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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:38 am 
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I think what Odysseus is trying to say that is if/when the world ends, its going to be before global warming can bump us off... it'll be man vs. man blowing eachother back into the Stone Age and beyond.... :?

Hating geeks is totally pointless because everyone depends on geeks -- you might as well hate air...

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:59 am 

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We drive our cars , we burn coal , we destroy rainforests, we use electricy, we use planes and ships, we wipe out species till their extinct, we create nuclear weapons how many would you like me to list judas?

If you had even 1 brain cell, you should undertsand its man/humans who do this

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:16 pm 
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so you say it's NOT global warming... it's man...

errrrm... i think u confused, my 18 year old little friend

like saying that bullets dont kill people?? one uses another... or causes another... so... go to your mediums and believe in santa claus

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And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:34 pm 
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Global warming fucks up the world :( and people and animals it sucks


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:37 pm 

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Man=Global Warming

Global Warming=Man

Im trying to say we have caused global warming

Btw santa clause has nothing to do with religion, its when in pagan times landowners gave their workers a gift at the end of the calender month, nowt to do with religion.

Anyway dont insult anyones religion or anyones age :cry:

Not my fault your ritual ended :P :P


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:45 pm 
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vlad i dont mean any harm i know youre a smart guy but you know theres nothing wrong with people believing in things that bring their lives hope.

you seem to try to kill anyones ideas they might have. i just hope that you have something to believe in that makes you happy. i would not want to live with nothing to believe in or hope for and just be negative all the time.

a positive attitude makes all the difference.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:48 pm 

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so you say it's NOT global warming... it's man...

errrrm... i think u confused, my 18 year old little friend

like saying that bullets dont kill people?? one uses another... or causes another... so... go to your mediums and believe in santa claus
Last I checked bullets in of themselves don't kill anything or anyone typically. A typical bullet has to be loaded into a gun/firing chamber in order to build up enough pressure to reach high speeds. Last I checked bullets don't go around jumping into guns, nor do guns shoot bullets by themselves (barring malfunction of course)

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:57 pm 
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Ody and Judas, u both said the same thing. Ur having an argument just for the sake of having an argument! :lol: :lol:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:32 pm 
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oh FFS boys global warming has been happening for millions and millions of years yes humans are speeding the process but we would have gotten there sooner or later. but with the way politics are going and with the next idiot im sure america will elect we wont have to worry about global warming because everything will be a nice sheet of glass :evil:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:38 pm 
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*sigh* Why do americans always think their country is the centre of the universe? :P

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:39 pm 
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I personally dont but atm we have the most nuke's and the most idiots bad combo imo

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:44 pm 
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yeah... What is that all about? I mean u guys do have the most nukes, yet your government keeps running around telling everyone else they're not allowed to... WTF!

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:58 pm 

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You know what. Rich people bleed poor people dry. Not regular folks who are willing to sacrafice even in the face of such massive corruption, greed, and exess which engulfs our societies a little of their hard earned gains to make things a bit better rather than worse.

Take away transfer of wealth above 1 mil from parent to child all over the planet and instead evenly distribute it to the poor. Guess what people will still create buisness, people will still give to charity. Alot more actually than do now most likely. And also allow the person when they die to give it either to the govmnt to distribute or a charity of their choice.. And hell make it 10 million or 50 million.. Just take away this f**king drain of cash from the poor mans pockets to the rich mans gold f****** toilet and see the world change..

But that is never going to happen. Why? Because the rich will lie, cheat, and kill to keep their money. They will tell you that what your thinking is evil, that it's communism or socialism. You know whats wrong with those two systems? Luck. Whats wrong with dictatorship? If the nazis had won? Nothing.. It would be considerd the Finest form of government. Just as the rich think of capitalism. There is no doctrine under the flag of capitolism that prevents a holocaust, the destruction of our society, the displacement into ghettos of our poor, the overpopulation of prisons with nonviolent drug offenders causing violent ones to be released, the falsifying of information for the pursuit of personal vengance (IRAQ)...

