Alright, so it's mid febuary, and here's the basic roadmap for the next half year.
As some of you may remember, this is my busy time of year, since i have to be out of town every other weekend until may, when i'llbe out of town from friday till monday every weekend. This severely cuts into my obsidian time. However this also gives me a LOT of time to plan stuff and lots of new ideas, so expect that when june hits, you'll see a bunch of fun ideas that'll show up over the next year.
School is also severly picking up and i've already had some snafu's due to real life (which still sucks, although i've gotten it mostly under control in terms of biting people's heads off. Don't push it though).
So with that update, here's what to expect comming in the next few patches:
Official re-opening, a slightly revamped website, integration of the statistics into normal site function, as well as updates in that department (ALL of these require broadband, and were supposed to be done febuary 1st, but he's gone in-communicondo, so until his life gets him some free time, this is tenative).
I know i've gotten behind on patches, and the bugs/suggestions forum shows. Hopefully i'll get it back down to under a page on the next patch or two.
Crafting Patch Stage 2 -- This got delayed a bit because it's hella big and annoying to balance, PLUS i got some good suggestions put in that i want to try to incorporate. Until it goes in, you are still welcome to make suggestions, whether its new shit, new things for skills to do, or modifications to the current system.
L system - This system has been done since october, just never got it's final setup/implementation.
Crafting Guide 101 - Once the stage 2 patch is in, i will be posting a PARTIAL crafting guide. It will not reveal everything but will give you a good starting point.
More Quests - I've gotten the quest system mostly refined to the point i like it and it's bug free, congrats to the few players who have found/completed some of the few quests that are in. Once i do some final modifications to it you'll start to see a lot more quests available, including (hopefully) the start of the new character tutorial quest, as well as a lot of the crafting/PvM quests.
EW System Stage 1 of 5 - This will only happen if i get everythign else done first, OR everythign else is so freaking repetetive that i need a break to do something fun. Don't expect it soon.
So that's the stuff i can remember off the top of my head. I've surely forgot some stuff but that's the basic roadmap, along with their approximate importance(not exact, so some might be slightly out of order). Make sure to keep reporting bugs/suggestions. If i've abbreviated something, it's staying abbreviated. You can guess what it might be and theorize, but i won't say yes/no.
Oh and for those who are going apeshit, i may have finally found a nice alternative that allows instant-poisoning on-character pots, but i need to run it by broadband first since poisoning is his baby. No promises.
As i stated before, i am not committing to a patch schedule, but i'll try to get them out at least 1 decent sized one per week.