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 Post subject: the sky is falling
PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:24 pm 

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thats what liberal america thinks OooOOOOoooo the sky is falling lets drive electric cars, lets start using wind and solar power because fossil fuels palute the planet to much.

interesting fact. - cows polute just about as much as us.

interesting fact. - global warming has been going on since the last little ice age.... its a good thing.

interesting fact. - the cold kills more than the heat does.

interesting fact. - most of you are to stupid to go and find out interesting facts like these which debunk 99.9% of everything you liberals believe.

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:59 pm 
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yarrrrrr! i agrees :)

meh, decided this was better off as *moooo0* :lol:


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:43 am 
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Dont worry we are all already dead anyway.

And if you think cows produce as much pollution as humans your dumber than i thought because of your IRAQ statement alone. Too bad the 50% of people in this country who are sheep arent listening to "new" convervative nonsense anymore huh. And how about we let scientists handle the theories shall we..

Should We Have a Cow Over Cow Pollution?
By Katrina C. Arabe

Factory dairies have a beef with an air district in California which claims that dairy cows, not cars, are the biggest single source of smog-forming gases. Time to clear the air:

Over the last six years, California's San Joaquin Valley has held the dubious distinction of being home to the smoggiest air in the country, reports this LA Times article.

Now, government officials have identified one of the biggest culprits: dairy cows. Officials contend that gases from the valley's 2.5 million bovines, not cars or trucks or pesticides, are the region's biggest single source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), a key smog-forming pollutant. In a controversial new report, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District claims that the typical cow releases 50% more VOCs than currently thought. The yearly VOC emission of an average dairy cow is 19.3 lbs., estimates the air district. VOCs react with other pollutants to form ground-level ozone, or smog, reports this story.

And this estimate (also called emission factor) has serious implications for the region's booming dairy industry. Up to 250 more dairies will have to apply for permits with the air pollution control district. And dairies that are able to obtain permits will also have to comply with regulations slated to be announced next summer.

To satisfy the region's planned air-quality regulations, the dairy industry will have to spend millions of dollars in pricey pollution-control technology in feedlots and waste lagoons, and may even have to look into modifying animals' diets, reports this news story.

While, it's important to note that cars do emit many major pollutants that cows do not, and they are responsible for more smog-forming emissions overall, the VOC emission of cows is a contentious issue in the San Joaquin air basin because of its huge bovine population (roughly one of every five dairy cows in the country resides there). Also, government officials estimate that the number of cows in the valley will increase from 2.5 million to about 2.9 million over the next several years.

Many are taking issue with the new cow emission factor. Industry officials contend that the estimate has little scientific basis. Additionally, five members of Congress and 12 state legislators have urged the district to reassess their findings, calling the new emission factor ridiculously overblown. Also, the scientist whose research helped the air district reach that number is critical of the figure.

"If you closed all the dairies in California tomorrow, you would not see much of an impact on ozone formation," remarked the scientist, Frank Mitloehner of UC Davis, who was employed by air-quality regulators to examine cow emissions and now claims his findings were misinterpreted, according to this news item.

Meanwhile, air-quality officials are standing by their estimate, saying that it's based on the best available research and is actually on the conservative side.

Environmentalists also agree that the number is too low, pointing out that it doesn't take into account the compounds released by manure used as fertilizer, feed storage and other dairy processes. Some community groups have also weighed in, calling the estimate too modest.

While studying cow emissions has been ridiculed by some as "fart science" (although most gas actually emanates from the front end of the cow), this matter is no joke in a region where many children suffer from asthma and officials issue smog warnings on sweltering days. "This is not some arcane dispute about cow gases," says Brent Newell, an attorney for the Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment, to the LA Times. "We are talking about a public health crisis. It's not funny to joke about cow burps and farts when one in six children in Fresno schools is carrying an inhaler."

Others agree about the urgency of the matter. "We need immediate regulation now. We know the pollutants are coming off these dairies," says Tom Frantz, a native of Shafter, Calif., who leads a group called the Assn. of Irritated Residents. He says that he started suffering from asthma when factory dairy farms moved into the region. "Ag hasn't been regulated in the past, but times are changing. Our lungs will not become an agricultural subsidy."

