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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:28 pm 

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That is the honestly the most stupid thing I have heard in my life. People were banned for a reason, cuz they did something illegal. So now you are gonna have maybe 10 or 20 cheaters back who will only either A. Just cheat again. B. Quit once they see how the shard is. C. Stay and ruin the playerbase.

If a mass unbanning takes place then I can see staff really have lost all reasoning or just don't give a shit anymore, which I don't think will ever happen.

I don't want the shard to die, but this is not going to help it, a mass unbanning would put the final stake in the heart of obsidian. I really enjoyed obsidian, and wouldn't mind playing if it didn't suck.

And about the talking statement Chips... you only mentioned bad things that happen when people talk, so how bout you quit talking?


Giorgio Armani

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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:32 pm 
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Can you please shut the f*** up? It's not a hard question, it's either yes or no. Everything you type is f****** negative. Now theres 2 pages of flaming. This may help or it may not, I'm just trying to tell staff how obsidian is doing since there never on. And all your doing is making staff think "Look at this dick, I bet everyone else is like him, I think I'll stay off for another month or two." I get your point and I really dont give a flying f*** what you think. Go f*** up someone elses topic and leave us people who care about Obsidian's future alone.

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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:01 pm 

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that obs is dying depends on what yer point of view you have on it. this whole negativ full of bug side of obs is mostly aimed against the pvp part of the game right? cannot state that so put as question. Can only speak for myself and im mostly into crafting or pvm and I dont find that side of the game any bad. sure some more items is appreciated but depends on how spoiled you are since before i guess. :)

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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:14 pm 

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Well I have played obs about a year when it came out, and it seemed really fun, except the lag parts. However, with the rapid drop in people it has been getting really hard to enjoy playing this game. I really do think that we should get people that were banned back to this game, at least let them get another chance. Heck, even ashes would lighten up everyones spirit. The whole killing some poor crafter and then running around saying, "I OWN CRAFTERS" is very halarious. I really think that we should do something about getting this game with more people, and Spawn good job for trying to do something about the game, at least u care about this whole game. Keep up the great job.

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. [Mark Twain]

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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 11:59 pm 
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As for mass unbanning, let's not overstrech it.. Some of them were
banned for serious reasons and giving back their accounts might be a bit
too much. However, I'd agree that everyone should be allowed to re-start.
u can unban any1 u want but i doubt that any of unbanned guys would came back, face the truth most of em play on other shards now...
(sorry for mistakes i just woke up :> )


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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:07 am 

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Wow. So many kind words, it amazes me to no end! Mild sarcasm aside, I am gonna talk a bit now. I have not been long on this shard, but have found it a great way to pass the time. The most amusing times for me may have been the most angering times for me. Like standing in town arguing with members of Cult and cursing at Gms. Even getting killed by Black Magic...or barely getting away. And the next week of him just waiting for you to leave town so he can run out of nowhere on Bald island to say 'Gotcha!' and poison the hell out of you. Even fighting(and dying) with eraser breaks the monotony of the regular day in day out activities of this type of game. I have stood up from my chair, nearly to the point of throwing the monitor on some occassions. The point is this. It is human nature to nurture and thrive upon conflict. I don't even know who the people that are banned are, but I do believe that with the un-banning of them, there will be quite an excuse for conflict. That is what we are missing here now. We need to have the nemises factor.
As to the point of the cheaters getting away with things....I believe that there are always ways to put these people to use to make this a more active shard. Perhaps a condition of returning to Obsidian, the banned can act as councillours to new players. Something un-official, but they should be required to help out 2 new players or something.....not new characters but someone with a completely new account. Or even to be part of a quest to help the GMs...they can work with Echo on a new quest that will involve new as well as old players to help them learn the ropes. This will help retain some of the new player base. I know when I started I was helped by many people that are banned. RMX and Ashes come to mind quickly. Even 'villains' like Bane were very helpful with me getting used to Obs and never was there a time that these people encouraged me to break rules. In fact, some of them, namely Ashes told me that I should not break these rules. As a new player I took that to heart coming from one of the veteran players. Especially since I knew that he was involved in this type of thing before. People learn, well most of them, and I hope that after a person learns something, they get a chance to guide others so that they do not do the same thing.
I do realise that there are many things program-wise that could be invul bug, speed hack, injection. Perhaps with a bit of positive action, these things will be handled. I have started a guild, called Soldati Di Veritas...SoVer. My intentions for forming this guild were to create a little fun ourselves. It is open to any character type, and it promotes teamwork and fairplay. Once the palyer base is to an acceptable level, we will be hosting challenges vs other guilds, kinda like FFAs. We will create mini quests. We will help new people learn the game. This is what we are doing to help make the game a little more fun.
While all of this is all fine and good, we still need those a**holes to make our lives miserable. We also need those people back that are kind people that are willing to take the time to help. I do believe that with a little honest effort and less fighting on forums, we will show whoever needs to be shown that Obsidian is worth being fixed. Every time I hear ' Obsidian is Dying' I cringe. What good does that do? BB or whoever reads that and just gets ticked off and/or discouraged. If it is dying, why bother. If it shows a pulse of effort maybe it would be worth giving it life-saving scripting. I am sure that BB wants this to be a good shard or else why would he even bother to create or run it? However, some things need to be fixed. I believe the invul bug is the worst thing that we have it is one that can easily be done by mistake. The others require a bit of premeditation and knowledge. These can be fixed with a final banning of the violator. After proper review of the incident, the player if found to be guilty of hacking/cheating beyond ingame punishment, should have the account deleted immediately. This will ensure that no one will get away with the kind of cheating that has been overlooked in the past.
Anyways, when I get talking, i seem to go on forever. For this I apologize. I am hooked on this game as you can guess by all the hours I log, and really would hate to see it get shut down. My advice is this: Deal with what you are able to, to the fullest of your abilities. Leave what is not in your hands alone. It takes a bit of self control not to be angry, as there may well be right to be angry. We need things fixed, that is a fact. For now just have a little is a game.


