of good times. Not to mention the people I've met, friends I've made, and enemies too, of course.

6) Wolfpack!!!! :lol: :wink: 8)

7) Yes, every moment of it.

8 ) I'm in 2 guilds total, both are ran by me.

R.I.P Will A.K.A Affliction/Bush-Fire/Decayed-Stone - "Stoners live and stoners die. f*** it all, let's go get high"
You should either love me with a passion, or hate me to death..

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:55 am 
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1. Legion of Velour

2. Drizzt, when Urza left there was just me, death and protector left in there, there were no people to play with so me and death joined LoV, with Slug and impe joining shortly after......that was a HARD guild :D

3. Ages ago, and i'll never leave :D

4. Play fair, teamwork, be nice (unless people are arses) and minor petting

5. Unity, commitment, FUN

6. I dunno Reapers will always hold a special place in my heart, but it will never be the same as it was when i joined it, best players on the shard and me the new recruit, got lotsa tips for PVP, shame i forgot them all again and now i suck.

7. Always do, always will

8. 1-LoV - run by the green dood (well he used to be), 2 - [UK] - run by me, DING DONG MMMKAY

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 2:22 am 
What guild is your main char in? MoB

Who got you in or talked you into joining? Ashes

When did you join? Erm about 2 months ago

What is the main drive behind the guild? to kill Suckers that f*** with us (and everyone else)

What does the guild's name mean to you? it means we are the murderers of this shard

Is there anyother guild you wish you could join? LoV

Have you enjoyed your time in the guild? YES ITS f****** MINT

How many guilds are you in total? 4

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 4:39 am 

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What guild is your main char in?

Who got you in or talked you into joining?

When did you join?
A month ago tho..

What is the main drive behind the guild?
Brotherhood, respect and Death :P

What does the guild's name mean to you?
Nothing particular.. maybe the way wolfs act between each other..

Is there anyother guild you wish you could join?
Not really

Have you enjoyed your time in the guild?

How many guilds are you in total?

lol I see now... we don't change monster spawns to suit pkers who get owned by them, sorry.

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:25 am 

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What guild is your main char in? MoB

Who got you in or talked you into joining? Bm and Noxygen

When did you join? about a month ago

What is the main drive behind the guild? Killing yall

What does the guild's name mean to you? Kill as many as you can. show no mercy!

Is there anyother guild you wish you could join? 2 actually. Re-make Kort with its old memebers. and LoV ofcurse.

Have you enjoyed your time in the guild?Very,I enjoy killing restile and co

How many guilds are you in total? 2 MoB and Angels.

"Blessed be the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Seer Thassius

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:40 am 
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What guild is your main char in? LoV

Who got you in or talked you into joining? Drizzt and Nova But Atomisk was the leader

When did you join? A few month after I started playing

What is the main drive behind the guild? To respect each other and be there for each other when needed

What does the guild's name mean to you? A group of friends

Is there anyother guild you wish you could join? No not really

Have you enjoyed your time in the guild? Damn right I have. I could not ask for a better group of people!

How many guilds are you in total? two


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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:22 am 

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Is there anyother guild you wish you could join? No not really
Liar DD, you bug me everyday to let you in MoB.. I'm just scared Drizzt would hunt me down IRL and kill me if I took you :wink: :wink:

R.I.P Will A.K.A Affliction/Bush-Fire/Decayed-Stone - "Stoners live and stoners die. f*** it all, let's go get high"
You should either love me with a passion, or hate me to death..

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:33 pm 
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lol same goes for tommy joining lov.


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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 2:14 pm 

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:cry: :cry: :cry:

Tommeh's all mine :(

R.I.P Will A.K.A Affliction/Bush-Fire/Decayed-Stone - "Stoners live and stoners die. f*** it all, let's go get high"
You should either love me with a passion, or hate me to death..

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 2:27 pm 
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1. What guild is your main char in?

2. Who got you in or talked you into joining?

3. When did you join?

4. What is the main drive behind the guild?

5. What does the guild's name mean to you?

6. Is there anyother guild you wish you could join?

7. Have you enjoyed your time in the guild?

8. How many guilds are you in total?

1) LoV

2) Duck got me interested in the Guild, Drizz nominated me, everyone let me join (no other way to get in)

3) About 4, maybe 5, maybe 6 months ago (Time seams to be a bit screwed for me lately).

4) Help each other out, be there when they need you at all costs, and the good feeling knowing that they will do the same for you. Have fun!

5) Respect. Respect for other guild mates, respect for other players, and respect for the shard.

6) Omerta is dead now, but back in it's day it felt like the best guild ever.

7) Hell YES!

8 ) 2

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 3:47 pm 
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6) Omerta is dead now, but back in it's day it felt like the best guild ever.
It was :P
<3 Azi
lol same goes for tommy joining lov.
LOL I love Ashes to much to leave him....Altho if he don't stop puffing on the weed he might end up getting locked up!

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