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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:27 pm 
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well ambient that is if you believe that the world is millions of years old which a lot of ppl don't believe. we once had a rightist Christian fellow come to an anthropology meeting where a proper cleaning technique was being demonstrated on a dino bone. the fellow stood up and shouted " i knew you guys made them!" and ran out of the building.

I don't need to deny christ Drizzit cause I really don't care. I was a very devout christian for most of my life then i actually read the bible and realized that whats in the bible and what my preacher were saying were very different things. that was all the eye opener i needed to go look for tangible love not from some fictional person. I love a good story as much as anyone and the bible is one of the best stories there is. I just don't believe its fact. and in the end if I'm wrong I'd much rather go to hell and hang out with Socrates rather than go to heaven and hang out with a bunch of pedifile priests.

[email protected]

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:25 pm 

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Folks, get real: No one knows how much oil we have left. They're still discovering new reserves. If China and India keep expanding at the rate they have been, that hazy bottom line of how much oil we have left will change yearly. All I can say for sure about oil running out is, when I started driving, gas was 96 cents a gallon. I just paid 2.99 a gallon for gas, today. That's where it's hitting me, I don't know about you. And just so you're aware, neo-cons, it's this Administration that prevents us from getting any oil from oil-up-to-our-eyeballs Venezuela (blame Hugo Chavez all you want, he's still pissed that the CIA tried to ice him, and rightfully so).

Are you aware Brazil is energy independent? They're using ethanol made from sugarcane. Let me point you back to the start of this paragraph: Brazil is energy independent. As far as rich/powerful nations go, America is top 5, and Brazil is top 10, but they beat us to energy independence? They started converting to ethanol back in 1975, right after the first gas shortage....

...America didn't. belgarion mentioned that Oil companies profits are always in the black, and there's an excellent reason for that. Check out the oil lobbies and the Dubai connection to our nation's capital. There's a reason we aren't using ethanol yet. As my grandfather used to say, "Follow the money".

And before I get flamed for the "But there's gasoline in ethanol" crap, you're right, but we'd be using far far less than we are now, and even that would be cheaper if we didn't try to kill Chavez.

Just sayin'.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:58 pm 

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yea sorry for what i said at that anthropology meeting then running away like that. i had a bad day :lol:
jokes aside... yea, the christians have been against alot of things over the centuries, but they always end up admitting they have wrong after some time. usually some heads have been rolled before that to...
(sorry all christians here, but that part is true)
how much would ethanol cost a litre or what measure you use compared to usual gas on a gas station?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:16 pm 

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Dont worry we are all already dead anyway.

And if you think cows produce as much pollution as humans your dumber than i thought because of your IRAQ statement alone. Too bad the 50% of people in this country who are sheep arent listening to "new" convervative nonsense anymore huh. And how about we let scientists handle the theories shall we..

Should We Have a Cow Over Cow Pollution?
By Katrina C. Arabe

Factory dairies have a beef with an air district in California which claims that dairy cows, not cars, are the biggest single source of smog-forming gases. Time to clear the air:

Over the last six years, California's San Joaquin Valley has held the dubious distinction of being home to the smoggiest air in the country, reports this LA Times article.

Now, government officials have identified one of the biggest culprits: dairy cows. Officials contend that gases from the valley's 2.5 million bovines, not cars or trucks or pesticides, are the region's biggest single source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), a key smog-forming pollutant. In a controversial new report, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District claims that the typical cow releases 50% more VOCs than currently thought. The yearly VOC emission of an average dairy cow is 19.3 lbs., estimates the air district. VOCs react with other pollutants to form ground-level ozone, or smog, reports this story.

And this estimate (also called emission factor) has serious implications for the region's booming dairy industry. Up to 250 more dairies will have to apply for permits with the air pollution control district. And dairies that are able to obtain permits will also have to comply with regulations slated to be announced next summer.

To satisfy the region's planned air-quality regulations, the dairy industry will have to spend millions of dollars in pricey pollution-control technology in feedlots and waste lagoons, and may even have to look into modifying animals' diets, reports this news story.

