Account creation is open through me. People just need to PM me and their account is usually made within 24 hours.
The main reason is that we haven't done website upgrades yet, and the account creation system needs to be redone to fix some buggy behavior it's always had as well as make it work a little nicer with the new systems.
The secondary reason is that we haven't done recruitment yet because the shard isn't at 90% happines. Meaning that people like 90% of the shard, not that 90% of the people are happy. It is understandable and even business as usual for everyone to dislike one thing.
Mostly just due to different playstyles/etc.
That being said, combat patch, crafting patch, L system, and magic minipatch, combined with races, are a minimum requirement before we open recruiting. On the good note, L system is 99% done, crafting patch is getting there, and races are all minipatches and will be quickly done. The combat/magic systems are only going to take as long as it takes for people to discuss and reach enough useful information that we can do stuff with them, or else you will have admins crunching numbers and playtesting diff systems all day.