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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:07 am 
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Reading some of the comments on news websites it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people can be, whining about more gun laws and wanting a gun ban. CRIMINALS WILL ALWAYS HAVE GUNS, IDIOT. If a few responsible adults with carry permits had been allowed onto the campus, the death toll would be much, much lower. It may seem not to be the case in other countries where you can see people get shot on TV but can't see bare boobies, but here in America... the society is different. Take Washington DC. All handguns are banned as it is not technically a state, it is a district and therefore not protected by the constitution. Which area in the US is one of the WORST for violent gun crimes? Washington DC.

@MrBlack82: Don't get me started on my paranoia of my nations lying and deteriorating space program. Heh-heh.

Looks like this event was either bungled a bit by law enforcement in the beginning, or something odd is going on. Because today, there's a pic up of the killer who is said to have shot himself.


So.... who's this guy who had his picture in the news yesterday as a suspect being arrested as they continued to look for another one? Whups!


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:55 am 
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From what i heard his girlfriend dumped him, where i come from when that happens you go out, get drunk and get laid, not go shoot a bunch of ppl. Things are only going to get worse and it doesn't matter what country you live in. It's the same everywhere. There is no discipline anymore. When i was in elementary school when we screwed up we got the strap. Now teachers are losing their jobs for yelling at kids. And then I'm going to have some dickhead tell me that spanking my kids is abuse. The answer is simple withouot discipline people do not learn responsibility for there actions. This is why things are spiraling out of control.
Amen to that... I'm sure that I can vouch for everyone here that at some point in time, we got our brain dusted by a thump to the back of the head or several swats on the ass for doing something we weren't supposed to. The end result is that, at least for me, we learned that "hmmm, maybe doing that wasnt such a good idea if thats what happens when I do that :?" Nowadays, all parents can do is put their kids in "time out", where they get to sit in a corner or their room and "think about what they did"... do you really think the little buggers are thinking about mending their ways? Hell no, they're consipiring to do it better so they dont get caught. It's horrible how things have spiralled so far into a beuracratic pool of BS that you can't even discipline your children the way your parents disciplined you without having CPS come out and haul you off to jail and sending your kids to a foster home... :x

Hating geeks is totally pointless because everyone depends on geeks -- you might as well hate air...

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:07 pm 
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Everyone is going to do some stupid shit in their lifetime that's part of growing up. I was probably worse than alot of people. I've done some time in juvenile and adult jails. But for stupid shit. There wasalways a line there that i would never cross because i knew that the punishment was too severe. Even when i was getting into trouble i was always weighing the pros and the cons. I just neglected to weigh the biggest con which is having a criminal record for the next 7 years.(In Canada you can get it cleared after 7 years provided you haven't been convicted of any other offence in that time.)

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:39 pm 
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Looks like this event was either bungled a bit by law enforcement in the beginning, or something odd is going on. Because today, there's a pic up of the killer who is said to have shot himself.


So.... who's this guy who had his picture in the news yesterday as a suspect being arrested as they continued to look for another one? Whups!


That, my dear friend, was a reporter. And the cops are in VERY deep trouble for that.

Ano hi chikatta makenai koto.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:24 pm 

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dude that shot the people was south korean on a school visa who lived here for 14 years and hated the country.... i have said it before and ill say it agian close the f***** borders we dont need any outsiders here no more

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:59 pm 
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lol dude guess your parents where natives :) Living there for 14 years, surely you spend that much time in a different country you'd kinda become naturalised. At his age he probably knew that life better than he did his life previously in south korea. But imo you allow unstable people ease of access to weapons then sh*t is gunna happen no matter where in the world you are :?

Still a big tragedy, and disappointing that people dont learn from history - even recent history. One of the biggest shames of all...probably that he didnt just top himself rather than take the lives of those who were trying to better themselves :/

And the last and probably worst thing is, this is gunna happen again somewhere :( :?


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:02 am 
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Reading some of the comments on news websites it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people can be, whining about more gun laws and wanting a gun ban. CRIMINALS WILL ALWAYS HAVE GUNS, IDIOT. If a few responsible adults with carry permits had been allowed onto the campus, the death toll would be much, much lower. It may seem not to be the case in other countries where you can see people get shot on TV but can't see bare boobies, but here in America... the society is different. Take Washington DC. All handguns are banned as it is not technically a state, it is a district and therefore not protected by the constitution. Which area in the US is one of the WORST for violent gun crimes? Washington DC.
Canada is a perfect example of how to waste huge amounts of tax dollars to punish law abiding gun owners and not even make the slightest dent in the crimes involving fire arms. 2 billion dollars for this "gun registry" that did nothing but make it harder for a law abiding citizen to buy a gun for sport. Yet some guy who wants to shoot up some place can get one downtown in 2 mins. The bottomline is you can kill someone with a pair of scissors or even a paper clip. What you need is stiffer penalties for people who break the law not more laws and regulations that serve no purpose. Look at the crime rate in Texas. It is lower than any other state in the U.S. Why? Because they also have the highest exacution rate in the U.S.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:51 pm 

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Canada is a perfect example of how to waste huge amounts of tax dollars to punish law abiding gun owners and not even make the slightest dent in the crimes involving fire arms. 2 billion dollars for this "gun registry" that did nothing but make it harder for a law abiding citizen to buy a gun for sport. Yet some guy who wants to shoot up some place can get one downtown in 2 mins. The bottomline is you can kill someone with a pair of scissors or even a paper clip. What you need is stiffer penalties for people who break the law not more laws and regulations that serve no purpose. Look at the crime rate in Texas. It is lower than any other state in the U.S. Why? Because they also have the highest exacution rate in the U.S.
way i figure it only good punishment is public tourture not executing the person think about it... you know that if you commit a crime your going to get tortured for a few hours before the pain gets so great you pass out and then when you wake up agian you get more it will make you think twice before committing the crime in the first place.

as to what tax said in order to obtain a student visa dont you atleast have to be like 15 or 16 i dont know those laws to much but nnyeh either way his class mates said he was crazy and the only thing really that is checked for buying a gun legally really is if your a convicted fellon either way i still say he shouldnt have been let into the country.... no new people country is full

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:53 pm 
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idk most people who commit crimes dont care about the punishment they care about revenge or the satisfaction of an urge they have. some times that urge is to kill people sometimes its to yell profanity we aren't perfect creatures. but ppl who kill other ppl should be killed the same way that their victims were.

