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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:16 am 

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Hey blob i promise your really hard over the f****** internet lol get a life, that being said i have an opinion that happens to be the same as another player on this shard and i can voice it any way i want so stfu. This shard is dead the way it is. Just because u want to stay on for an entire week and do something doesnt mean everybody else does hence the 1 to 2 players online, if u wana be the only person playing and working on ur players then so be it but i doubt the rest of the shard wants to.


Foxy Grey-Blacksmith

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:40 am 

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or hey lets make the game super easy so everyone that doesnt want to work for a f****** thing can be good. the game is meant to be a decent challenge and it is, ive said it before and ill say it agian it takes a week if you do the math and find out how long your on to gm a warrior (just not resist) in reality i had the character for 3 weeks before i was gm parry, mace, tactics, healing, anat, archery. well i guess i didnt gm poisoning but what ever i dont give a f*** the fact of the matter remains if you think its hard to gain skills with just even a warrior then you shouldnt play this game because its obviously to hard to understand all you need is to buy band aids and get bone armor and a shield and sit in a gy and let the zombies and skellies come to you. and mumu your a tool stfu you have no clue. and tbfh i think its easier to gain skills that used to be hard as f*** to train now so maybe if you werent a bk at games youd see its easy

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:47 am 

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because people can open 2 clients...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:55 am 

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Guys lets not flame each other truth of the matter is its very difficult to hunt and make money, regs are scares if u not an old player and hunting at this time plain sucks.

Remember the old days? when people used to hunt because its worth it? And Pks would show up to kill you and take your hard earned gold? Why would anyone hunt now? its takes WAY too long to kill shit and gain a few coin.

No people hunting = no Pks

No Pks = Low population.

And to ur macroing comment. You dont macro killing stuff like on the xbox, You macro to gain skills so you can kill stuff. You need to actually play to pvp and hunt which is what makes the game fun, not sitting there clicking shit over and over. somehting that dosent need to be done on xbox, yet millions of people still play and you dont need to work hard to have fun :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:50 am 
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I wouldnt say gold is that hard to get tbh. I dont play a great deal yet I have over a million, but yes before someone says...i have chars to make me gold. There is a noob tho who finds the gold to buy 40+ dex from me, he bought a couple of stangs and kept his noobie warrior stocked while hunting this gold (in like 3 days). If you work for it and put some effort in its not so hard....
When its mentioned about reg stock piles, regs are ALOT cheaper than they used to be and u can get alot more now as the vendors restock fast compared to the hours it used to take. Its what like 30 mins or something now?
and each reg run you get atleast afew hundred of each....

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:20 am 

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Hunting? Peice of cake. I took my warrior hunting with a poly mage buddy and we make bank. Right now im still over 500k, and if not for my excessive shopping and fines, i would be around 1.5 mil. Ask falin how much he has, he hunts a lot, maybe even tell you some good spots.

Afk macroing? Eh sure i would like it but like everyone said, just play the game.

Skills gains are pretty hard i can agree with that :?

Regs? Just make a set of runes to all the shops, or i'll sell you one, can easily get 200-500 each reg each run. Or hunt shame.

Killing in brit gy, eh its just a graveyard, I don't see much fun in storming in to take some bronze xD

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:31 pm 
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last time I was on my mage regs were not that hard to come by, and I made ok gold with my warrior and my crappy poly mage....elder gazers come to mind, so does clearing out haunted hill....

macroing should be (and is) allowed, but not excessive, and afk should be more lenient....maybe a 2 minute stone rather then the 20 or 30 seconds it is now. Trying not to get busted doing something should not be anyones first priority when playing a game....unless their a thief.

Skill gains...I'd like to see them easy as hell at low levels, hard as hell as you get higher....I'd even like to see a dynamic system in place that will make skills harder to gain as your total skill points gets closer to your cap.

I like stats unlocked. Stat management gives a challenge to the game that other shards lack, but the current system takes the challenge and makes it a chore. A dynamic system would work great here you get closer to your total stat cap it would be nice if the gains slow (but never stop), which would help a lot of people with the chore of maintaining run-away stats, but still keep the maintenance element for maxed out characters....

I'd like to see the tremmel rule set applied to the area around cove and the brit GY.....Make it impossible to attack someone within these areas......the way i see it, noobs need safety to get acquainted, and if a casual gamer wants to hunt crappy loot in peace its just more that people cna fight over when they leave the GY. The problem is finding a way to prevent people from abusing these areas. Some folks will say that this is carebareing the shard....I don't give a shit what those people say and they need to quit killing our newbies....if this would bring our numbers up, even by 3 or 4 people, it's a win. those people will not stay in protected areas forever.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:11 pm 

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Im with Azimuth. The gains are too difficult. They should progessively get harder but should be easier at lower levels like he said


PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:42 pm 
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What I really don't like about bob is how he talks in 3rd person, quit acting like your the all magical god, cuz your not. Basically from what I've been reading these past few months on the forums, echo is way too trigger happy, it seems like he just likes f****** with people, if this shard is gonna succed quit being dicks.

