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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:09 pm 
I have to agree with Regiss. Thass, i know you little, but I do remember little things here and there that I interpreted as taking advantage of being staff.

I wont add to the flaming, but I highly respect Regiss, and I have yet to find a nicer, more helpful person in any online game that I have played.

Yeah of course Regiss has flaws.....hes human.....but he has NEVER turned down anyone for help. I have yet to see another player who shows as much dedication without being staff.

To me from what I've seen, there has been more neg. then positive things about thassius. This shows that there were problems that should have been addressed early on.

I will say this last thing....

THIS should not have gotten to the point where it effects the whole obsidian community. This is stupid and should have been addressed much earlier. To those newcommers, i hope this doesnt turn you away. I apologize on behalf of all of the community, we shouldnt be acting like this. I hope we can learn from this and prevent it from happening in the future. Instead of fueling the flames....maybe we should put them out and put our focus on the new staff and hope that their growth will bring a stronger player base and a more positive community for us to be a part of.

That is all......

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:51 pm 
To me from what I've seen, there has been more neg. then positive things about thassius. This shows that there were problems that should have been addressed early on.
I can't think of how many of the staff members have been treated like crap by the players, and have tolorated it, and some one finally broke... Thass, you tolerated enough, kudos on that...

BroadBand, from what I remember going on last year, you tolerated much more then enough, and never gave up on the community, kudos to you as well.

Vic, I remember their was stuff going on in real life and people were talking crap to you I think for not being on enough, and they went on and on with it, so kudos to you as well my friend.

They have tolerated much more then they should have to, you think it's just Thass that the players have been ridiculing? NO! Thats why I don't even need to know the FULL story behind this one, because it happens every time, you think because their GM's, that their not supposed to make mistakes, THEY TO ARE HUMANS! THEY ARE NOT ROBOTS!

This saddens me guys, grow up and learn to accecpt they make mistakes, accept the fact that you will get over it.

Last edited by spawn28 on Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:11 am 
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TF you on about spawn?

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:14 am 

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Well man me and you always been close I remember when you where in syndicate :P fun times alot of hunts at the blood elemental shrines with loki and geralt. I pretty much quit to I just get on to sit at the bank from time to time. Things just arent like they use to be back in the day there is no fun to obs ne more. Take care though man ill talk to u on msn and aim when I see you on. We always have fun talks about chicks :P later bro

BiteMe LoV One Man Army
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:22 am 
TF you on about spawn?
I'm pointing out all the staff members that I have actualy seen been flammed in the past, and alot to, to point out to these people that it's not just Thass that they are flamming because he did something, other staff members have been flammed as well, and it's starting to get on my nerves about some of this.

I think the staff needs to start cracking down on people who talk like the staff has never done anything for them and talk to them like a peice of dung that has made it's way from the bowl movements of a donkey.

If you don't see what I'm tring to point out, then please don't bother replying.

Oh, by the way, no flamming or insulting is rule # 2 if I'm correct, stop breaking rule #2 towards Thass, I hate seeing this going on!

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:25 am 
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Read regiss' post, he sums it up.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:30 am 
Read regiss' post, he sums it up.
I think you should read all my posts as well. Don't tell some one to read something when you haven't read theirs, I did end one of my posts with a comment towards him as I do remember.

How old are you?

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:47 am 
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Well, for those of you with many kind words you have my thanks - ill miss you! BiteMe its good to see u post and yes any of you who are my friends can hook me up on msn anytime.

For those people that I don't even know who seem to have very strong opinions of me then I really pity you, because your mentality will be a curse in life that I could never cure - so I won't try doing it on an ultima online shard.

As for my response to Regiss. Well, all I can say is that I was brought up as a gentleman in a country where if someone attacks you like that then you defend yourself, and rightly so. If some of you don't understand that over the pond then I don't really care.

Aimee I assure you I am 100% a man and (I don't care who likes you) you saying otherwise because of what I have written and joining in with this is ignorant and far from ladylike, seriously. I greatly respect (is it Urban you are related to?) but I don't consider it right for you to attack my manhood because their is certainly nothing wrong with that. I have nothing whatsoever against you personally, I just object to the way you just spoke to me and I don't see why you needed to get involved in this thread, at all.