By the way this is only even a problem AT ALL for a Very Small Area where there are about 10 cows to each person.. Wow how will us liberals fight off the "Assn. of Irritated Residents!" HAhahahahh..

You ready for the icecaps to melt? Releasing the BIllions of tons of methane trapped beneath the cool seas? Yeah then we all just die..

Sorry but this would not be happening like this if humans hadnt thrown all the sh*t we have into the atmosphere.

I recommend you start to search your soul blob before it is too late and you become totally engrossed in conservative talking points.

Trust me the republicans arent going to be around forever. The world as a whole is getting smarter by the day. And your side keeps getting more extreme to try to maintain support.

It's Over Johnny.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:03 am 
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Oh and since the other thread was locked i couldnt respond to bruiser which i feel i must since his statements were soo inacurate.

blob wrote: not to flame or anything at all but stoping another one is a major reason we are in iraq right now. just thought id put that out there
Dracula Wrote: This has got to be one of the most retarded things anyones ever written on these forums. I believe this one post deserves its own thread in the moronic hall of fame.. Im not even gonna start going into why its stupid. I will say this. There are 3 countries capable of that kind of mass genocide anymore. The USA, China, and Russia. And also there are "small" holocausts going on all over the world right now and we do absolutely nothing to help in most cases. Why? Half of IT Is Because We Are Retardedly In IRAQ.
Bruiser wrote: Any nation that has more than one creed within its borders is capable of a holocaustic event. Not just the USA, China and Russia as you seem to believe. The holocaust was the extermination of a people. That can happen anywhere, plz wake up.
Bruiser.. I said "Mass" genocide.. So saying "any nation is capable of holocuastic event" to argue my point makes no sense.

IRAQ would never "in our time" have been able to even attack its neighbors let alone do anything on the scale of hitler. People compare the nazis to things which dont deserve it. And it is really annoying.

I left out britain which also could in theory mass execute 6 million people of a single race and try to take over the entire world but they would never do it. Russia really isnt even capable of it but i would bet are more than willing. The USA has started this kinda shit already in IRAQ and hopefully doesnt keep moving throughout the entire world. China they have both the ability and the will to kill all of us so.

The point is people, IRAQ is oh about 10 million times worse now than it was. There is much more of a chance of a mass genocide happening there now then there was when we went in. So the arguement is just NOT there.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:08 am 
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Katrina C. Arabe....

what the hell drac? you believe what an arab says?


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:38 am 
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In any case i don't trust anyone based on where they are from.
America isnt one to talk. Name me any country that is..
Mankind is simply "all f*ck*d up". A whole lot More and in many times greater numbers than most of them will ever realize. And i dont mean your basic being f*ck*d upedness either. Some people will get what im talking about.

Alot of people are waking up though i believe.

For one i have as much respect and faith in a voodoo priest as i do in the Roman Catholic Church.
And you can take that and bank it..


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:23 pm 

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Those are interesting facts, blob. I've heard them before, but would you mind citing your sources?

That way I could read about them and be totally sure you weren't just intentionally trying to start a flame war. 8)

PS:plz cite? kthx :lol:

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:26 pm 
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Katrina C. Arabe....

what the hell drac? you believe what an arab says?
so much for all loving god right? Does it make you feel better loving someone with so much hate in them?

and Blob whats wrong with alt energy source? they are cheaper isn't that what America is all about getting what you want for as little out of pocket as you can? Anyone with a diesel can use bio diesel i believe is much better all around and plus you smell like French fries rather than dead dinos. I don't see the big prob with thinking of other fuels. electric cars takes it a bit far but honestly im pretty damn liberal and i still dont toot that horn so dont lump us in a group please sir

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:23 am 
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Katrina C. Arabe....

what the hell drac? you believe what an arab says?
so much for all loving god right? Does it make you feel better loving someone with so much hate in them?

