Total skill cap and how to calculate it
Supposedly it's individual for each char, so You'll need to overcap at least
once (taking note of all the skills at the last safe %, and checking if You
reached it yet after each gain) to be able to determine it for Your char.
Once ppl will start checking theirs, maybe we can finally see how/if
different it is.
First of all, presumably some of the skills aren't influencing Your total skill
cap. Those
might include provocation, snooping, stealing, begging,
remove trap. I did testing with all skills zeroed except for the usable ones.
Now, any decimal point of a skill isn't counted towards total skill cap
(however it is added to the total number shown in skill list), except for
only 1 skill out of all. However 0.x skills seems not to be added at all. So
if You have 1 skill higher than 1% with say .1 in it, then count that .1 as a
whole point. If You have 2 or more high skills with decimals in it, then
again count them all as 1%. Even if You have .9 in all skills, that still
should amount only to 1%. Unless ofc there's some limit, I had decimal
points in 7 skills at most and they all counted as only 1%.
Then don't forget about vet bonus of 10% for each 6 months. It was
supposed to be capped at max of 20% bonus when it was 5% per 6
months, so dunno if max cap got increased with changing it to 10%. Must
say that all bonuses existed fine for chars I tested, at 5% and 10% alike.
A little bit about testing if You reached the cap yet. Easiest way is just to
open Your backpack, however a simple opening sometimes isn't enough.
What I found to work every time is when checking to open backpack
couple of times, then moving a bit, typing in .resend few times and
opening backpack couple times again. Do it after each gain when You
begin to near what You expect to be Your cap.
Finally few examples of how skills looked like at the last safe total %.
100 100
100 100
100 100
100 99.9
100 99.9
100 99.9+ (gain to overcap)
81.0+ (gain to overcap) 83.2
0.3 0.2
0.3 0.1
----- -----
681.8 - total number shown in skill list 683.2 | (gain to 100 made true
681.0 - true skill count (year old char) 681.0 | skill count reach 682.0)
So for human char I had a skill cap of 671, with 10% for being 1 year old
it was 681 (tested 686 after another 6 months). For race char my cap was
751 (771 with a year old bonus - was tested recently after BB upped it).
Would be nice to know what others find their skill cap to be. If anybody
finds relation with those unusable skills, please share that too.
Just would like to add that I have no idea about the actual inside counting
of skills and total cap. This is just the best I could come up with after
numerous tracked overcappings. If You find some other pattern or some
wrong assumption on my side, by all means post about it. Hopefully we'll
be able to figure it out eventually.