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 Post subject: universal health care!
PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:22 am 
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passed 2-3 nights ago?!!
still has to go through senate :shock: though, so it has like a 80% chance of being passed now, because senate will most likely approve.
crazy for multi reasons...

ill give my opinion after school or work if i have enough time, off to work now :(

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:18 am 
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I don't support anything new that says basically you are forced to do something (pay into an insurance policy) or get fined or thrown in jail by the federal government.

But it's not like what I or any of you think even matters any more to these political scum.

Myself, I have insurance through my employer and he doesn't seem to be sweating it yet. Our deductibles are high, but I very rarely ever see a doctor for anything anyway.

Ultima avatar: The Famed JIZABOZ,GWAR Guildmeister

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:46 am 
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Would be nice to have, but I really doubt this will actually go through


PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:24 pm 
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I personally have huge issues with pretty much every part of the welfare system and this seems to just be adding to the heap of problems....but its welfare no politician would touch it with a 10 foot pole :(

[email protected]

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:34 pm 
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Oh it IS going through in some form and there's diddly squat we can do about it. It dost maketh Pelosi's panties quite moist.

You WILL buy our campaign contributers insurance or you WILL go to JAIL maggot!

Regiss? Are there any empty houses in your neighborhood?


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:42 pm 

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hate the idea of universal health care. i could get health care but i chose not to...

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:50 pm 
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well, we wont be taxed directly for it,
I believe the way it was written, companys pay for your health coverage, besides an extremely small portion.
I dunno if you knew this but we already pay for it, and have been for a LONG time now lol. Hospitals have to treat emergencies no matter who they are, and if its a john doe, guess whos pockets that comes out of? :) so in a sense were already paying and by being legit we get none of the benefits.. like no doctor bills!

but ya, actually jiza which ever way it rolls u will benefit from this, companys that pay for there employees health care already,will actually have to pay less then they do currently if it goes through, and jobs that didn't pay for health care or give health benefits or w.e will have to fork out some money for employee health care spreading the costs and allowing us to pay less, but this will probably come out of the employees pay checks that don't have health care atm, because there employers will have that new cost to pay. so ya its what i call the trickle up theorie LOL! sorry... joke... dedo probably gets it:)

and everyone complained about it not being there until it actually happens LOL, kinda funny how people are like OO our health care system sucks blah blah blah then complain about others like Canada and Britain having universal health care when we don't,, until it's actually here, then they start complaining about us having it! and its not just yall, lots of people i talk to.... im not sure what ur opinions were b4 this so im not sure about yall..

but ya, this is a big accomplishment no matter how you look at it for Obama, because democrats have been trying to get this pushed to congress for how long? since like the last depression (probably not that long but it was b4 we were born,, cept maybe drizzt) and Obama does it in a year... thats pretty crazy!

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:33 am 

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Obama, the downfall of a democracy. Pushing us one step closer to Socialism.

thats my thought on it i never wanted universal health care i live in minnesota and people from canada go into Duluth and shit all the time for their health care because they cant get what they need in canada... and if you look at mass and Romney care its already failed and this thing "we will not add to the defisit" is bullshit. i know we already pay for it but i mean he compares it to auto insurance which if you go and actually look not every driver on the road has it... so i mean its kinda a dumb comparison...

Honestly though with the way the republicans have been giving up ground on this (well a small minority are) it really kinda pisses me off... but hey what do i know im only a voting citizen its not like the people i vote into office have to listen to me when i say i dont want it.

f*** you al franken and your buying of a seat

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:18 am 

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Downfall of democracy? Pushing towards socialism?

That's a contradiction.

Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

It is the utmost kind of democracy, one that takes the community as a whole into account. It is the antithesis of societies that place too much emphasis on the individual, regardless of their contribution, lack of, or detriment towards society, the environment, etc.

So if he is actually pushing anyone towards socialism, which is highly unlikely, it is a step towards democratization.

Judas [Cult] The Traitor
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'And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.' - Friedrich Nietzsche

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:01 am 
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I think he's saying he's killing democracy and pushing more 'socialization' based policys or w.e. not in opposition but on different accounts....
I'm guessing he thinks that universal health care is pushing towards socialization because of the fact that EVERYONE can get it? but this isnt really true because the more expensive procedures will still require a different type (probably cheaper now) form of health insurance, that is fisable to pay unlike it is currently...

meh gotta go now but i can type more about it later, i might not have cleared up all my points I could make atm

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:40 am 
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Ron Paul's bill, HR1207 to audit the federal reserve should go through before we plunge our nation into even further debt. We have to know how much "real money" is even IN our country. Quit creating it from thin air and borrowing it from China.