While, it's important to note that cars do emit many major pollutants that cows do not, and they are responsible for more smog-forming emissions overall, the VOC emission of cows is a contentious issue in the San Joaquin air basin because of its huge bovine population (roughly one of every five dairy cows in the country resides there). Also, government officials estimate that the number of cows in the valley will increase from 2.5 million to about 2.9 million over the next several years.

Many are taking issue with the new cow emission factor. Industry officials contend that the estimate has little scientific basis. Additionally, five members of Congress and 12 state legislators have urged the district to reassess their findings, calling the new emission factor ridiculously overblown. Also, the scientist whose research helped the air district reach that number is critical of the figure.

"If you closed all the dairies in California tomorrow, you would not see much of an impact on ozone formation," remarked the scientist, Frank Mitloehner of UC Davis, who was employed by air-quality regulators to examine cow emissions and now claims his findings were misinterpreted, according to this news item.

Meanwhile, air-quality officials are standing by their estimate, saying that it's based on the best available research and is actually on the conservative side.

Environmentalists also agree that the number is too low, pointing out that it doesn't take into account the compounds released by manure used as fertilizer, feed storage and other dairy processes. Some community groups have also weighed in, calling the estimate too modest.

While studying cow emissions has been ridiculed by some as "fart science" (although most gas actually emanates from the front end of the cow), this matter is no joke in a region where many children suffer from asthma and officials issue smog warnings on sweltering days. "This is not some arcane dispute about cow gases," says Brent Newell, an attorney for the Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment, to the LA Times. "We are talking about a public health crisis. It's not funny to joke about cow burps and farts when one in six children in Fresno schools is carrying an inhaler."

Others agree about the urgency of the matter. "We need immediate regulation now. We know the pollutants are coming off these dairies," says Tom Frantz, a native of Shafter, Calif., who leads a group called the Assn. of Irritated Residents. He says that he started suffering from asthma when factory dairy farms moved into the region. "Ag hasn't been regulated in the past, but times are changing. Our lungs will not become an agricultural subsidy."

By the way this is only even a problem AT ALL for a Very Small Area where there are about 10 cows to each person.. Wow how will us liberals fight off the "Assn. of Irritated Residents!" HAhahahahh..

You ready for the icecaps to melt? Releasing the BIllions of tons of methane trapped beneath the cool seas? Yeah then we all just die..

Sorry but this would not be happening like this if humans hadnt thrown all the sh*t we have into the atmosphere.

I recommend you start to search your soul blob before it is too late and you become totally engrossed in conservative talking points.

Trust me the republicans arent going to be around forever. The world as a whole is getting smarter by the day. And your side keeps getting more extreme to try to maintain support.

It's Over Johnny.

im not even going to bother reading this verbal dirhea one thing that your so called scientists have stated is that they have concensis (probably miss spelled that but i dont give a f***) and with that there enlies the problem you cant have concensis when dealing with science.... there is many middle road scientists that have proven many times over that what most of these guys are shitting out their mouths is just stupid.... i mean the same people that are saying we are having global warming now were saying in the 70s that there was going to be a global cool down to the point of an ice age..... i mean how can you believe them when they go from one extreme to another you just prove how stupid you are by listening to them...

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:24 pm 

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Oh and since the other thread was locked i couldnt respond to bruiser which i feel i must since his statements were soo inacurate.

blob wrote: not to flame or anything at all but stoping another one is a major reason we are in iraq right now. just thought id put that out there
Dracula Wrote: This has got to be one of the most retarded things anyones ever written on these forums. I believe this one post deserves its own thread in the moronic hall of fame.. Im not even gonna start going into why its stupid. I will say this. There are 3 countries capable of that kind of mass genocide anymore. The USA, China, and Russia. And also there are "small" holocausts going on all over the world right now and we do absolutely nothing to help in most cases. Why? Half of IT Is Because We Are Retardedly In IRAQ.
Bruiser wrote: Any nation that has more than one creed within its borders is capable of a holocaustic event. Not just the USA, China and Russia as you seem to believe. The holocaust was the extermination of a people. That can happen anywhere, plz wake up.
Bruiser.. I said "Mass" genocide.. So saying "any nation is capable of holocuastic event" to argue my point makes no sense.

IRAQ would never "in our time" have been able to even attack its neighbors let alone do anything on the scale of hitler. People compare the nazis to things which dont deserve it. And it is really annoying.