While I appreciate regiss' contribution to the shard, anyone who considers this to be greater than my own is extremely ill-informed. I mean, to say that a few tables and posts in the help and support forum etc is more than hundreds of hours staffing the boards and game? That's just spiteful and insulting. I've helped more players, young and old, in my time here (not just as staff) than most of you could ever imagine - and I enjoyed every minute of that part:

As for me apparently 'engaging in flame wars' I don't consider these kinds of statements to be anywhere close to true, certainly not since I learned from my mistakes some time ago. I hope anyone who reads this can see that what I have posted in this thread is largely defensive, and constructed in a mature and honorable way. 'Flames' are for children, in the playground. Regiss' post was a flame, and thus even my opinion of him (which used to be quite high) diminished greatly when I read it.

Again, to those of you who actually know me enough to form an opinion I respect and will miss you. For the large amount of hear'say from players that want to jump on some sick band wagon and attack me while I'm down, you are pathetic and it is the knowledge I am leaving you behind that makes this easier. As for bannings that a lot of people are clamouring for, I truly hope this will happen to remove the bad apples from the game I used to love.

PS To the clown who questioned me still posting on the forums I have run for 18 months - stfu.

To the moderator team that have helped me and I now hand the gauntlet to - good luck. I will be keeping an eye so if you need me then just send a PM.

GM Thassius

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

Last edited by Thassius on Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:26 am, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:13 am 
well this is sad , good bye Thass

P.S. after read all the post the only REALLY GOOD STUFF i found was this
and someone takes the stance of banning all the bad apples that have taken root on the shard.

As for bannings that a lot of people are clamouring for, I truly hope this will happen to remove the bad apples from the game I used to love.
why ? because is TRUE

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:25 am 
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If some of you don't understand that over the pond then I don't really care.
As for me apparently 'engaging in flame wars' I don't consider these kinds of statements to be anywhere close to true, certainly not since I learned from my mistakes some time ago. I hope anyone who reads this can see that what I have posted is largely defensive, and constructed in a mature and honorable way. 'Flames' are for children, in the playgrund, Regiss' post was a flame, and thus even my opinion of him (which used to be quite high) diminished greatly when I read it.
Here I see 2 flames. The first completely uncalled for, as I had done shit all to you in IRC. You're going to attack me because of Ashes and LegendProdigy ripping into you (and later Mannanan, one of the nicest players here), and you have to post this shit? Bullshit, that's a flame.

The second is implying that those "across the pond" as you put it are of a lower class and/or inferior to you. Again, bullshit, that's a flame.

The first is an outright flame, the second being some sort of attempt at
trolling, intentional or not I don't know nor care.

Everytime I see you enter IRC (rarely) I see you make the same type of comments over and over. Whether it be making a "your mom is a whore LOL" joke or talking about how you've just f***** your girlfriend an hour and a half, I'm fairly certain most people don't care. We've definitely heard our share of your comments like that, too.

I certainly don't appreciate your accusations to me or others when they are damn near entirely false (your accusations). You wonder why there's a backlash from all these "bad apples"? Maybe they've pent up their anger towards you and are just now having the balls to release it (myself included).

Originally you started off as a good guy/decent staff member, but as time wore on your ego got more and more inflated. It got to the point where you wanted to be more of a player with staff status as I saw you on Thomas w/e tf and rarely on Thassius. Even when you were on your seer you were often AFK. Then you disappeared because of real life issues, understandable. For 8 months? I saw people move to different states and be back to the community within the week. Shit, a few weeks ago you asked how to show "seer" in front of your name because you'd forgotten .privshow. C'mon, I quit nearly 2 months ago (I don't see a lame pity post from me, nor from other good people of the community who've quit) and I even I remembered a command I rarely used.

Your entire persona of being "tongue in cheek" is you trying to justify being a jerk to people. I've seen you break rules that you hammered other players for (remember your little drunk posting spree?) and try to justify it because it's "just a little fun". Horse shit, follow your own standards that you set on everyone else. I've honestly watched you belittle new players in Cove (as have other staff members) and you laugh it off. They're brand f***** new and you're making fun of them for being "noobs". Get over yourself.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:33 am 
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To be honest i have had nothjing but help of Thass, and i'll never say a bad word about him, theres only one comment i'll reply to, which is about his inactivity.

