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PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:55 pm 
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Good morning. Today we will have an interesting little contest in celebration of the upcomming 8th aniversary patch, which is due out in a matter of weeks. The winner(s) will get special prizes.

The contest is to come up with an idea that meets 3 criteria:

1. The idea does not exist on any other shard or on OSI official.
This means no common ideas, like power hour, automated FFA events, etc. Be creative.

2. You believe it is something that the obsidian staff can NOT create in-game due to how difficult it would be.
This means it's something that you think the staff can't make work in-game. Not won't, not don't want to, but can't. There are lots of things staff won't make or would be inbalanced, that's not what we're looking for.
2a. Yes this means that the idea in question must be a balanced idea.

3. It is an item, monster, event, quest, spell, or game mechanic. If you have another idea that isn't one of these, pm me and we will decide on a case by case basis.

To enter, merely post your idea under this thread. Include as much detail as you can about it. One or two line posts probably won't win. You may enter as many times as you like, but only one idea per post, please. The contest will end and the winners will be announced the day the new patch is released, so keep thinking till the last second.

Last edited by GMBob on Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:46 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:16 pm 

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Automated poker and blackjack games.

Lately these games have been played with staff dealing cards and telling us what we have in our hands. If there was a way that these games could be played with a group of people without staff interaction or better yet by yourself against an npc card dealer, wouldn't that be neat?


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:14 am 
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maybe a casino that is actually worth your time to play on with high stakes, and you can win regs instead of just gold.

have like town crier type npc's in dungeons spouting off shit like "beware the beast within these walls" or "welcome to your doom" etc.. and have them dressed to fit the dungeon theme or something like they could also have a pet beside them to fit their role. maybe even having them saying riddles or clever hints related to upcoming monsters and how best to slay them or hidden warnings etc.. possibly even have a custom created badass npc like a gatekeeper you have to pass some test or defeat before you can enter the dungeon or level.

would like to see dungeons updated a lot more than they are now i always hated the idea of how pple just farm certain areas it totally takes the thrill of a hunt away imo just makes the game like a job. the possibility of pvp keeps it interesting but doesnt occur enough on a small shard.

so i think it would be cool if the dungeons would switch spawns around randomly weekly or even daily. most pple would probably cry about it tho cause nerds dont like change.

have people automatically gain titles according to what they kill the most. be it monsters, animals or humans, you can come up with all the snappy names yourselves but wouldnt it be cool to have a special colored or font "Dragonslayer" beside your name that cant be done by players or guildmasters normally but can only be earned by deeds.

i always thought a neat idea would be if one person was selected as a special staff to do one thing only. live somewhere in a dungeon as a sort of protector of whatever monsters spawn there, they would have to be very dedicated of course,badassed at pvp, made immune to monsters attacks or possibly invisible to the monsters that they protect, best case would be the ability to team with the monsters against players, have the monsters see them as just another monster at least, and vulnerable to players attacks of course and vice versa.

what a bitch that would be if you had to fight some badass mage like bm and his terrible pet demons if you wanted to farm demon bones. it would be kinda like the demon summoner except you have to defeat a true thinking opponent not just a pumped up ai one. theres an idea, give him like a staff of demon summons or something whatever would fit the theme/dungeon. the staff member of course would retain his special items and drop only normal (but really good) items if he lost and donate the players loot to the event prize chests if he won.

just a few things i dunno im trying anyways.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:38 am 

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Wouldn't it be neat if in character creation, we could not only choose our sex but our body shape as well. It would be cool to make a character named Bertha and be 500 pounds or someone named Conan and be all muscle bound. This would lend a bit of uniquness to everyones chars.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:02 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:16 pm
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I would like to start off by saying. Thank you for not doing a roll back that consisted of my stats going down.(very good work).Ok, i think it would be neat to have a spawner for bad things within city limits. For instance in Cove, Gm's used to (probably still do) spawn bad things and say things like "the monsters are attacking the citys people of cove unite!" I think it would bring newbies together to have to fight off weaker monsters within city limits. What im trying to get at is to use everything thats already in the game like spawners and what not. Just tweak them a bit. I would like the game to be more spontanious, by that i mean even when staff isnt on. There could be autimated events. Or maybe an arena where people could go (like the dueling one) and select from a gump which monster they would like to spawn and fight. The Monsters They monsters available for selection, could have something to do with earning them. AND i was wondering how hard it would be to tweak a die(dice) so we could play the game of DICE. It is actually very fun.PS ill be back with more

And the monsters in town thing, i realize there AI would have to be edited, and thats just up 2 u.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:12 am 

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I think it would be neat to tweak guilds.


