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 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:26 pm 
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GM Announcements:
-- Back from my SCII vacation (not really 100%, but at least i'm done with my "I'm not doing anything but vacationing right now". So expect updates, mostly small ones or for-fun projects for awhile)

New Features:
-- Beginnings of weather/time/moon system implemented. Currently raining hard in vesper.

Balance Adjustments:
-- Poison clouds should no longer poison your pets
-- Healing recoded so it shouldn't force a full update to update your health bar. (producing rubberband as you "run" past where you actually are on the server, to allow people with slower connections to play)
-- Healing should now properly report when you're revealed

Bugs Fixed:
-- Special dyes should now work properly
-- Necromancers hiccuping after casting
-- Rainy weather should no longer close your bank box
-- Guild chat should now work again

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:49 am 
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New Features:
-- New Vampire Quest -- Lunar

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:08 pm 
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New Features:
-- New Vampire Quest - Blood Magi
-- -- With the last quest in, in 3 days i will put in the vampire stone.
-- Added T3A style corpse cutting going into bones instead of ground
-- -- Only activated with swords, so for those who prefer the new style of corpse cutting you can still use other weapons to achieve it

Balance Adjustments:
-- Boss Healing will now only double their existing health, not heal to full.
-- NPCS should be mostly fixed to how they used to be now
-- Added a check to rotating spawns to not respawn anything that's interacted with(or seen) a player recently

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:30 am 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- Recoded top players board to adjust up and down, so it'll constantly check vs the current leaders current stats.
-- Turned off NPCs poofing back home when far away
-- -- I swear to broadband if i find people abusing it they will get an automatic +2 to their punishment for whatever crime they're committing.

Bugs Fixed:
-- Crafting should now properly prevent a lot more skill uses now
-- Monsters with Fencing Resist, Archery Resist, and a few other effects now take proper damage (were acting immune).
-- Fixed the gold coin bug with new style potions, wall pots and creature pot potions.
-- Fixed a bug where resources antiboredom wasn't quite working right.
-- Echo can no longer be the luckiest player.
-- -- After careful and regretful examination, it was determined he is in fact staff.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:34 pm 
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New Features:
-- Vampire race change stone is in.
-- -- This means everyone except people who bugged me in the past 12 hours about it can now be vampire, those others have to wait a few more days.
-- -- As the last stone, this means 1 month from now, all race change stones will be REMOVED.
-- -- -- After this the only way to change race will be to create a new character(or complete certain quests)

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:15 pm 
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New Features:
-- With the vampire stone in, all vampire masters may now oath to their bloodline.
-- -- Keep in mind that blood oaths are very draining experience, so expect a huge stat loss in those who are oathed.
-- -- Only vampire masters may oath others into a bloodline.. but rumor says there is a way for others in a bloodline to be given the power to oath as well.

Balance Adjustments:
-- Almost every skill had the highest stat(such as str for mining) max gain level increased by around 20% or 10-20 points.
-- -- This was done to put things more in line with obsidians increased(280 instead of 220) statcap.

Bugs Fixed:
-- Fixed several Bucaneer's den bugs including announcement of the war, rejection of people not in owning guild who logged out there, etc.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:48 am 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- Vampire oath loss reduced by 50%.
-- Healing Adjustments
-- -- Bandage healing:
-- -- -- If you get hit within 4 seconds of healing anyone with bandages(including yourself) it adds 1 second to your timer, max 5 stacks.
-- -- -- Damage from poison and magic do NOT count for this effect
-- -- -- This does not apply to resurrection
-- -- Spell Healing:
-- -- -- Heal spell cast time increase to 1.0 from 0.8
-- -- -- Heal spell max healing effect reduced from 25 to 23
-- -- -- Heal spell mana use increased to 5 from 4
-- -- -- Greater Heal spell cast time increased to 2.8 from 2.4
-- -- -- Greater Heal spell mana use increased to 13 from 11

Bugs Fixed:
-- Fixed healing bug where sometimes failing twice was possible above 35.0 healing
-- Fisherman's Hut is no longer guarded
-- Fixed a "bug" whereby 7 different people gave away their blood magi quest item.
-- -- They are now told that that is a bad idea.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:23 am 
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New Features:
-- Meditation should now work even in war mode/combat
-- -- The big server upgrade a little while back finally gave us the ability to do this. Told you it was worth it.