So yeah some dems who want to try to have something good happen in this Sh8T hole of a world taking an extra $5 from your 600$ a week check arent your enemy... Bush is. Your whole party is. That guy who you think is right 98% of the time is. because none of those people even care if there is a problem. They only want people like you to follow them for life. Keeping them in power and riches. And they will use drizzts faith for example to force people into feeding the machine. By saying basically that liberals are evil.

Nvmnd blob just answered anyones arguements against him.
Check this gem out..

from blob:
"but God didnt make a planet man could destroy"

blob your a f****** fool man sry but seriously this planet as everything was born to die.. believe in god anymore? who ever did.. your religious leaders dont.. they bang kids and take your money.. enjoy if you want to.. and im only talking about those people with these totally insane ideas about the world..

I dont think most religious people believe that nonsense. they realize most of what has been said has been said by men with their own wishes in mind.
There arent a ton of words spoken directly by god, i got a feeling the people who wrote about those experiences were either tricked, lieing or hallucinating.

yes the planet will die but God didnt make a planet "man could destroy" and what i meant by that was, that by the furthering of mankind our planet wouldnt be destroyed. now the planet will die yes but ask yourself if the planet will die WHY should we care? and before you say some other shit i realize man can destroy the planet with nukes and shit and make it unhibabitable and all that happy shit but the "greenhouse gases" are a reocurring part in nature all over the place. and by the way my religious leaders dont "bang kids" and "take my money" i know exactly where my money goes when i give to the church since im apart of the church spending commitee.... and i know my pastor doesnt "bang kids" because im not catholic.

now to that gem on the war in Iraq... you say personal vengance eh. we went in there and accomplished the goal we didnt want what happened in WW1 to repeat itself just like in WW2 we didnt want to repeat those mistakes made after WW1 by packing up right away. just like in Veitnam though we are winning the battles but getting bad press. i hear some of the Veitnam era guys at work calling it a walter kronkitism where we win there but we lose at home.

nnyeh im not going to reread your post to answer any more of your nonsense

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:16 pm 

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Your not gonna see some jackass with a blue health bar in a white robe at golden gates..

Wow ok I believe I have said this before: Iraq WAS NOT A DICTATORSHIP it was hierarchal descent system. Meaning that the oldest male of the largest family was the ruler of the "tribe" in this case a country. In this case we have to redefine "family" Outside of western civilization many societies believe that the daughter of my mothers sister is also my sister and so on thus you get HUGE "families". Daughters are valued to be married off to make your family larger. Saddam happened to be the oldest male of the largest family and thus was in charge. If his people really wanted him out they would have outed him! but could you kill your brother or grandfather? I'm guessing not. So what right did we have going in there and forcing those people into democracy? NONE, their society has to change before they will except democracy. Meaning that we will be there for the next 50 years if we want it to remotely succeed.

there are two main hypothesis about global warming:
1. all the ice caps will melt the ocean will rise substantially and much land will be lost thus not as much farm land and people won't have the resources needed to survive at our current numbers.
2. the ozone will deplete causing more sun to hit the ice caps thus bounce off them and bringing in the cold air and building up the ice cap thus locking up fresh water that we need to sustain our crops.

It is commonly know (i thought at least) that these are the two theories and depending on conditions it could go either way. I'm sorry that you hate liberals Blob but honestly you need to work on your logic please. My VERY conservative grandmother once told me that America was like a big family with the Republicans playing the fatherly role and Democrats playing the motherly role. I'm not sure how that was justified but hey it kinda sounds good.