I left out britain which also could in theory mass execute 6 million people of a single race and try to take over the entire world but they would never do it. Russia really isnt even capable of it but i would bet are more than willing. The USA has started this kinda s*** already in IRAQ and hopefully doesnt keep moving throughout the entire world. China they have both the ability and the will to kill all of us so.

The point is people, IRAQ is oh about 10 million times worse now than it was. There is much more of a chance of a mass genocide happening there now then there was when we went in. So the arguement is just NOT there.

yet more verbal dirhea coming from you i had the displeasure of reading this one though...

here is the defonition of genocide which has come to co-inside with the word holocaust read it learn it and live it because your proving to be more incompitent by the word

gen·o·cide /ˈdʒɛnəˌsaɪd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[jen-uh-sahyd] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.


[Origin: 1940–45; < Gk géno(s) race + -cide]

—Related forms
gen·o·cid·al, adjective Unabridged (v 1.1)

the kurd fit all of those groups and thats who sadam was mainly attacking so their can not be genocide if the people are not attacked by the US, Russia, and China? why dont you go to san fransico and shoot yourself because if i was a stupid as you id sure as hell do that

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:38 pm 

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Those are interesting facts, blob. I've heard them before, but would you mind citing your sources?

That way I could read about them and be totally sure you weren't just intentionally trying to start a flame war. 8)

PS:plz cite? kthx :lol:
i first hear alot of what i get from jason lewis he is minnesota's mr. right and mr. conservative ive come realise that 98% of what he says comes from extremely credible sources and i do not need to check into stuff any further and if i do its not because i dout what he is saying its because i want to learn more... the best example i can give as to how f***** up the liberal people are is in their spending here in minnesota. we have a huge surplus now after coming out of an even bigger deficit we didnt raise taxes when we were in debt but now that we are out of it the liberals here in minnesota want to raise taxes by like 4 billion i believe thats the number so they can increase government and make it so my decent pay check of 600 dollars a week for a single man goes from decent to barely liveable... another good example of how screwed liberals are is al gore... he is what as known as a limo liberal he clear cut an obserd amount of land around his property and put a shit load of lighting and all this and that and now his house draws more electricity than my entire block if what i remember is correct. tell me how can someone sooooooooo concered about the enviroment do something like that? what about john kerry's $400 haircut? i mean these guys are coming from "common folk" what a crock of shit my hair cut costs me 4.50 i polute less than them in 10 years than they do in 1 and i am "common folk"

i didnt start this because i wanted to start a flame war i started this because recently all ive been getting is how us "conservatives" are killing everyone eventually. and something im not going to say what put me over the edge and it has to do with a veteran getting severaly disrespected. like ive said many times i love my country and i personally think a veteran of any f****** war has more right to live in this country than anyone else and they deserve a little f****** respect for the sacrafices they made one thing people dont like to look at is that most of the wars america entered were entered by a democratic president. most prevalitly WW2 and Veitnam.

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:42 pm 
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Once again you miss the word that makes my point. "Mass"

So yeah you just did all that dictionary searching for no reason.. GJ fishing for something to make you not look so bad. Mabey change the person you are instead eh...

Saddam killed terrorists and opposition and he wanted to control his one stupid country. We had him completely boxed in. He couldnt even get his WMD programs going. YOU think we have those borders secure now? YOu Think that more kurds arent going to die after this is all settled out? Your kidding yourself..

And scientists are wrong all the time yeah, thing is they admit the possibilty of that fact. As i do. But we are affecting this planet by being here.. You cant think we are going to be better off for your arguements right.. But stopping the devouring of our planet seems like it cant be too harmful. So we'll just go with that for now kthx2u...

Jesus i didnt even see that last whole thing you wrote.. Get a hobby dude..

My friend is a veteran and he thinks our goverment is total shit. As do alot of veterans who return from wars.. And The Conservatives you like dont do anymore than the dems to make their lives liveable. Instead they vote themselves raises. BTW noone is right 98% of the time. Einstein wasnt right 98% of the time. And if you think 100% of the time that someone is right 98% of the time guess what.. you are wrong 150% of the time.


