Someone tell me if this works, and I'll make adjustments as needed
Just a reminder how to use UOAM:
Download UOAM from here:
Edit: during this set-up process you should have the "Track Player" option disabled under the 'UO" heading along the top toolbar.
Install the program. Run the program.
If this is the first time you have used UOAM with Obsidian, you'll most likely get a black screen. This is because UOAM uses the same map files as Obsidian. You have to tell UOAM where the Obsidian files are located. To do this, you must do the following:
Go to Map, and choose UO Client data files Location.
Next a box comes up asking for the location of the UO files. Make sure that there is NOT a check mark in the box that says "Have UOAM locate client data files for you". In the white field type the path that you installed Obsidian into. In my case (and many others) it will be C:/games/Obsidian.
Now you should be able to see the Obsidian world, so it's time to set UOAM up to track your player so the map moves with you. You must be logged into the game for this to work.
First type .where in the game and write down your coordinates.
Something important to take note of: UOAM uses Longitude and Latitude to track your player, and the coordinates that Obsidian gives you when you use the .where command are given in X, Y, Z format. You must convert the X, Y, Z information that the game gives you into longitude and latitude in order to calibrate UOAM. To do this (In UOAM) go to "Map" and choose "additional settings".
In the option box that comes up, make sure that the section under "corner objects" has a check mark next to "Curser Location" and that there is a check mark next to "Use Latitude and Longitude when displaying Coordinates".
Now you have to align UOAM to the same spot that you are standing in the game. To do this, go to "Places" in UOAM and choose "Go to Location".
Remember those coordinates you wrote down from using the .where command earlier? This is where they go. The first set of numbers is your X location, and they go in the X field. The second set of numbers is your Y Location and they go in the Y field. The third set of numbers is your Z location, and UOAM has no use for that, so you can just ignore it.
UOAM should now be showing the same place that you’re at in the game, and in the upper left corner of UOAM there should be the longitude and latitude coordinates of the exact spot your standing. All that's left to do is to Calibrate UOAM and plug in the final set of numbers.
To calibrate UOAM, go to "UO" and choose "Calibrate"
Select the region that your in (It will always be Britannia), transfer the numbers as shown below, hit OK and your finished with calibration!