Now let's see what I said will change anything.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:33 pm 

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Think of this game like a business,
You had a lot of costumers, and you scared them all away, now you have a few loyal customers who are loyal so they wont leave no matter has been input into the game, how about you change rules to bring other people in, since the loyal people are going to stay no matter what is done.

just my 2 cents.

Ill try building a char from the get go and ill post updates.

Whats the best way to raise str? herding? or what?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:46 pm 
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Basically from what I've been reading these past few months on the forums, echo is way too trigger happy, it seems like he just likes f****** with people, if this shard is gonna succed quit being dicks.
I spend countless hours dealing with PMs and pages to fix ingame problems, and I also spend countless hours reading all of the posts people take the time and effort to write (even obnoxious ones like yours).

And after all of that: I still approve about 80% of unbanning requests.

Calling me trigger happy is just making an uniformed statment - and really...... do I go around calling you a dick for doing your job? No - I listen to your concerns and try to act how I think best.

I ban people for breaking the rules. It's not being trigger happy - it's doing my job.

As for the topic at hand (before you decided to change the topic to staff bashing, Apocalypse) I think it's wonderful that you took the time to offer all the suggestions, Nemo.

The problem with alot of those suggestions is that they will drastically change the game into just another UO power-gain shard.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:11 pm 
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1) For one. AFK MACROING. Allowed. Why not let players use they're hard earned resources to macro while they work, stdy, or even watch tv? Ther eis no negative impact on the server allowing players to macro afk. AFK macroing should be allowed as long as it is NOT used to gather resources (Fishing, Mining, Lumberjacking, ETC)

This will support the 15 year old gamers who leave their computer on all day with a macro program running because mum and dad foot the internet/power bill for them. It's a rule that was put in place so people are playing the game - not simply 'buying' their way up, because that's effectively what they're doing. We're not going to change the rule.

2)Stat gains. Stats should not be so painfully hard to gain. During OSI's T2A it would take about a day of herding to gain 100 str. like 6 hours of snooping to gain 100 dex and it would take like 4 days of macroing magery to get 100 int. Its ridiculous to have to macro for days on end to get 100 str or dex. Also fix Stat locks, if thats not something permanently messed up. Gaining stats passed cap and loosing other usefull stats is kind of a downer.

Stat locks won't come into effect - we're keeping the pot reduction system around for that. However in terms of pre-100 stat gain, if we had some kind of figures we could work out how much we need to tweak this for easier stat gain. Maybe test it out a bit a report back?

3)Skill gains. Skills that gather resources should be PAINFULLY hard to gain. Mining, Lumber-jacking and fishing as well as the associated branches from that i.e blacksmithing, bow craft, etc.. so the system in place now is But basic pvp skills, such as magery, swordsmanship, wrestle etc should not take over a day each. (OSI t2A) things like healing should take longer, as well as magic resist. Meditation should take a BIT long since it is a passive skill and no items are required.

Mastering a skill in a day is just going against alot of what the shard stands for and won't happen.

4) Shops. Shops should sell 20 Of each reg to start and when bought out should refresh with 2x the amount of regs every time, capped at 999. so . 20--40--80--160--320--640 etc.That way players can use their money to purchase regs to macro magery, healing etc.

Currently you can shop around by using recall runes as someone already suggested. Or you can hunt shame or a number of different areas to get the regs you need. This is just an idea geared towards power-gaming and not what obsidian is about.

5) Magery. I see they have unlocked a lot of blocked spells from the past, very nice Bob, but when spells fizzle they should not consume any mana, since the spell has not been casted. Scrolls. Scrolls should enable players with lower magery to cast higher circle spells. I.E someone with 10-20 magery to recall with a scroll, someone with 40 magery to able to ebolt and someone with 60-70 magery to FS without fizzle. The advantage? It gives inscription a use. People have to pay for their scrolls. (scrolls should do the same dmg as regular spells, I think they do not) This allows warriors to be able to recall without really having to train magery.

I actually quite like these suggestions. The inscription idea was something bounced around awhile ago so we might look into it.