and Blob whats wrong with alt energy source? they are cheaper isn't that what America is all about getting what you want for as little out of pocket as you can? Anyone with a diesel can use bio diesel i believe is much better all around and plus you smell like French fries rather than dead dinos. I don't see the big prob with thinking of other fuels. electric cars takes it a bit far but honestly im pretty damn liberal and i still dont toot that horn so dont lump us in a group please sir

Hitler used to run his tanks on cooking oil. There also of an old school bus that recently went across canada running on the old frier grease donated from Mc Donalds. I think alternative fuel sources are the answer if for nothing else to give oil companies some competition so they can stop charging w/e the hell they want to. In case noone noticed these companies never even take a loss. A tanker runs aground and they loose X number of dollars, the price goes up an the money they lost is made up in no time. No other business can do that on that large of scale and only because any other business have competitors

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:33 am 

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interesting fact: This thread will soon be closed.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:08 am 
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Its not so much a problem of finding alternative fuels, but rather the lack of being able to suffeciently produce enough of the fuels to feed this gas-guzzling country and world that we live in, which in turn jacks up the price. Biodiesel would be a good thing, but as it stands, it depends on what substance is used as the base to create it for what kind of performance comes out of it. I know that sounds like a stupid arguement, but, in truth, thats a big deciding factor for people. Another alternative fuel is alcohol (ethanol or methanol) and that is actually starting to make it through production in the form of "E85", so we'll see how that goes. Hydrogen, while it is a fantastic idea as its only byproduct is water, likely will take way too long to really get off the ground because of the fact that it would take eons to refit all the gas stations in the world to supply it. Also, the engineering it takes to design one hydrogen-powered car is insane, with the amount of components that need to be used increasing price again...

While we look to developing ways to mass produce alternative fuels, we should also be looking at the fact that there are literally hundreds of technological achievements in the automotive industry that would greatly improve the effeciency of today's gas-powered vehicles... <- MIT's Technology Review Magazine article on automotive technology developments

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:17 am 
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i was making a joke cause her last name is arabe. i have no idea what race she is.

theres a difference between hate and sarcasm dedo, i hope when you become a grown woman somehow something wakes you up, i know it will be hard because you are so smart, you will always find ways to deny christ, but i can assure you that someday you will stand face to face with him, and i hope for your sake by then you have gotten to know him better. you dont have to be perfect to know god, since no one but god is perfect, thats the reason we need him.

and drac i agree that the world is messed up, it is because satan is always present, my man, always working against us, getting in our heads and trying to make us forget about christ, we have to constantly hold on to our faith especially when times are bad, satan loves to prey on people when they are down and out, make them give up hope, but you have to stay strong and remember that god is there for you always no matter what, all you have to do is ask him to stay with you in your heart and walk with him through your life.

when you are totally owned by life and dont know what to do, ask him to help, he will never turn his back on you even when you thik he did, he has a plan for every little thing.

and if we accept him as our savior we will someday see that plan and it will all make sense and be so perfect, something you will never see any other way except by living with christ, true perfection.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:25 am 

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it is because satan is always present
that sounded so metal!! \oo/

wanted to add that, this global warming phenomena isnt all human fault, as blob said. But we help speeding it up, aaaand according to some knowing man about the subject (which i dont remember name on) its to late to do much about it. it takes years for all the gases we release to reach atmosphere so damage is allready done for years ahead. but if we are here in 10 years from now then i guess now would be the time to think about then.. :)

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:34 am 
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i read somewhere that we had like i dunno 75 years of fossil fuels left and if everyone consumed oil like america we would be out of oil in 50 years or something.

i also read that they can now make oil out of poop. some university is doing it they are making crude oil out of pig poop they say its exactly the same and it said it smells like coffee grounds or something once the process is done i dunno just something i read in the paper a few months ago .

but if its true i dont see why they dont just tap into the sewers and use our poop to supply everyone with oil, ill trade my poop for free gasoline i dunno about you guys.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:54 am 

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another freightening thing. the earth had have an ice age every 11500 years about. and they last almost as long each time.. this has going once since maaany millions years way back, guess what. its about 11500 year since last ice age :shock: could very well happen in our lifetime what ive read :?

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