Of course... that would just make too much sense for it to actually happen.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:49 am 

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ron paul in my mind is an idiot for the most part but i like that idea of his.

and the whole reason for me thinking its moving away from capitalism and into socialism is that its one step closer for Obama to "start spreading the wealth around". I am by no means "rich" but if you take money away from the rich who will employ you? i havent ever gotten a job from a poor person that pays well. Im sorry but i just dont want to live in a society when people feel they are "entitled" to everything and think they never have to work. Like these life long well fare junkies just suckin Uncle Sam's dick for a check every month really pisses me off. I understand well fare is needed for a few people but the vast majority are to lazy to get a f***** job.

and why would anyone want to get universal health care when it has failed so many times? i agree that we need some reform to the new system BUT when the government fucks so much shit up why would you want them running you health care?

im also pissed off about bail outs, those companies were failing for a reason let them fail. also i dislike "stimulus money" since A) the administration is lying about "jobs saved, and jobs created" and B) lets just make it so our national debt will get so deep that in 10 generations it wont be paid off. and pretty much almost all of the "czar" positions piss me off yeah all of them do i didnt like it when Bush did it and i dont like it now.

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:11 pm 
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I agree with Blob 100% socialism is not really for America we were founded on capitalism......socialism leans more towards communism in my opinion. If you are handed something do you really value it? or is it just something you get for free? government health care is already out there if you are under 18 and live in a poor family that can't afford health care.

to me this is kind of like raising the minimum doesn't really help anything, prices just go up to compensate for workers making more so the ratio never really changes.

Personally we get health insurance through my husbands work, and he had to work hard to earn that. I do not agree with handouts at all, unemployment and welfare piss me off to no end. unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out a sound working system to present to anyone, even if i did i doubt anyone would listen.

closest i have come is: government run daycare, everyone on welfare has to work at minimum 20 hours a week to get their check. I choose daycare because I know many people who can't afford to work due to daycare prices. now the problem is do i really want these people watching my children? I don't know of other jobs we could put the worst of the worst to...but I'm open to suggestions..

another place to cut corners would be jails....stop this nonsense about letting people out because the jails are too what that sheriff joe....i forget did in Utah....make em wear pink grow their own food and work for their upkeep. Punish them....not feed them and cloth them...

[email protected]

Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:48 pm 
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ok so apparently being in prison isn't a pnishment to anyone any more :roll: .
anyway, our debt due to crime is the VOTERS fault and no one elses, because we lock people up for uncannily long periods of time compared to other countrys AND lock them up for minor offenses and controversial offenses such as marijuana. we as a people vote the senate in and all judicial/ law making government in, who do we vote in? who ever says there toughest on crime, thus minor offenses have gradually had longer and longer sentences / fines.

also, your sense of what puts us in national debt seems to be warped. in reality, the health care pays for it's self through employers, thus giving a bit excess to the goverment. you will have to be a tax payer to be under universal health care, so in no way are you getting a "free-be".

and also, china is dependent on us. wtf they gonna do if we continue? we can destroy them by cutting there trade routes and letting there population starve.
even they know this. research abortion in china... its crazy they literally kill the babys if you have more then 1....
most of there neighborhood clinics do abortion :roll:
so there not a threat....
and hard money.. or as jiza says real money, doesnt matter on a national level, our banks are done through records and soft money. its all electronic record keeping now. thats why there is all this fuss about US being hacked or w,e for there money.. through the internet in other countrys, i think it was 6 people stole 24 million dollars from US banks, but you probably didn't know about this unless you read into things alot, because the banks didnt want there customers to get unruly or distrusting.

and of course most of the bansk money was refunded.... so thats 24 mill more into national dept LOL,, but wtf is 24 mill today..

ALSO universal health care for small and big businesses will obviouslly have different rates, it seems jiza u missed that, so it wont put your small business out in the gutter, and of course the bigger the business the better health care you will have, but point is everyone that pays tax with have it, the people who are richer and pay more tax thus give more money back to the govt will also pay a bit more for it, and thats VERY republican, it falls right down the trickle down theory

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:28 pm 
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ALSO universal health care for small and big businesses will obviouslly have different rates, it seems jiza u missed that
Nah, like I think I said earlier, my boss isn't too concerned about it. That is a bit of relief to me.
ron paul in my mind is an idiot for the most part but i like that idea of his.
Most Republicans share your opinion. Problem is.. IMO he's the only REAL Republican you guys got, and by not letting him into conventions and such you are seriously shooting yrselves in the feet. You would have gotten my vote last election had you put him up as yr candidate, and not put in 2 people that anyone in their right mind knew would lose the the sensational pop star Obama is heh. Hell, I did and still think McSame was a PLANT put there on PURPOSE to LOSE to the great appointed one. LOL The McLame/Palin ticket was just too obvious...

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