Last edited by Dracula on Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:43 pm 

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Katrina C. Arabe....

what the hell drac? you believe what an arab says?
so much for all loving god right? Does it make you feel better loving someone with so much hate in them?

and Blob whats wrong with alt energy source? they are cheaper isn't that what America is all about getting what you want for as little out of pocket as you can? Anyone with a diesel can use bio diesel i believe is much better all around and plus you smell like French fries rather than dead dinos. I don't see the big prob with thinking of other fuels. electric cars takes it a bit far but honestly im pretty damn liberal and i still dont toot that horn so dont lump us in a group please sir
alt energy is cheaper to a certain point powering an entire city cost effectiveness runs out and you spend more driving up utility prices where it hurts the most middle america. find a alt energy source that is cheap and can power a whole city without bleeding middle america dry of money and i will hop on the wagon faster than i hopped on that hooker lastnight. bio diesel becomes gelatnis in freezing tempuratures causing the engine to have to become overhauled and cleaned out corn gas has made the price of corn in mexico become so high that they are having riots because the staple food source of many 3rd world countries has become to expensive the only thing ive seen that could replace oil is that hydro shit what ever it is.... fuel cells thats it but because of al gore and all his stupidity in having famous poeple push for corn gas it isnt getting near enough attention.

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:49 pm 

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Its not so much a problem of finding alternative fuels, but rather the lack of being able to suffeciently produce enough of the fuels to feed this gas-guzzling country and world that we live in, which in turn jacks up the price. Biodiesel would be a good thing, but as it stands, it depends on what substance is used as the base to create it for what kind of performance comes out of it. I know that sounds like a stupid arguement, but, in truth, thats a big deciding factor for people. Another alternative fuel is alcohol (ethanol or methanol) and that is actually starting to make it through production in the form of "E85", so we'll see how that goes. Hydrogen, while it is a fantastic idea as its only byproduct is water, likely will take way too long to really get off the ground because of the fact that it would take eons to refit all the gas stations in the world to supply it. Also, the engineering it takes to design one hydrogen-powered car is insane, with the amount of components that need to be used increasing price again...

While we look to developing ways to mass produce alternative fuels, we should also be looking at the fact that there are literally hundreds of technological achievements in the automotive industry that would greatly improve the effeciency of today's gas-powered vehicles... <- MIT's Technology Review Magazine article on automotive technology developments
i got to hydrogen and stopped reading because thats a stupid statement... it would take almost no time to refit the system since its already in place. E85 is crap trust me in northern minnesota they have a buncha E85 pumps but when ever you fill your car with the shit your check engine light comes on about 4 blocks away. and thats with those cars that are "flex fuel capable" also E85 is mainly made from corn and refer to my previous post about whats going on in mexico.

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:01 pm 

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it is because satan is always present
that sounded so metal!! \oo/

wanted to add that, this global warming phenomena isnt all human fault, as blob said. But we help speeding it up, aaaand according to some knowing man about the subject (which i dont remember name on) its to late to do much about it. it takes years for all the gases we release to reach atmosphere so damage is allready done for years ahead. but if we are here in 10 years from now then i guess now would be the time to think about then.. :)

yes but what alot of the global warming models dont show is global presipitation. there was a scientist i forget the name but he said the best sentence to explain how global warming works is "global presipitation keeps the world cool enough for it to be inhabitalbe." he also said that many scientists (this is me speaking in more colorful terms than he used) have a hard on as big as al gore's ego for global warming because thats where all the grants are going. and that the same people that are spouting global warming in the 70's were crying "ICE AGE"

some of that was me inserting words because it was almost 2 months ago i heard him on the radio. all im saying is yea i want the planet to be around in another thousand years for my decendants but God didnt make a planet man could destroy. and thats where most of this is coming from people not believing in God anymore so they go and stur up all this fear which is all they really want to do anyway is make you so afraid so so afraid that if you dont start driving a hybrid or recycling more or turning lights off that the global warming gestepo will come to your house and kill you because you dont care.

this isnt aimed at you ambient rather to everyone who reads this. what moron cares that the earth's temp rose .1 degree of 1%? what moron suddenly thinks it alarming that the ocean rose a foot over the past year or few years forget how long they measure. but a foot thats the lowest its been in awhile. why do you believe what some scientist who prolly never been outside thinks...? my great grandfather wrote down in his diary one januray that he was picking rocks out of a dried up lake bed in short sleeve shirt and it was just hot. wtf happened to it being just hot? alot of people try to find many things to make you afraid of but for f*** sake get a back bone and stand up to these pukes they dont know what they are talking about half the time anyhow

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:04 pm 
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You know what. Rich people bleed poor people dry. Not regular folks who are willing to sacrafice even in the face of such massive corruption, greed, and exess which engulfs our societies a little of their hard earned gains to make things a bit better rather than worse.

