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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:23 pm 
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WTF Hey its is hard to understand =/ Check why do you think i have put the story there? Because Ody jhave do it himself i just reply with the same thing and i have put english
Grrr im blored of all that ... f****** BORED YOU GUYS WIL NEED GET AHSES BACK BECAUSE IF ALL FRENCH LEAVE YOU DAMN SHARD WILL BE GONE it wil be funny just hunt and cant pk you all friedn to everyone only frenchies Q! block this fucktard post i dotn fuckign care now shit this i wotn EXPLAIN ALL FUCKIGN TIME BAAAGAKDNGJL;GNBJNG;LSNBJGSLNGBGNBJGFNBA
heres a bit better of a translation from what dedo said ,,, I think, even though she knows french, she knows as much fustrated bad english as I do, so in that I am saying heres my cool ass better than dedo's translation, translation :P

"WTF hey it's hard to understand(you guys) =/ Why do you think I put the story there?(refering to the story earlier in response to ody's post) (I posted the story) Because ody did it hisself, I just replied with the same thing, but replaced french with english(Probably to give the english people a idea on how he and his friends felt). Grr I'm bored of all that ... fookin bored of this (situation).
And if we quit, you guys will need ashes back (to bring drama) to the shard. Because if all the french people leave, your shard would die.

It would be funny, because no one would get Pked, because they would all be friends of each other. and the only enemie's are the french people.(even though I(subwulf) would start pking if there was NO pkers that played). I (adam) don't care about this post, you can lock it, fook you guys, I don't like fookin explaining my self all the time to you.
*bangs on keyboard wildly creating a random letter input, slightly influenced by his hand position*

king of the run on sentence.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:23 pm 
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The pooint here is it is an English based shard. There are shards of all different languages. If we had a staff member that spoke french fine, but just because we don't we should definately not give someone a staff account who would not have gotten one otherwise except for the fact that he/she speaks it.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:26 pm 
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I think that I should be one because of my uber speaking.

Romanian---Pwnage for me
English---Everyone be jealous

Those are just some of them, ohh and french, but thats because dad yells at me in french, italian, german, and romanian. But switches between them. So I would own as STAFF!!!

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-The Royal Treatment is here, and he is not familiar with the concept of FORGIVENESS!!!!

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:29 pm 
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1st off this is a english based, free shard. Thats why I started playing here. I don't speak French so I would not play on a french shard.
I agree with you xkill but just that they had that choice and they decided to play on OBS cuz maybe their friends like the shard has or had to offer and invited them.. Adam made some good points translator or a bilingual staff member should happen... cuz most of the players comin in here are french...
and to the rest of yall face it don't hate on the idea... it's not like doing this will make the shard any worse or have any real effect this shard hasn't been effected in a positive way for atleast a will just help out future obs players and the current ones....

I for one liked the fact this shard has many cultures and languages spoken in it atleast in the past until all the spanish became gone.... :roll:

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:31 pm 
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The pooint here is it is an English based shard. There are shards of all different languages. If we had a staff member that spoke french fine, but just because we don't we should definately not give someone a staff account who would not have gotten one otherwise except for the fact that he/she speaks it.
Ty we haven't established that yet :roll: , and I am pretty sure staff would be ubber inclined to do it that way anyway :roll:

and to the people who post about being staff because they know languages,

STFU what use would you be speaking all those languages, if no one on shard friggen speaks ANY of those languages, besides french?
no use, exactly so stfu :/

oh and if those posts were jokes I am sorry and take back everything I said in this post :lol: accept to belg :wink: .

king of the run on sentence.

Last edited by chips LL on Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:31 pm 
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The pooint here is it is an English based shard. There are shards of all different languages. If we had a staff member that spoke french fine, but just because we don't we should definately not give someone a staff account who would not have gotten one otherwise except for the fact that he/she speaks it.
In the end I don't think that they're specifially asking for a staff member that is solely there to cater to the French speaking members of our shard. It sounds more like Adam is simply representing the entire group in expressing their concerns of having issues with communicating to staff. Realistically, the best option may very well be to have people volunteer to have their name on a list to be paged by staff in the event of a language barrier issue, so that said person acts as a translator/medium between the player and the staff member so that things can be expidited... and this list could easily be applied to the Swedish, German, Spanish, Italian, etc players, so that everyone can have a good time :)

Hating geeks is totally pointless because everyone depends on geeks -- you might as well hate air...

