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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:47 am 

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1) For one. AFK MACROING. Allowed. Why not let players use they're hard earned resources to macro while they work, stdy, or even watch tv? Ther eis no negative impact on the server allowing players to macro afk. AFK macroing should be allowed as long as it is NOT used to gather resources (Fishing, Mining, Lumberjacking, ETC)

2)Stat gains. Stats should not be so painfully hard to gain. During OSI's T2A it would take about a day of herding to gain 100 str. like 6 hours of snooping to gain 100 dex and it would take like 4 days of macroing magery to get 100 int. Its ridiculous to have to macro for days on end to get 100 str or dex. Also fix Stat locks, if thats not something permanently messed up. Gaining stats passed cap and loosing other usefull stats is kind of a downer.

3)Skill gains. Skills that gather resources should be PAINFULLY hard to gain. Mining, Lumber-jacking and fishing as well as the associated branches from that i.e blacksmithing, bow craft, etc.. so the system in place now is But basic pvp skills, such as magery, swordsmanship, wrestle etc should not take over a day each. (OSI t2A) things like healing should take longer, as well as magic resist. Meditation should take a BIT long since it is a passive skill and no items are required.

4) Shops. Shops should sell 20 Of each reg to start and when bought out should refresh with 2x the amount of regs every time, capped at 999. so . 20--40--80--160--320--640 etc.That way players can use their money to purchase regs to macro magery, healing etc.

5) Magery. I see they have unlocked a lot of blocked spells from the past, very nice Bob, but when spells fizzle they should not consume any mana, since the spell has not been casted. Scrolls. Scrolls should enable players with lower magery to cast higher circle spells. I.E someone with 10-20 magery to recall with a scroll, someone with 40 magery to able to ebolt and someone with 60-70 magery to FS without fizzle. The advantage? It gives inscription a use. People have to pay for their scrolls. (scrolls should do the same dmg as regular spells, I think they do not) This allows warriors to be able to recall without really having to train magery.

6)Hunting. WOW how extremely difficult is it to make money? I mean come on, Lets say im a new player. After training a few months to get my skills up on a warrior (obviously i cant make a mage without regs or money) I need to hunt. Without provocation, peacemaking how does a warrior really hunt something worth killing? it takes a ridiculous amount of time to drop a monster. Fix EVs and blade spirits so that people can actually hunt with them. and enable provocation.

7)EQ. Eq shouldnt kill. Just drop you about 30-40% of total hp per hit. This ends EQ house killing. also if you leave an animal in your house and someone EQs it. Shouldnt have left it ther ein the first place, or shouldnt have told people were your house was, theres plenty of palces to place a house.

8 )No Reskilling - AKA Ressurection Killing. This has always been a cause for a LOT of controversy. My Suggestion, erase this rule, if you die in the field, and dont want to get reskilled dont resurrect and go back toy your body. Someone is camping the anhk? get out of there and run to town, you died, end of story, if you resurrect and get seen again, expect to die again, simple. +

9)Do not PK players inside or around cove OR the britain graveyard. Cove understandable. Brit GY? Why not?
Dont put so many restrictions on players. Brit Gy was always a HUGE PVP zone.

10)Stop being so trigger happy. The base population is like 5 players. Jail people, don't ban.

11) Definitely more things once i explore around for a bit, I think spawns needs to be fixed as well as being able to recall into dungeons but thats not even a big deal.

So my final 2cents, The population of Obsidian was about 17 When i last played, now its 1-5, something needs to be done. Lets face it, the only way to attract new players from other servers or new player sin general is not make this game a CHORE. Im not saying making skill gain and stat gain so easy that in 3 days you have a fully ready pvp char, but it should take no more than 1-2 weeks to have a battle ready mage.