As for the Alt fuel freezing in those temperatures more gasoline or more alcohol is added to the mix thus preventing it from freezing. I know around here they offer 3-4 different grades of the Bio diesel. And I'm not saying get rid of gasoline entirely just need more options. Because there is a finite amount of gasoline we will run out eventually when that date is i don't know nor do i care. I want something thats cheaper and better for the planet that I live on. The only thing I can see holding this back is the oil company run republicans. I'm glad that I didn't vote for that money grubber when you run a country your supposed to do whats best for your country not whats best for your pockets. Iraq was a bad call on the presidents part just like Vietnam was a bad call. Learn from the past! Oh wait I forgot we took money out of education to pay for a war thats not ours to fight. silly me I guess we will have another generation of uneducated people.
1. i dont hate liberals. liberals are the ones that ousted slavery the term liberal comes naturally from liberation.... they fought the good fight and for a while they were "the peoples party" liberals today have nothing to liberate so they tax... look at my state... liberals want increases in everything. conservatives want to decrease taxes and some have come up with pretty decent ways of privitizing schools with a school credit basically.
2.alternate fuel sources arent evil i have said that. but E85... tf ethonal is a waste of time. and more money should goto that fuel cell shit the hydrogen. either way the new ceramic engine that toyota and honda are making with almost put an end to the looking for now.... needs no oil and with only 3 cylinders it gets 85 mpg (if memory serves me correct) and puts out 300 hp (100 per cylinder if your math is off).
3. i rock and why the f*** is alec baldwin bitching out his daughter getting news coverage? shit happens everyday and no one gives a crap

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:19 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:42 am
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Your not gonna see some jackass with a blue health bar in a white robe at golden gates..

Wow ok I believe I have said this before: Iraq WAS NOT A DICTATORSHIP it was hierarchal descent system. Meaning that the oldest male of the largest family was the ruler of the "tribe" in this case a country. In this case we have to redefine "family" Outside of western civilization many societies believe that the daughter of my mothers sister is also my sister and so on thus you get HUGE "families". Daughters are valued to be married off to make your family larger. Saddam happened to be the oldest male of the largest family and thus was in charge. If his people really wanted him out they would have outed him! but could you kill your brother or grandfather? I'm guessing not. So what right did we have going in there and forcing those people into democracy? NONE, their society has to change before they will except democracy. Meaning that we will be there for the next 50 years if we want it to remotely succeed.

there are two main hypothesis about global warming:
1. all the ice caps will melt the ocean will rise substantially and much land will be lost thus not as much farm land and people won't have the resources needed to survive at our current numbers.
2. the ozone will deplete causing more sun to hit the ice caps thus bounce off them and bringing in the cold air and building up the ice cap thus locking up fresh water that we need to sustain our crops.

It is commonly know (i thought at least) that these are the two theories and depending on conditions it could go either way. I'm sorry that you hate liberals Blob but honestly you need to work on your logic please. My VERY conservative grandmother once told me that America was like a big family with the Republicans playing the fatherly role and Democrats playing the motherly role. I'm not sure how that was justified but hey it kinda sounds good.

As for the Alt fuel freezing in those temperatures more gasoline or more alcohol is added to the mix thus preventing it from freezing. I know around here they offer 3-4 different grades of the Bio diesel. And I'm not saying get rid of gasoline entirely just need more options. Because there is a finite amount of gasoline we will run out eventually when that date is i don't know nor do i care. I want something thats cheaper and better for the planet that I live on. The only thing I can see holding this back is the oil company run republicans. I'm glad that I didn't vote for that money grubber when you run a country your supposed to do whats best for your country not whats best for your pockets. Iraq was a bad call on the presidents part just like Vietnam was a bad call. Learn from the past! Oh wait I forgot we took money out of education to pay for a war thats not ours to fight. silly me I guess we will have another generation of uneducated people.
1. i dont hate liberals. liberals are the ones that ousted slavery the term liberal comes naturally from liberation.... they fought the good fight and for a while they were "the peoples party" liberals today have nothing to liberate so they tax... look at my state... liberals want increases in everything. conservatives want to decrease taxes and some have come up with pretty decent ways of privitizing schools with a school credit basically.
2.alternate fuel sources arent evil i have said that. but E85... tf ethonal is a waste of time. and more money should goto that fuel cell shit the hydrogen. either way the new ceramic engine that toyota and honda are making with almost put an end to the looking for now.... needs no oil and with only 3 cylinders it gets 85 mpg (if memory serves me correct) and puts out 300 hp (100 per cylinder if your math is off).
3. i rock and why the f*** is alec baldwin bitching out his daughter getting news coverage? shit happens everyday and no one gives a crap

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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