Once a guild hits a certain number they may apply for major guild status.
They may buy a keep with its own teleporter only accessible by a stone in their pack. Once they are no longer on the guildstone that stone is removed automatically.

A radius around the guild and the territory of the closest town will be their land. They are kings of this land. Anyone on this land should then pay tithes to the lords.

When you hunt on their land and kill a loot bearing beast a portion of the loot value automatically is removed from the corpse and deposited into the guild coffers. Also a portion of property taxes of houses within that zone would go to the guild and the rest to Obsidian.

The town closest to them would be under their control as well. This would mean that any opposed guilds at war with them would trespass at their risk. Guards will not protect them and they can be looted. They cannot buy goods in this town either if at war with the controlling guild.

This control would be directly related to how many members of each guild are on at the specific time. The area surrounding the main keep of the guild will grow in control as more people are logged on, and when less people are logged on, it will shrink. So, when no members are online the radius is 0 and only extends to the keep gates and no tithes are paid. You can't expect tithes to be paid if they can't be enforced?

Certain towns would remain neutral and would be declared non-compete zones. These cities will forever be neutral. This severely limits the numbers of major guilds to around 4 at most. Towns than can be guild controled could include: Trinsic, Moonglow, Skara Brea, and Magincia.

Once the guild has control of these kingdoms, they can still lose them to up and coming guilds. Once a month a new guild may challenge a major guild for land control rights. The battle will be conducted conquest style with flags placed around the property. If the new guild wins the old guild must remove all belongings within 2 days and the new guild takes over.

The major guilds would also bear responsiblities. They must hold at least one prize bearing event a week. They can use the tithes to pay the prizes or they can use items in their control. It is their choice, but the prize has to be suited to the event.

To attain one of these guilds innitially, you must apply in writing to 3 selected staff members who will decide if the guild is a major guild. Some requirements will be: member count, are these players active?, community involment, and of course 5 million dollars-20k logs-20k ingots to pay for the keep.

If a guild is deemed to be dormant by staff and remains unchallenged, the staff may remove major guild status from that guild and oust them from power. The kingdom would then be up for grabs again.

All of this would be based upon player activity. The more players ingame the better this would be. The players involved with this guild would be much benefited by staying online and active as much as possible. Players not involved in these guilds would strive to either be a part of them or they they would build their own kingdoms and leave their own marks on history.
This would also lend a bit to the role play aspect. Kingdoms and fifedoms were major parts of history.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:13 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:17 pm
Posts: 147
Could be nice to have a duelstone system or don't know how to name it but anyway.

With this stone at vesper bank or something you could ask someone for a duel in a close arena. Where no one can get in except by dueling someone. And with the stones options you could choose to do a duel for loot or just set like 50k for the duel or the amount you want. Or setup the stone for a duel loot with amount of gold to.

Could have options to do 2 vs 2 and etc, more options. Cus atm almost all the players here wont duel outside cus there is a tendancy to gank.

By this way we could get more fair PvP and calm down thoses guys who tell everywhere I own you all bla bla bla and never want to duel always saying "You'll gank i know it!"

So with the stone we could invite a player to duel with all options.

Like he could see : Ox invites you to duel in PvP arena 1 vs 1 for loot +50k for the winner. And before he can accept the duel, the system check if he really have enought gold in account bank to duel. Or he could simply decline the invitation.

And players can only leave this arena when his opponent is dead.

But this system have to have a security, you can't use the duel arena until there is no more players in.

I don't know if you understand all my idea Bob but by the way, I think a duel system could be really nice for Obsidian, and I think personnally this is something Obsidian needs.


Wouldn't it be neat if?

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:35 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:50 am
Posts: 588
sounds like those lazyass shards where players afk-wait for challengers... doesn't sound much like obsidian

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'And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.' - Friedrich Nietzsche