6)Hunting. WOW how extremely difficult is it to make money? I mean come on, Lets say im a new player. After training a few months to get my skills up on a warrior (obviously i cant make a mage without regs or money) I need to hunt. Without provocation, peacemaking how does a warrior really hunt something worth killing? it takes a ridiculous amount of time to drop a monster. Fix EVs and blade spirits so that people can actually hunt with them. and enable provocation.

People can and do hunt with mages and warriors at low levels and make enough to support both styles of play. EVs and blade spirits are in common use for hunting AND the bard skills are likely to be worked on in the future. You should do a bit of play testing ingame before making this kind of suggestion again. Pays to do a bit of research first!

7)EQ. Eq shouldnt kill. Just drop you about 30-40% of total hp per hit. This ends EQ house killing. also if you leave an animal in your house and someone EQs it. Shouldnt have left it ther ein the first place, or shouldnt have told people were your house was, theres plenty of palces to place a house.

EQ is a handy skill for hunting and pvp in groups, we're not about to change it just because of the issue we have with it in regards to house area killings. We'd have to look into the chain lightning spell and explosion pots and all kinds of other spells. We were working on another idea awhile back but it's on the back burner while we work on races.

8 )No Reskilling - AKA Ressurection Killing. This has always been a cause for a LOT of controversy. My Suggestion, erase this rule, if you die in the field, and dont want to get reskilled dont resurrect and go back toy your body. Someone is camping the anhk? get out of there and run to town, you died, end of story, if you resurrect and get seen again, expect to die again, simple. +

Possible - but then we don't want people following the ghosts around just to kill them. That's why the rule is in place. How about setting this up as a poll in the suggestions section? one suggestion per thread makes it easier to deal with.

9)Do not PK players inside or around cove OR the britain graveyard. Cove understandable. Brit GY? Why not?
Dont put so many restrictions on players. Brit Gy was always a HUGE PVP zone.

It was only a huge pvp area because people wanted to kill new players. We can put a ban on pvp in those areas and have done so in cove. We're not going to change this system.

10)Stop being so trigger happy. The base population is like 5 players. Jail people, don't ban.

I'm not even going to begin to comment on this one. We're not trigger happy - we ban people if they are caught mutli accounting. Lately we haven't had to ban anyone outside of that. Do some research before making such a silly uninformed statement.

11) Definitely more things once i explore around for a bit, I think spawns needs to be fixed as well as being able to recall into dungeons but thats not even a big deal.

Dungeons will never be able to be recalled into. They're an anti magicka area for a reason. Just learn to live with it.

So my final 2cents, The population of Obsidian was about 17 When i last played, now its 1-5, something needs to be done. Lets face it, the only way to attract new players from other servers or new player sin general is not make this game a CHORE. Im not saying making skill gain and stat gain so easy that in 3 days you have a fully ready pvp char, but it should take no more than 1-2 weeks to have a battle ready mage.

I think the idea forwarded by Azimuth was a good addition to this suggestion. I think he suggested something along the lines of curving the difficulty of the skill gains so that once you hit say 60 in a skill it becomes as hard as it is now. That way the initial gains are something that can entice a player to keep at it - and help them get enough of askill to be able to do a few different things.

I also have a DEMO of the actual OSI t2A server if any of the admins want to check it out for.

Not required but thanks - we've got a few different test servers available.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:12 pm 

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It wouldn't really be a power gain shard, but I hope agree with me on the fact this shard needs drastic changes, and fast. Will skill gain being so difficult I ponder as to why you dont let players afk macro.

I would also really like to see you in game if possible,

Thanks bud.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:16 pm 

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I agree 100% on the skill gain thing, lower levels should be EXTREMELY easy and once you hit higher levels become much more difficult.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:35 pm 
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well.... gains i think skills should be progressive but not tooo much easeir. alot of us have been here for years and not gmed all skils yet. but 1 day is retarded.
as i posted in second post here. i think finding new ways to make noob training fun besides hours of skeleys is a good step. some thing like a noob only quest that at end would give out a skill ball only used by THAT char that could raise 1 skill up say 20 or something would be cool way to go.

hunting. money=easy, just have to find the right spots an make right skills. but drops are very bad. i have hunted HARD since beginning of year, and i have little but gold to show for it. new bosses drop rares those are cool. but nothing drops weps worth a shit. i went on a quest to get a vanq wep for months ..all i killed was monsters that drop high end things. finally one dropped but only one and i killed over 200 bosses since ive kept track. i agree with someone who said you need a thrill once in a while to go "sweet i heard the horn..what did we get?" ive cleared destard with poly like 4 times without a drop, all 3 lvls! and sometimes ill get 3 drops. but they are all mixed up, dropping might and force or weak armor.

Galen Soulhunter(Deamons)-Money maker
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