I also have a DEMO of the actual OSI t2A server if any of the admins want to check it out for.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:14 am 
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Sorry to say but IMO if all them suggestions were put in Obsidian would turn into your normal uo game where u gm all skills within 3 month or so then u get bored. Ive played for over 5 years now and most my chars are done except few skills to finish. Ive played other shards and gmed most quickly and got very bored very quick.
Maybe afew tweeks like resist made easier and stats once in the 90's are a bitch to get but making most stuff easier I say hell no. Also DEFO not gming a skill in a day...
Seems to me just about everyone of them suggestions is just to get a easier life, I belive obsidian being as tough as it is, is what does keep the few older players around. Im sure player base will be back up once bob feels the shard is ready for it.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:58 am 

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Sorry to say but IMO if all them suggestions were put in Obsidian would turn into your normal uo game where u gm all skills within 3 month or so then u get bored. Ive played for over 5 years now and most my chars are done except few skills to finish. Ive played other shards and gmed most quickly and got very bored very quick.
Maybe afew tweeks like resist made easier and stats once in the 90's are a bitch to get but making most stuff easier I say hell no. Also DEFO not gming a skill in a day...
Seems to me just about everyone of them suggestions is just to get a easier life, I belive obsidian being as tough as it is, is what does keep the few older players around. Im sure player base will be back up once bob feels the shard is ready for it.
Yea but this game isisn't about what you want, Obviously what is in place now does not work. And players wont come back unless things change.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:20 pm 

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Ive played for over 5 years now and most my chars are done except few skills to finish.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:51 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:27 pm 
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Considering we haven't recruited for players in 3 years, we're doing pretty well. Also take into consideration you're at 1-5 players after a month of bob being on effective vacation, whereas before it was peaking at 12-17. So for a shard that hasn't drawn in new blood in awhile we're doing good, and we'll recruit a ton once we're ready for it (soon, i posted my list in my original posts on this topic, so go check it if you wanna see how close).

And yes, the shard isn't for you, nor is it for aimee. It's for broadband. :) He has some very specific reasons why he made this shard and what he wanted from it, and so they get first priority on determining sthings. After that, it's the player's voice, and just behind those is my innate boredom that makes me code in nifty stuff like the buc's den systems and other stuff.

So yeah, keep that in mind that a lot of the shard is designed because it's how obsidian is "supposed" to be, to fill a niche broadband wants for his players. Not saying things won't change, but you're not gonna turn obsidian into the other dozen cookie cutter XUO shards out there. (For example, 15,000 colors, each uglier than the last).

Continue Discussion, i'm going to withhold my thoughts on the actual points until another page or so has filled.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:28 pm 

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I dont see the harm in AFK macroing. (Other than resources of course) Fact is BOB this game is a game, not a chore, and right now its way too "hard"

but yea, whats the harm in AFK macroing?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:54 pm 

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Whats the point in playing a game if you are not actually there to play it? Personally I wouldn't care to AFK the game even if Broadband gave us permission to, where is the accomplishment in training a skill to GM without even trying? If I do not want to be at my computer to play I just don't log in. It isn't a chore if you are not a lazy player and it isn't hard if you actually care to play the game instead of sitting around complaining about it. Just my opinion about it, I don't really care either way if they make AFK macroing legal or not... I would still play the same as I always have.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:21 pm 
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because BB hates macroing at all.... afk or not, at least thats what I remember being the reason a few years ago

[email protected]

Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:20 am 

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I agree with everything nemo has suggested, if everything on that list was put into effect id play again in a heartbeat. This game is a chore now like nemo said, gains for one are just ridiculous, everything is so impossible. I understand working for something but its not something i want to bend over backwards for its a game for a reason. Everything was fine before as far as gains went i dont see why all these changes had to be put in place.

I also strongly agree with the brit gy and res killing points he made, part of what made the game fun for me back in the day was not knowing if i was gona get attacked or not when i was hunting and it was always an issue. Getting killed during a guild war or simply if uve been pkd should not let u walk right up to your body and get ur stuff if uve been killed wait til its safe and then return or try and recover ur stuff at your own risk


Foxy Grey-Blacksmith

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:34 am 

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nemo, mumu, your both tools. if you read the res kill rule youd see it says its not res killing if your busy taking "your stuff from your kill". either way all the changes proposed are fuxxing dumb as shit no one cares nemo you cheated at the game before so why not just goto a runuo shard where there arent any rules and you can gm every skill in 20 minutes.

mumu just stfu no one cares how far your nose is in nemo's ass

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:10 am 
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I'd like to start by saying that whenever 30 to 40% of any given population (at a minim) is opposed to something, nothing good only takes 10% of a population to cause a riot involving 90% of the same population.....since about 60% of our population is opposed to some new limitation, then I suppose it explains why 99% of our population left.