Boog Dunsward[Brown Coats] -- PvM Warrior
Grinlar Helmsire[GWAR] -- Smithy/GM Miner
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:32 pm 
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I'm yet to meet a player I could not communicate with successfully - and my french is so-so. My Spanish is non existant.

The main issue with player-staff communication is when a player does not 'want' to cooperate and tries to use a language barrier as an excuse for immaturity. Idiocy in its purest form transcends any language gap.

Generally if we hit a brick wall we will teleport the player away somewhere and 'borrow' another player who speaks the language to act as a translator. That, for me, has always worked quite well.

I understand the suggestion made by this thread of recruiting staff for a particular language ability. However, this is invariably short-sighted - an example of this would perhaps be Counselor Phantom. A large incentive to recruit him was the fact that he spoke spanish.

Personally I think that the ability to speak multiple languages is a useful asset to a staff member - but there are many more important attributes we have learnt to consider.

PS. I love it how several people above have stated how good there english is. All i can say is... 'durr'.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

Last edited by Thassius on Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:34 pm 
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Wait, im also very sexy on the game, and in rl.

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-The Royal Treatment is here, and he is not familiar with the concept of FORGIVENESS!!!!

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:36 pm 
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The pooint here is it is an English based shard. There are shards of all different languages. If we had a staff member that spoke french fine, but just because we don't we should definately not give someone a staff account who would not have gotten one otherwise except for the fact that he/she speaks it.
In the end I don't think that they're specifially asking for a staff member that is solely there to cater to the French speaking members of our shard. It sounds more like Adam is simply representing the entire group in expressing their concerns of having issues with communicating to staff. Realistically, the best option may very well be to have people volunteer to have their name on a list to be paged by staff in the event of a language barrier issue, so that said person acts as a translator/medium between the player and the staff member so that things can be expidited... and this list could easily be applied to the Swedish, German, Spanish, Italian, etc players, so that everyone can have a good time :)

I understand what he is asking for completely. But I also understand what Echo said about it not being that much of a problem, and in this case the solution could be worse than the problem.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:37 pm 
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^^church to thass's posts

Thass, lately, I have been loving you with your common sense and nice ideas.

thass For president

king of the run on sentence.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:51 pm 

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Yep, what Thassius said.
I'll just agree with Him.
I don't want to type a long post. :P

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:09 pm 
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...i was the only one speaking polish i was kinda alone and i didnt complain..(learn polish and shiat..)u just gotta learn english its not that hard


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:30 pm 

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or people that speak other languages can learn ENGLISH since this is an american based server when i used to play on other servers based in other countries i didnt complain there wasnt enough english speaking staff BUT THEN AGIAN IM AMERICAN AND NOT A LOSER THAT CRIES ABOUT EVERYTHING!

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:05 pm 

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Well I dunno. This is a very tough issue but I will put in my half cents worth...(Canadian dollars of course). I think that XKill is correct. I have not really spoken with any French speaking player that has not had very good English. Their English is WAY better than my French anyday.....right Adam? I do not see the language barrier as a large problem. However, I do see an opportunity for growth here. I feel that for growth of the shard we can go head-hunting, Many peole here have explored other shards or have come from those shards to this one. I believe that we should approach a GM or 2 on other shards(after good information is gathered) to offer positions here on Obs....even as just councilour or whatever. One we should be looking for active staff and secondly we can be looking for staff with some language skills. With these 2 traits alone I am sure that we can improve account retention AND future registration with good success.
I do not get along with some of the French players, but that is natural. Although.... there are a few English speaking people that could use an attitude adjustment :x I don't think we should hire a staff soley upon their language, but I think that combined with good problem solving skills and some innitiative to make things fun can work out quite well in the long run.
Some people say that if we get a French speaking staff, we will need other staff of other languages. I SURE AS SHI$ HOPE SO!!
It is not such a bad reputation to be known as a tolerant and accepting Shard with many cultures working with AND against each other. The more Spanish people we get, the more staff that we will NEED, therefore maybe then we can get a Spanish speaking Gm.....well Koldoon will do. 8) And so on.

So get over it and if possible I WOULD get a French speaking staff.....but a staff that is going to help the shard in more ways at the same time.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:23 pm 

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not giving a hint or anything, this one is usefull in many occasions

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