Take away transfer of wealth above 1 mil from parent to child all over the planet and instead evenly distribute it to the poor. Guess what people will still create buisness, people will still give to charity. Alot more actually than do now most likely. And also allow the person when they die to give it either to the govmnt to distribute or a charity of their choice.. And hell make it 10 million or 50 million.. Just take away this f**king drain of cash from the poor mans pockets to the rich mans gold f****** toilet and see the world change..

But that is never going to happen. Why? Because the rich will lie, cheat, and kill to keep their money. They will tell you that what your thinking is evil, that it's communism or socialism. You know whats wrong with those two systems? Luck. Whats wrong with dictatorship? If the nazis had won? Nothing.. It would be considerd the Finest form of government. Just as the rich think of capitalism. There is no doctrine under the flag of capitolism that prevents a holocaust, the destruction of our society, the displacement into ghettos of our poor, the overpopulation of prisons with nonviolent drug offenders causing violent ones to be released, the falsifying of information for the pursuit of personal vengance (IRAQ)...

So yeah some dems who want to try to have something good happen in this Sh8T hole of a world taking an extra $5 from your 600$ a week check arent your enemy... Bush is. Your whole party is. That guy who you think is right 98% of the time is. because none of those people even care if there is a problem. They only want people like you to follow them for life. Keeping them in power and riches. And they will use drizzts faith for example to force people into feeding the machine. By saying basically that liberals are evil.

Nvmnd blob just answered anyones arguements against him.
Check this gem out..

from blob:
"but God didnt make a planet man could destroy"

blob your a f***** fool man sry but seriously this planet as everything was born to die.. believe in god anymore? who ever did.. your religious leaders dont.. they bang kids and take your money.. enjoy if you want to.. and im only talking about those people with these totally insane ideas about the world..

I dont think most religious people believe that nonsense. they realize most of what has been said has been said by men with their own wishes in mind.
There arent a ton of words spoken directly by god, i got a feeling the people who wrote about those experiences were either tricked, lieing or hallucinating.


Last edited by Dracula on Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:07 pm 

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Once again you miss the word that makes my point. "Mass"

So yeah you just did all that dictionary searching for no reason.. GJ fishing for something to make you not look so bad. Mabey change the person you are instead eh...

Saddam killed terrorists and opposition and he wanted to control his one stupid country. We had him completely boxed in. He couldnt even get his WMD programs going. YOU think we have those borders secure now? YOu Think that more kurds arent going to die after this is all settled out? Your kidding yourself..

And scientists are wrong all the time yeah, thing is they admit the possibilty of that fact. As i do. But we are affecting this planet by being here.. You cant think we are going to be better off for your arguements right.. But stopping the devouring of our planet seems like it cant be too harmful. So we'll just go with that for now kthx2u...

Jesus i didnt even see that last whole thing you wrote.. Get a hobby dude..

My friend is a veteran and he thinks our goverment is total s***. As do alot of veterans who return from wars.. And The Conservatives you like dont do anymore than the dems to make their lives liveable. Instead they vote themselves raises. BTW noone is right 98% of the time. Einstein wasnt right 98% of the time. And if you think 100% of the time that someone is right 98% of the time guess what.. you are wrong 150% of the time.
once AGIAN wow this isnt even fun anymore WMDs include chemical weapons we found those over there SO PLEASE GET A BRAIN OR LOSE IT either way im done reading what ever else you type

also the kurds werent terrorists he let terrorists train in his country if they paid him money

drac you fail to see the obvious your brainwashed hell i may love my president but i dont always believe him. and the veteran i was reffering to wasnt one of this war or the previous. he was about 87 years old. and he was a true american. thats who the liberals here love to dishonor and thats what who Kerry dishonored when he basically said everyone who wears the uniform is a war criminal anything that comes out of the left i almost atomatically dout because they have been wrong so many times

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:19 pm 
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Anyone any government declares a terrorist is a terrorist so... Even in our country this is the definition.. Bush could declare you a terrorist for saying your not a terrorist id imagine at this point. lmfao..