With that said, please excuse me while I contradict myself....

classes are not the problem.....In all honesty, I kind of like the way they are set up (except for archery on warriors...that's just a never ending kick in the teeth that I don't have a solution for given your prerequisites).

The problem is that there is no real feeling of accomplishment in the new Obsidian. This is a video game, and any good video game is addictive. The addiction in games comes from instant gratification.....that feeling you get when you overcome some obstacle or discover some new aspect of the game that opens up new possibilities....doctors say that the medical addiction to video games is stronger then the addiction to heroin.

We have those things that make an addictive game in's at the core of UO.....the problem is that those feelings are hard as hell to get in this new Obsidian. The milestones that give gratification and make players feel superior to their peers are so far between that most people give up and move on. They get over their addiction before it even had a chance to take hold.

In my opinion players need to be hooked hard and fast, and then slowly given less.....that way they actually want to play the game more so they can get that initial "high" again. I think someone mentioned something about combat skills being easy to gain....I think this would be a good hook. All skills below 10% should gain unbelievably fast (almost every attempt)...the last 10 or 20% of combat skills should be about what it is now. Crafting skills should be hard (like it is now) above 60%. All the skills between should be adjusted to give linear gains between the 2 extremes.

I know this is not a class-specific suggestion, but in my opinion everything else will find equilibrium if skills were easier to gain at lower and mid levels. At the very least it will be easier to find the imbalances and make appropriate class suggestions if we can actually train the various classes to a usable level in a reasonable time.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:20 am 

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nemo, mumu, your both tools. if you read the res kill rule youd see it says its not res killing if your busy taking "your stuff from your kill". either way all the changes proposed are fuxxing dumb as shit no one cares nemo you cheated at the game before so why not just goto a runuo shard where there arent any rules and you can gm every skill in 20 minutes.

mumu just stfu no one cares how far your nose is in nemo's ass
blob i dont play a runuo shard, i play a server with 200 active players / 400-500 clients runnign at an given time, with no fruity colors, no crazy mounts, none of the stupid shit. but thats not the point.

how about you say something constructive instead of im a tool? Th changes im suggesting are the ONLY things that will attract new players. UO IS a DEAD GAME the only way of getting players is pretty much from other shards.

Obsidian was my first shard and i want to see it returned to its original glory, so I am making suggestions that would fix the server up and get players to return in a heartbeat. NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY FOR MONTHS TO GM A SKILL :) Or sit at a computer and fight a skeleton for 3 minutes.

That being said, Ill just kick back and watch. :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:30 am 

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So yeah, keep that in mind that a lot of the shard is designed because it's how obsidian is "supposed" to be, to fill a niche broadband wants for his players. Not saying things won't change, but you're not gonna turn obsidian into the other dozen cookie cutter XUO shards out there. (For example, 15,000 colors, each uglier than the last).

Continue Discussion, i'm going to withhold my thoughts on the actual points until another page or so has filled.
Im not saying change the current game style the Shard has going, keep the current jail system that the server has, were guards dont kill, keep the ridiculous str and int caps. at 180, keep ur poisoning system, The colors here have always been great nothing crazy just the way its intended. What im just saying, is fix how things are done, its obviously a big FAIL right now. Id love to see you guys start a new mage or warrior and train him up without the help of another char, its damn boring and a chore.

I see weapon damages and swing times have been fixed that was a MAJOR issue when I played. good job bob.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:34 am 

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it doesnt take as long as everyone bitches to gm skills i made a new warrior in less than a week gmed just about all the skills i needed to only thing that sucks is resist which has always been one of the harder skills to gain. all im saying is all these "ideas" have been said before and have been shot down because they are stupid. macroing IS allowed but you must be at your computer thats how i always understood the rule AFK isnt because its stupid like constance said whats the point of playing a game your not there to do yourself. its not like you can macro kills on xbox 360 while your out at the bar or somethin so why should this be any different? like i said your a tool you always have been so stfu

btw how do you play a server with 200 active players, but there is 400-500 clients running at a given time? was my understanding that 1 client meant 1 player but im not saying im computer savy or anything just lookin at the math

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

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