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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 4:21 am 
Its harder than you think.
Its not like you break an item and fix it with glue it involes alot of work, and im sure staff are working as hard as they can.
The shard is still a great shard and people play because they have fun
just enjoy yourselfs and hopefully something will be done soon

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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:12 am 

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Its harder than you think....
...just enjoy yourselfs and hopefully something will be done soon
Not to start nothing, or argue.. BUT, fixing 90% of the issues on this shard could be done in a week TOPS of semi-active coding, or a few days of coding out yer ass.

Go ahead and tell them to enjoy themselves, but don't give them the false hope that something is being done, because if/when something is being done, believe you/me it'll be announced everywhere so we all know what great things are to come xD

R.I.P Will A.K.A Affliction/Bush-Fire/Decayed-Stone - "Stoners live and stoners die. f*** it all, let's go get high"
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:45 pm 
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Like that October patch we got :D

OOO wait is it this october we are getting it?

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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 3:34 pm 
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yeh october 2007....or 2008...or 2009...and so on :wink:
magic october ;)


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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:30 am 
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Since im gone anyway it dont matter if i post this now. I had emailed BB about how Skills should just be easier and all macro progs should be banned. (a statement i agree with even more now that ive learned how to script almost anything ingame..) This was his response and i think it may give you an idea of when to expect any help from higher staff..

[Quote] BB: "While I appreciate you're long drawn out email, you've just giving me proof why I stay in the shadows so often. No matter what I say or do it offends or upsets someone.

It's a game man. Stop acting like it's so serious."

Thing is... It is serious to alot of us. So why even keep it going if were not going to be serious about it.. It was serious for me or i wouldnt have been here over 4 years mabey even 5 now. But all the bugs and all the bullshit have screwed me so many times the game isnt 10% as fun as it was when i started.

I have no conclusion.. Just throwing this stuff out there..


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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:33 am 
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ive gotta agree with ya here. i left obsidian cos of current situation, its worser than bad, why other ppl(new) should play here when its not ''serious'' i know its just game but lets be honest it was serious to me too, why would i play here for more than 3 years if it wasnt so important for me? why i spent like 8 hours daily to play here?
but things are bad now and theres no hope to be better so i just gave up.
my 3 cents only.


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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:37 am 
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funny, i always thought it was enough that bb let ME play on HIS server paid for by HIS money for FREE.

i guess im just silly.

the main thing that pisses me off about this shard is i dont have time to play much anymore :P.


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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:47 am 

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Well what really makes me sad about this shard, is that alot of players (good ppl irl) are hating other players which are also good ppl irl because of stupid shit as a bug, which it shouldnt be blame on players. Ive come to realize that must of this hating i am seeing is because of that and pvp has decreased as well. I remember hmmm. 6 or 5 yrs ago, ppl pk ppl for fun and then after all we had a couple laughs. Now ppl pk other ppl out of hate :( , which is really sad considering is just a game. And dont flame me for this post because is the truth, and i dont blame the players, for it or the current staff which is active, you know who iam talking about. If we had a lil more attention, atleast a freaking week of the month thats all we ask to take care of a few lil bugs here and there playing here will be back to those times and we will so much fun, which is the purpose of this game, not to take it seriously as rl but to have fun.

Ps. Sorry if i went out of the thread i just needed to say this. :wink:

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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:59 am 
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Although i agree that bugs etc. should be fixed I also agree with what BB said. For 1 what right do you have to email him and try to push your opinion on him when your opinion is not even the consensus of the shard? We have already had thread upon thread about this where you stated your opinion and basically were opposed 3 to 1. I won't turn this into an arguement because you are entitled to your opinion but i just don't think it is right that you get your ideas shot down and then take it right to the man in charge. Bugging the piss out of him will not get things fixed if anything it will slow down any progress that may be in the works.

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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 8:07 am 

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Although i agree that bugs etc. should be fixed I also agree with what BB said. For 1 what right do you have to email him and try to push your opinion on him when your opinion is not even the consensus of the shard? We have already had thread upon thread about this where you stated your opinion and basically were opposed 3 to 1. I won't turn this into an arguement because you are entitled to your opinion but i just don't think it is right that you get your ideas shot down and then take it right to the man in charge. Bugging the piss out of him will not get things fixed if anything it will slow down any progress that may be in the works.

What it should be done is get new Admins, or a scripter. Someone who has time for the shard. :P

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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 8:46 am 
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That has also been said b4 but I don't think it will happen. I suppose it's because there are not alot of ppl that BB trusts to script things on here.

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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 8:58 am 

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That has also been said b4 but I don't think it will happen. I suppose it's because there are not alot of ppl that BB trusts to script things on here.
What ever happned to jorus? As you guys know i was gone for like 2 yrs. So i dont know much of what happned with staff here.

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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 1:52 pm 

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i would love to script alot if i had the position to! All im doing during the days is coding on my game project anyway. :)

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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:41 am 
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I dont think ppl would be so bitter about the shard if Staff didnt say ok, "what do you's all want to change in the shard?" and "We are doing a patch which will be out soon" Im not just talking about BB i mean mods have done it, bob has also done it and this gets players thinking "oh yes something new is gonna happen" or "oh yes some bugs will be fixed" but then nothing happens and we all get disappointed.
There wouldnt be half as many ppl moaning if staff didnt get our hopes up.
I appreciate all the work that has been put into the shard when it was first made and i also appreciate what drizz said about it being FREE and BB pays for it, but when u speak to bb on teamspeak and he tells you his plans for the "patch" and his ideas are fantastic but nothing happens we all get disappointed :(
Just like the podcasts, he asked me to be in one and we arranged a time to record etc but then he didnt log on so i sat about waiting to record a podcast for nothing. I understand he has a life the same as all staff but instead of promising things staff should just not say anything then surprise us. I would just like to see staff keep their word.

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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 6:33 am 
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just switch from sphere to run uo 2.0. dont tell me its bugged cos its not..just look at bugs every month, nothing really changed here(items etc.) since i played here for the 1st time. im not suprised why so many ppl left, why so many got bored, all teh shit that is happening(hate etc) comes from boredom, sphere has nothing really interesting to offer, no pet breeding, no monsters taming, no customs houses, and no custom items, why so many ppl left and play on run uo shards? they are really interesting, this shard won't ever change if bb decides to stay on sphere. maybe i'd come back if that happened, but im sure it won't.
i know its free drizzt but we can write our opinions here, if some1 dont want to play here he just quits, but then again, look at the sever status..16ppl online...that means shard has nothing interesting to offer for players. its not that hard as u could think to switch to runuo. maybe obsidian would be down for like month or more, but that could just help it, in that months nothing would be better anyway, maybe just new bugs would came in.
im not trying to blame broadband, i know its free, but why the hell he gives ya false hope, and dont want to even tell you the truth like ''i dont give a f*** about this shard anymore''
take care.


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