He's from the UK, and i see him on as staff more than anyone else, the timezones make it hard im sure, hence the reason why to get help, i used to stay up till 6am UK time to have a chance of playing in an event, since thass was made staff i havent had to do that.

Props to you thass, i love ya.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:37 am 
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Theres only a few things I need to answer to in there.

The first is the accusation that I implied those across the pond are inferior. WTF? Dude I was referring to the cultural gap between diffferent countries. I have every right to defend myself. I wasn't being racist. Still, lol at this accusation.

As for IRC, I've recieved abuse since stepping foot in there for a long time now from a select few players so don't talk rubbish about me throwing the first stone. And don't try and make out that these 'bad apples' are representative of the whole playerbase, because they arent, im just tired of them.

I didn't post for pity, I posted to convey a message to those that matter to me.

The accusation about me belittling noobs in cove, thats just ridiculous and obviously lies or taken out of context. I've spent alot of time helping in cove.

I don't make false accusations against others, including you. Anything I have said has been fact.

And you questioning my level of activity? Yes I had commitments in rl but lol, I've done alot more than you ingame since I joined. Forgetting one command where I typed .showpriv instead of .privshow? lol to that too.

I still don't think you should be staff.

> And thanks to Barney, I respected him ever since I was a noob, and that doesnt mean I forget that as a GM.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:46 am 
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I was staff long before you even showed up here (Remember the days of 100+ people? I was there as staff helping people). I know a lot of players who don't feel you should be staff. And I guess you can't read very well as I said I quit 2 months ago (and was asked to come back). My ingame persona and IRC persona are entirely different. IRC is where I go to vent and bitch, I don't pull that shit in game. You don't "recieve rubbish", you start making stupid comments no one cares about and get pissy when not everyone says "loL!" in unison. Seriously, you come in there thinking you're a hardass and people get tired of your comments.

Also, stop editing your posts to buff them up. I saw you change "one year" maintaining forums to "18 months". What, one year wasn't enough? Had to bump it up 6 more months?

You also still drop your authority at every chance you get. I AM THASSIUS, ADMIN OF FORUM AND HEAD SEER. NOW I AM GM. HO HOHO HO. I R0X0R. zzZzzzZ. We get the point. You were appointed as staff/admin of forum. Seriously, we got it...

You now say you think I should never have been staff only because you're pissed, otherwise I'm sure you would have asserted your authority and notified me of my mistakes.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:02 am 
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I edited my post as a correction, nothing more, and no I don't think you should be staff largely because of your attitude. I don't remember dropping any authority of late, either. I think we've said all we need to say to each other, to be honest. I think we can agree to disagree, and leave it at that Zaph. Take care.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:13 am 
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Get over yourself.
ha ha ha

Spawn you should feel lucky that your part of the "minority" that actually has positive to say, however theres only so much ass you can kiss.

Thassius was an alright, even tho hes quite a bit cocky. But making him staff just blew it up even more, because of all that power. And the time I went back to irc, I had the noob23124 nick, asked nicely about how to go about getting a good download of obs. Not my pms self. Thass was talking about himself, didnt give any time to reply. then when thass was done talking about himself, a newer player had told me to keep trying. That was maybe sayyy a month ago.

TBH, I have no idea why thass was made GM, and by who, nor did i care. But theres always been a lot of fishy shit going around. Maybe there should be votes. I personally think if anyones gonna be made staff, counselor seer w.e NO PLAYER ACCOUNT. But hey, thats just me.

The thing i thought was the most interesting recently was the, i dont know if any of you have noticed the chairs on top of brit bank? I think it goes

Blinkers - Cybervic - BB - Thass - Echo

Now I could have sworn hydro was a gm, maybe he didnt want a chair. Who knows. What happened to the other staff? And for the longest time there were "mods" on this forum and most of them never logged in, one was on leave for months. Maybe it was when thass himself was away, i duno. I like talking.

Oh and i dont think aimee was purposfully calling you a pussy thass, I think she was saying something along the lines of dont be sucha baby.

OH and the ONLY reason CV is backing him up? Because when is he here himself? He's just oblivious, and the first thing he see's is flames.


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