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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 4:16 am 

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Hey, unbann everyone so there'll be more players on! :lol:

lol I see now... we don't change monster spawns to suit pkers who get owned by them, sorry.

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 5:28 am 
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chips talks about "wolfpack side of the war"... unbanning ppl and such... the only wolfpack around here is chips himself... so wtf...

anyway, back on topic:




hey, with the rate things are going, that's 30% + in the playerbase...

now, that's a difference staff can make!

make the difference!

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 5:56 am 
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Shard was fun in the summer of 04... then I don't know what happen staff ignored the shard for like one month and there was like 10 players max in december 04 then it picked up again and we had wars going around destiny vs mob vs lov vs all these things and we always had restile and his lil punk friend metal making things interesting in the pvp side... Ashes a funny dude at the bank and outside and I admit when I saw him and i was alone that was the only guy I was afraid to fight and Duck too I would never think about fighting him... but back then staff was on daily events was on almost 3 - 4 times a day always people enjoyed to play the game cuz people were online economy was near perfect.. people weren't saying personal shit I mean they were but on a degree where both people would laugh not this cursing at each other everday... The problem is the shard is not interesting theres two sides ganking fest thats why its not interesting.. We need more vet players back like the guys u banned aint saying names who supposedly messed up the shard but really it wasn't as bad till u want to hate them cuz IMO no party was innocent in that case..we can have real guild wars instead of just two sides but anyway yea I would love to play this game more if it was like it was back then when we used to go to the top of the arena and hold those pvp battles and I would watch and wanna be as strong as Wizz or some other mages I COVE was a better welcoming place thats all I have to write.

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 6:16 am 

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I really hate to say it, but lol my brother is exactly right. Damn Max do you have to talk so much tho?
LP and Regiss- if you feel that this thread has no hope in hell of working then why bother to post anything on it at all- let those who feel that it will help waste their time, it is after all our time to waste. Are you actually trying to discourage those who do still care?
I do think that we really need to concentrate on keeping the new players ingame, I have seen so many come into game and never return. Try doing some of these things- it may make them feel like they are wanted here. -instead of killing llamas and horses to clear a spawn tame them instead and give them to a noob.
-dont stock pile weps and armor that you will never use, give them to ppl who actually will.
-lol dont run up to a new char that is training anatomy or something and kill them to poof them back to cove- its really irritating!
There is so much we can do to make ppl feel like the shard is thier home too but most ppl concentrate more on who they are gonna kill next or what thier bank balance is- dont b*tch about the lack of players ingame if you dont want to help those who are ingame!
And dont b*tch at the staff because the player base is going down! We have a responsibility too to this shard- it isnt just up to the staff to keep the shard alive! Why would they want to help us if all we do is give them grief? Make them want to help by showing them that we are willing to do what WE CAN to make the shard better. Maybe if we did all that we can as players then they will be more willing to do what they can as staff.
Yes of course there are some banned players that I want to see back ingame- everyone knows that lol- but bringing them back isnt going to be the only thing that saves obsidian, its going to be a combination of alot of things- and the biggest thing is that we cooperate with each other instead of attacking each other.

I know that there are not many new players that visit the forums- but if you are and you need weps, armor, rides or just plain old advise dont hesitate to pm me- I am always happy to help where I can. Also those who were banned and had to restart- if you require rides you can also contact me, I will help anyone who needs it.

Awesome job Spawn- its good to know that there are players willing to try!

People are like slinkies... basically useless

But its still fun to watch them
fall down the stairs.
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 6:35 am 
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If you'd look into spawn's original post he isn't suggesting anything of the
sorts and doesn't even present clearly the point of his post. All I see there
is whining and bitching how staff doesn't make it fun for him (while he
banksits or logs off) and how obsi is dead. Hence my response to him.
Somehow others manage to find their own fun even in the current state.


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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 6:40 am 

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This has gone on long enough. It's only back and forth arguing. There were a couple good points raised, although it was mostly pure crap. You should all be aware of the state of the shard and we know what needs to be done. Complaining about it and arguing with each other about it does NOTHING productive. Just enjoy what is there for now, perhaps if the people in arguments like this would spend more time in game than trolling on the boards, your players online would not be in such depressing numbers.

As far as the bring the old players back discussion... well as of RIGHT NOW there's a player online named "Mephesto". Just as I've said before, anyone who has been banned before CAN and WILL come back through a different IP address, etc... if they are willing to start from scratch. There's really not much that can be done about that right now, I continue to see it happen, and that being the case I just do not see the banned players as the main issue with the low player base.

Furthermore, threads like this do not exactly give Broadband enthusiasm for fixing and improving the shard. It gives the opposite effect. Try to be more productive. I will lock every one of these pointless threads and do not care who cries "censorship". All points of the thread have been said before, and now every discussion ends up being ruined with pointless arguements and name-calling.

Obsidian Staff - Administrator

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:15 am 

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As far as the bring the old players back discussion... well as of RIGHT NOW there's a player online named "Mephesto". Just as I've said before, anyone who has been banned before CAN and WILL come back through a different IP address, etc...
I am rarely on these forums and happened to stumble across this.But I do agree with the rest of your post. But just so you know Mephisto is just a popular comic book villian from ghost rider and batman (some superman also).
And that's why that dude has the name. It is not tied to the previous character named mephisto, he has requested a name change several times. And I would just like to make things clear about his situation to everyone.

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