Balance Adjustment:
-- Reduced stamina used to fill a blood bottle from 15 to 10

Bugs Fixed:
-- Orb shrines should now properly give orbs again
-- Ancient Vampire - Invisibility should now work properly
-- Vampire Kiss Tracker no longer weighs 60 stones
-- Vampire blood now properly restores a little health/stam/man instead of just health.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:14 pm 
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Balance Adjustment:
-- Boss healing reduced from 200% to 150%. Meaning they gain 50% hp every time they heal when no players are around instead of doubling.
-- Made necromancer reactions timeout after 30 seconds

Bugs Fixed:
-- Adjusted necromancer queue casting code a bit more in an attempt to isolate bug with multicast
-- Poison effects ignoring magic reflection
-- Cat's Lair sign replaced

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:39 pm 
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Bugs Fixed:
-- Archery weapons now finally allow you to use spells stored in magic weapons
-- Heal casting time, again. Wondering how it keeps getting un-fixed.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:47 pm 
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New Features:
-- .killtime - Shows how long to decay your next kill
-- A new dark elf slot has been opened
-- -- From now on i will NOT announce when dark elf slots open, in order to make it more fair

Bugs Fixed:
-- Warlocks can no longer memorize or recall bosses
-- -- To the three players who abused this, BLATANTLY, you have two options.
-- -- -- Either i see a reduction from your account of all loot you've gained abusing this within 1 week.
-- -- -- Or I will make the reduction myself.
-- -- -- Just because i'm gone on RL craziness does not mean you abuse bugs for weeks before reporting it.
-- Hallucination potions show the proper graphic when made
-- Jail potion should properly be dispelled upon poofing death for protected characters
-- Fixed bug where old potions would use the old potion timer as well as their new ones
-- The poisoning skillbutton has been disabled
-- Green potions dropped by monsters now work as normal poison potions
-- Vampires can no longer berserk while dead

Balance Adjustments:
-- Vampire blood bottle delay reduced from 5 to 4
-- The storm has now passed over vesper
-- Added instructions on how to stop crafting to all actions that are stopped while you are currently crafting

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:24 am 
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New Features:
-- Anti Afk Kill System
-- -- We will no longer be kicking people who are afk while red.
-- -- Instead, i've instituted a system that will mostly stop the kill decay for people who are afk.(90% reduction)
-- -- -- I've lowered the kill decay formula by roughly 20% to allow for any misjudges the new system does.
-- -- -- It is not perfect, but this should be a nice compromise.
-- -- -- -- By not perfect, i mean it may get people who aren't afk and just very lethargic(banksitters/etc).
-- -- -- -- However it's either this or the current system, so i'm hoping people will favor this one more.
-- -- -- -- -- I'd rather have staff doing work and developing fun things, not policing people.

Bugs Fixed:
-- Frost elves no longer get to keep their HP when they get dispelled due to max hp adjusting taking a few seconds.
-- Bosses now ignore ghosts/dead when checking for nearby players for healing.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:43 pm 
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Bugs Fixed:
-- Meditation no longer fizzles spells
-- Meditation no longer interrupts other actions
-- Successful Meditation will now reveal from hidden

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:16 pm 
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New Features:
-- Fall Features enabled, winter will be turned on december 1st
-- -- Sorry i'm late, here's your turkeys

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:54 pm 
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November 19, 2010

New Features:
-- If you are Very Bad, your killcount now shows next to your name(updates on kills and decays).

Comming Balance Adjustments:
-- Vampire masters are going to have a required amount of playtime and interaction(meaning logging on in nowhere won't count) over a given period or risk losing their status.
-- -- With this lost status comes a huge injury to the character. (I.e. something to be avoided, and not just an easy way out of being master)

Balance Adjustments:

-- Necromancy total protection no longer dispels
-- Spirit speak should now be usable in war mode, but will still interrupt/cancle any active skills

-- If you are Very Good (Kills < 4) and the other person is Very Bad (Kills > 9), you gain no kill.
-- -- This is to prevent borderline pks.
-- If you are agressive against another player, you cannot call guards on them for 60 seconds.
-- If you kill a player who was agressive against you, you will not gain a kill.
-- -- For these two updates, aggressive is defined as follows:
-- -- -- They damaged you first
-- -- -- You were not globally criminal
-- -- -- You did not do a crime against them
-- -- -- They have damaged you within the last 60 seconds (meaning the fight is still going on)
-- -- -- -- This last one means that if they start a fight, and run, and you chase them for 5 min then kill them, it's no longer self defense
-- -- Like ANY update to the kill system, expect it to be unforgiving and very literal.
-- In Summary, you will now no longer gain a kill for the following situations:
-- -- Order vs Chaos Fights
-- -- Guild Wars
-- -- The player being agressive to you.

-- Max stat gain from skills has been reduced to 100
-- -- Now i did the patch that raised it over 100, to teach you all a lesson.
-- -- -- I personally thought skills shouldn't really over 100
-- -- -- HOWEVER, thats how it always was in t3a
-- -- -- I rarely change shit from t3a without a good reason(game balance) or player support, so i did the patch to preserve it
-- -- -- Now that you all gave player support, i can change it to make it better
-- -- -- In short, the lesson is not all things from t3a were good, just "how it was".
-- -- -- -- So next time i put in a patch and say "this was broken in t3a", give it some thought instead of saying "OMG heresay, t3a was perfect"
-- -- -- -- Also i don't care how much everyone "knows" something, if it's not in a well discussed thread in bugs or suggestions, i can't act on it.
-- -- -- -- -- No that doesn't mean it was within a thread as a subdiscussion. ONE topic per thread.

Bugs Fixed:
-- Old Green Potions should now properly consume

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