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Dedo Serenity
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:22 pm 
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i am sorry for the families of the victims and as for the killer well he is answering for his sins for eternity now so god bless us all and forgive us for our sins and i pray that we wont end up in the same place he went if we walk with god in our lives we wont have to worry about it.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:59 pm 
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idk most people who commit crimes dont care about the punishment they care about revenge or the satisfaction of an urge they have. some times that urge is to kill people sometimes its to yell profanity we aren't perfect creatures. but ppl who kill other ppl should be killed the same way that their victims were.
No wonder in most jails now they have the internet in their cells Satelite or cable T.V. just imagine being fed 3 meals a day having all the comforts of home and never having to go to work for it, gee what punishment. I'm sure if they new they would be tortured atleast half of them would think abou the punishment.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:05 pm 
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yes im sure some of them would. but your run of the mill mass murderer? :/ idk. I think we should stop taking people in on minor drug charges, they are more of a problem of society in jail (taxes) than they are on the streets imo. Use the money to educate kids about drugs instead and let them have the option to think for themselves. I for one don't really wanna feed a bunch of dealers and drug addicts yet i have to by paying my taxes :?

[email protected]

Dedo Serenity
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:54 pm 

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yes im sure some of them would. but your run of the mill mass murderer? :/ idk. I think we should stop taking people in on minor drug charges, they are more of a problem of society in jail (taxes) than they are on the streets imo. Use the money to educate kids about drugs instead and let them have the option to think for themselves. I for one don't really wanna feed a bunch of dealers and drug addicts yet i have to by paying my taxes :?
torture is the only option.... drug dealers are the reason many street crimes are committed some crackhead junky needs a fix and has no job he gonna steal some shit torture him to. there should be 1 punishment for all crimes torture i guarentee that more people than not would think before they did something. for instance the traffic light is turning yellow if you knew that youd be tortured for running that yellow light do you think youd run it? chew on that for awhile

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:03 pm 

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@Dedo: I agree, we're wasting... well, figures are hard to come by, but one site claims the US spends a billion dollars a year keeping nickel and dime pot offenders off the streets. That's. f******. Crazy. And I agree with your idea to reinvest the money into better education.

@blob: While I can see where you're coming from, we can't torture people, in public or private. Either we kill them (in a humane way, which f****** baffles me. I thought we were putting them to death for a reason, didn't they cause suffering too?), or we keep 'em in jail forever (which will cost even more money). And while there are countless studies for and against capital punishment's affect on seriously wicked crimes, it's the system we've got, and I doubt we'll see it disappear in our lifetime.

As for the rest of this, it's taken a shameless turn. I understand that "America" and "The World" want to understand this guy, but this is exactly what he wanted. He's getting national media attention, his thoughts are being heard, and his message is out there. Even if it's bookended by talking heads calling him a lunatic, we're still left with the imagery. Box it up and throw it in the closet for a few weeks, after the initial shock has died down, then feel free to show the videos (Corporate stooge: "But the ratings!") I wouldn't want to see that fucktard's face on every news station after he killed my brother/sister/friend/etc, saying "everyone had a hundred million chances to stop it." He was withdrawn and introverted, never went to counseling, and was a. f******. Lunatic.

But still, we hear him.

f****** backwards ass media.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:09 pm 

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@Dedo: I agree, we're wasting... well, figures are hard to come by, but one site claims the US spends a billion dollars a year keeping nickel and dime pot offenders off the streets. That's. f******. Crazy. And I agree with your idea to reinvest the money into better education.

@blob: While I can see where you're coming from, we can't torture people, in public or private. Either we kill them (in a humane way, which f****** baffles me. I thought we were putting them to death for a reason, didn't they cause suffering too?), or we keep 'em in jail forever (which will cost even more money). And while there are countless studies for and against capital punishment's affect on seriously wicked crimes, it's the system we've got, and I doubt we'll see it disappear in our lifetime.

As for the rest of this, it's taken a shameless turn. I understand that "America" and "The World" want to understand this guy, but this is exactly what he wanted. He's getting national media attention, his thoughts are being heard, and his message is out there. Even if it's bookended by talking heads calling him a lunatic, we're still left with the imagery. Box it up and throw it in the closet for a few weeks, after the initial shock has died down, then feel free to show the videos (Corporate stooge: "But the ratings!") I wouldn't want to see that fucktard's face on every news station after he killed my brother/sister/friend/etc, saying "everyone had a hundred million chances to stop it." He was withdrawn and introverted, never went to counseling, and was a. f******. Lunatic.

But still, we hear him.

f****** backwards ass media.


we can so torture everyone..... let me do it ask anyone im a f***** up person when you get down to it... but really what im doing is stating with the example of one super extreme is that if you make the punishments super harsh and for hanus crimes the person should be tortured.... less severe crimes still torture but instead of bodily harm make them watch The Veiw or some shit... for like a year.... or or or i know make them clean out star jone's skin folds.... hell that might be worse than getting physically hurt imo....

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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