Oh no! Dont use the chemical weapons on IRAN Saddam! Please DOnt attack the country we WANT TO DESTROY ANYWAY.. HAHAHAHHA... Oh i forgot you all are trying to "save the world" arent you.. right... believe that.. watch halliburton become the first company to make a trillion and spend the money on gold toilets and supply our troops at the same time with a hole in the ground to shit in. Then you will ask yourself why the F you were supporting these jerkwads.


Saying someone "basically" said something shows just how you argue.

Its a good idea to stop reading what i write and trying to respond. You arent even in my league son.. Get the hatred outta your soul before you die. You arent gonna have a chance when your eating dirt. Your not gonna see some jackass with a blue health bar in a white robe at golden gates.. your gonna see some stored up images of family and friends your gonna fly down a nice little tunnel and then your brain is going to die. Is it really so awful that we are just like every other creature on this planet? My cats know who i am and yet they are incapable of having a soul by any christian standard.. and yet sooo many religious people just yank out of their butts that animals do have souls.,. its ridiculous. I think every animal on this planet has the potential, just like we did when we were lemurs, to become self-aware. And dolphins probably are insanely intellegent, they just have no f***** arms or feet. SO what?! If they wrote some book that said god made them and only dolphins had souls and humans werent capable of reaching heaven I WOULD GIVE THE DOLPHINS AS MUCH CREDENCE.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:06 am 
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Your not gonna see some jackass with a blue health bar in a white robe at golden gates..

Wow ok I believe I have said this before: Iraq WAS NOT A DICTATORSHIP it was hierarchal descent system. Meaning that the oldest male of the largest family was the ruler of the "tribe" in this case a country. In this case we have to redefine "family" Outside of western civilization many societies believe that the daughter of my mothers sister is also my sister and so on thus you get HUGE "families". Daughters are valued to be married off to make your family larger. Saddam happened to be the oldest male of the largest family and thus was in charge. If his people really wanted him out they would have outed him! but could you kill your brother or grandfather? I'm guessing not. So what right did we have going in there and forcing those people into democracy? NONE, their society has to change before they will except democracy. Meaning that we will be there for the next 50 years if we want it to remotely succeed.

there are two main hypothesis about global warming:
1. all the ice caps will melt the ocean will rise substantially and much land will be lost thus not as much farm land and people won't have the resources needed to survive at our current numbers.
2. the ozone will deplete causing more sun to hit the ice caps thus bounce off them and bringing in the cold air and building up the ice cap thus locking up fresh water that we need to sustain our crops.

It is commonly know (i thought at least) that these are the two theories and depending on conditions it could go either way. I'm sorry that you hate liberals Blob but honestly you need to work on your logic please. My VERY conservative grandmother once told me that America was like a big family with the Republicans playing the fatherly role and Democrats playing the motherly role. I'm not sure how that was justified but hey it kinda sounds good.

As for the Alt fuel freezing in those temperatures more gasoline or more alcohol is added to the mix thus preventing it from freezing. I know around here they offer 3-4 different grades of the Bio diesel. And I'm not saying get rid of gasoline entirely just need more options. Because there is a finite amount of gasoline we will run out eventually when that date is i don't know nor do i care. I want something thats cheaper and better for the planet that I live on. The only thing I can see holding this back is the oil company run republicans. I'm glad that I didn't vote for that money grubber when you run a country your supposed to do whats best for your country not whats best for your pockets. Iraq was a bad call on the presidents part just like Vietnam was a bad call. Learn from the past! Oh wait I forgot we took money out of education to pay for a war thats not ours to fight. silly me I guess we will have another generation of uneducated people.

[email protected]

Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:59 am 
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While I agree that billions have been wasted with the Iraq war, I really don't care if any money was taken from "education". The pathetic public school system should just be mothballed and a new system set up.

Saddam was the only one keeping those crazy people over there in line. It was a mistake to get rid of him... but then, he was going to start selling his oil for Euros and we can't have that now, can we?

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