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 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:33 pm 

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New Features:
-- Boss added River
-- Boss added Zogar
-- Boss added Skittering Horror
-- --Dont go at this one alone

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:20 pm 
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PVP(and by extension PVE) Patch:
-- People are about to scream bloody murder at me, just saying.
-- Healing skills and spells lowered by roughly 20%.
-- Healing while poisoned reduced to 33% reduction from 50% reduction.
-- -- For the math challenged, that means you'll heal 2/3rd what you would if unpoisoned
-- Weapons have been rebalanced
-- -- Upon testing/inspection, i think i did the normal weapon balance right the first time
-- -- HOWEVER, what i messed up was the scaling of the magical bonuses, which quickly made slower weapons beefy and light weapons crap.
-- -- The new formula has a lower slope, meaning heavier weapons will be dealing less damage and lighter weapons will be dealing more, comparatively.
-- -- -- This is mostly just to fix the way armor is working to mitigate damage, and should result in more useful weapons
-- -- All speed scaling damage bonuses (like +1-+9 or anatomy bonus) follow the new curve
-- Wrestling damage bonus from anatromy reduced by 20%.
-- Most bears got a slight nerf.

PVE Counterbalance:
-- Loot formula has been restructed a bit
-- -- This should more properly reflect monster difficulty(keyword should, we'll see how it tests in practice).
-- -- This has given an average of 18% increase to gold across the board, with more/less in variance on individual monsters
-- Magic drop possibilities increased from 15 to 17.
-- -- Added one weapon drop of level and one drop of level + 1 for drops under power
-- -- For power and vanq it's adding 2 drops of weapons of level
-- -- So as it stands for vanq/power you have:
-- -- 5.8% each for shield/chainmail/ringmail
-- -- 11.6% platemail
-- -- total armor chance: 29.4%, down from 33.3%
-- -- total weapon chance: 70.6%
-- -- For ruin/might/force:
-- -- -- same armor chances
-- -- -- 5.8% for level+1(might would drop from ruin monster)
-- -- -- 64.8% for level weapons(ruin from ruin monsters).

-- NPC wipe has been done, it's been long overdue
-- -- As with past npc wipes, yes this means your housed pets/sheep/etc die too.

Balance Adjustments:
-- All field Wall potion timers (except stonewall) have had timers increased from 5 to 6.

Seasonal Changes:
-- Fall seasonal has ended and winter has now begun, will run through at least the end of january.

Bugs Fixed:
-- Wording on nexus clarified to extol the magical variance in time (i added the word approximately for those who haven't figured it out)
-- Skittering horror should no longer debugsay on web
-- Fixed a few minor bugs with the new bosses, nothing that was too noticable
-- Paralyze wall potions now have the correct timer
-- Fixed bug where resist message wasn't showing correctly in some circumstances.
-- Vendors saying "that will be xxx gold coin(null)" should no longer happen
-- -- However it is now technically possible to buy something for 1 gold coins.
-- -- You grammar nazi this at your own risk. :D

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:49 pm 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- I adjusted how combat break/resume works due to movement and otherwise clashing and bouncing away. Mostly minor stuff that will be hard to notice but should "Feel" better and act more like t3a in terms of chases.

-- Most magery spells have had another 15-23% reduced casting speed
-- -- This hopefully will be the last speed adjustment, i think i've gotten it as close as i can to t3a times, we'll see how the weekend goes
-- All summon spells have had casting times increased between 20-40%.
-- Gate travel casting time has been incrased from 4.0 to 5.0
-- Mass Dispel casting time has been increased from 4.0 to 4.5
-- Recall casting time has been increased slightly.
-- Mark increased to 10 seconds to prevent speed-marking
-- Heal and Greater Heal have gotten minor increases.

Balance Reversions:
-- I've reverted the change that made all magery spells ignore armor
-- Magic can now also damage yourself
-- -- If spells are unpowered i shall fix them on a case by case basis for adjustment
-- -- However most of the original problems that made me turn these two on are now fixed/gone.