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:53 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:16 pm
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Wouldnt it be neat if... a person could be made a friend of your mount and jump on the back of it to hitch a ride,Jumping off whenever they'd like. I think just putting an advertisment out for a double mount would bring in tons of people. Wouldnt it be neat if... Every skill had some perks to it for being GM,(for instance,GM Lumberjacking maybe could produce wood anywhere). Wouldnt it be neat if... had a stable way of rewarding people who definitally bring new people to the server(like after 3 weeks of there friend playing a certain amount of hours. Wouldnt it be neat if there were NPC-Guilds to keep dormant guilds on there toes. Wouldnt it be neat if instead of bank sitting, we have a place near the bank to chill-ax with like picnic tables with cards N a slot machine. Wouldnt it be neat if ... we had a naked drunken bar fight, were everything in the bar was fair weapons but nothin else. Wouldnt it be neat if... a Staff member came up with two sets of stats both very different but almost equally deady in some way, the sets of stats stay posted on the forum for a few weeks,meanwhile people are placing bets on which set of stats they believe will win. Then we get two GMs and each gets a set of stats, and gets it on! The betting issue would need to be worked out by somebody more mathimatically coordinated. Wouldnt it be neat if.... Anybody who said the word "newbie" was instantly jailed for slander. In all my years of RPGing, the word newbie being tossed to and fro, its really getting old. It also probably discourages new players and that is what this shard needs more players.


Last edited by SpiffyJiffy on Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:55 pm 
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Flying Mounts!!!!!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:43 pm 

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Wouldn't that be neat if your riding speed would depend on your mounts strenght.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:43 am 
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Wouldent it be neat if your character could do guestures, like doing a blackflip or flipping someone off. Not just bowing and salute. lol

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:45 am 
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Also i think another good idea for more guild intercation would be to divide the land into differnt territories that differnt guilds could fight for and capture. It could work somthing like on your guild-stone there would be a guild master option where you would be able to set a date up and choose the territory that you want to capture for like 50K. Then the town crier could advertise it by saying "attack planned by a (guild) on (date/time) at (territory) which is currently controlled by (guild). Then, seeing this is an online game and not everyone can be on at one time, the Guild-Master could hire differnt NPC's like warriors, mages and archers-that you can control like pets- for different prices to help you win the territory battle

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:53 pm 
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Wouldn't it be neat if......

short version::
randomize skill, stats and race on players who choose to pick a 'obsidian' character.

long version::
Create a race that players can choose to be just after character creation. This would be named 'obsidian' race. These players stats are then randomized in such a way that it gives them a character they did not get to choose. Like most role-playing board games, you would roll dice to determine wether you are swordsman, mage, archer and so on (although I recommend its used to determine battle or healer characters, NOT merchants or tradesmen ).
You could allow only one 'obsidian' race character per account at a time. Perhaps you could give these players a special skin colour they get to choose? OR give them some of the special races normally available? To add to there character profile(this could again be radomized using dice method).

Players who choose to play 'obsidian' race would have to role play as the characters given to them! You can give these characters better rewards or quests, for certain things such as becoming GM!

A normal character can not pick-up an item that has been placed anywhere by an 'obsidian' character. Items will also remove themself from the world alot faster when placed down(just so theres no litter). Although direct trading between characters of 'normal' or 'obsidian' would be allowed.

You could end up being a elven healer, vamperic mage, savage mace fighter and so on. I think this could be a really fun idea as it would add another level to the shard, perhaps creating new guilds dedicated to the different 'obsidian' races/proffessions. It could also command more respect for experienced players able to take up the task of GM'ing a random character!

Let me know if anyone agrees?

I reckon these rules can easily be inforced. Most game programming is the creation of systems! If the dev team want a challenge, one that others think they cant handle then this must be one of them?

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Last edited by Pendragon on Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 9:55 pm 
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wouldn't it be cool if there was a way to make people actually follow the rules you just stated!?!?! jk even tho most ppl broke like 3 rules each post LMAO

anyway wouldn't it be cool if you were able just to cripple monsters with strikes to certain areas (break there bone)making them have certain traits (maybe more tamable/ easier to duel / disorients them for short periods of time

or to players knock them off there mount (until mount is healed by spell or bandie or even having no delay on when they can get off there mount *this would make it a BIT easier for warrior pkers and would disrupt those stupid running macros) or have effects that last for short periods of time (but that timeing can be disrupted by spells and such)

or maybe even if you get smacked in the head with a heavier wepon you go into hallu for 10 secs LMAO

it would work by
changing the skill tactics (or creating a new skill type) that would increase your chances with certain weps to cripple opponent/monster/opponent's mount (maybe the less used weps have higher chances of crippling)

what this would do interms of balance

+(if done correctly) it will add a spice i've never seen in any other shard
+add new things to the pvm/pvp/pker's world
+get people to dust off there older weps that can't be used much any more (such as battle axes, scimarts)
+(if you create brand new skill for it) would make people put more thought into there char creation
+can also be intergrated into magery so certain spells also break bones :twisted:

ps. i saw certian ideas on here already taken by other shards
(one off the top of my head-the duel stone and gestures)

king of the run on sentence.

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