Bugs Fixed:
-- Fixed a loophole in the pet housekilling monitoring system
-- Christmas and Shadow transformations now work properly on bosses
-- -- I actually was gonna leave this bug in until someone mentioned it to give ya'll a break. :D

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:16 pm 
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(done yesterday, forgot to post somehow)

Bugs Fixed:
-- Had some harsh words with the housing system over a few hours.
-- -- It was told to shape up and mind it's manners, in return i upgraded it a bit and re-setup taxes(not on yet).
-- -- Houses will now decay by their signs turning black
-- -- -- Any decayed house WILL be wiped during a house wipe(usually given 1 week notice)
-- -- -- But because the sign turns black you will be able to unlock/remove everthing to clear out a decayed house
-- -- If no houses dissapear this month, taxes will go back in starting febuary first.
-- -- A side affect of this is all doors were reset to owner-only access due to the system upgrades
-- -- All decayed houses were re-set as of today(meaning the day before this post)

Balance Adjustments:
-- You may no longer lock items down below the house level.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:21 am 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- Moongates now longer spit you out to a random location
-- -- Now it is entirely deterministic based on various factors
-- -- This will prevent the "hit a moongate and escape" factor of overworld pvp

Development(Not put in but stuff i'm working on so you can see where the time goes):
-- Bardic spellcasting and songwriting now fully works
-- -- I still have to create the songs and balance it out, however i will enlist help for the song creation part
-- -- When it fully goes in, i will be dropping everyone with over 90 music to 60, everyone under 90 to 50, and everyone under 50 to 0.
-- -- -- This is because the method of gaining will be different and i don't want anyone starting with high level bard stuff without earning it.
-- -- -- And yes, spamming lastobject for hours isn't really earning.
-- -- -- However it will be a bit before this happens, so no worries.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:24 pm 
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New Features:
-- Blacksmithing
-- -- Forge and Anvil deeds added
-- Taming
-- -- Four new tamable mounts have been added, with the relative rarity of mustangs.

Balance Adjustments:
-- Crafting menus will now display all items you have the skill to make
-- -- If you lack the resources the name will show in red
-- Protected pets will now be cured when they poof to safety

Bugs Fixed:
-- Earthquake will no longer hit the caster
-- Mass curse will no longer hit the caster
-- Gorge,Zogar and River now drop rarer at the appropriate rate now
-- Dark Elf Champion told to get back to work
-- Nexus told to stop hiding and go back to getting beat up
-- Fixed a small bug with the housing system thinking all npcs were vendors.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:59 am 
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New Features:
-- Three new player commands for house owning characters(not characters on the same account)
-- -- .fixstorage - Use only once on a house if you think the storage counter is messed up, it will unlock EVERYTHING, and then fix the storage counter.
-- -- .lockall - This will attempt to lock every item in the house down(and secure every chest), up to the storage limit. This means if you have more items/chests than the limit, it will only secure some of them, so make sure to check after you do it.
-- -- .unlockall - This will unlock/unsecure everything in the house.

Balance Adjustments:
-- I have run a lockall command on every house in the shard(213 total for those curious) just to catch any accidentally unsecured items

Bugs Fixed:
-- Fixed a bug with crafting not properly checking that hands are free

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:18 pm 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- All currently existing houses have been refreshed
-- -- I've added some check code to the housing to tell when people refreshed, but can't find any reason they're decaying early
-- -- -- If your house decays early after this... page and let me know.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:13 pm 
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Seasonal Changes:
-- Winter season is out
-- -- Seasonal Spawn Removed:
-- -- -- Pegasus
-- Easter season is in
-- -- Seasonal spawn added:
-- -- -- Easter Bunny (I'd advise against it, personally)
-- -- -- Easter Bunny Helper

Bugs Fixed:
-- Gorgeskin Cloak now responds properly to bandage heals
-- Zogar's Summons should no longer be a possible source of magic drops
-- Remove friend from house sign will now automatically remove anyone who has deleted thier character (Shows as 0 in list)

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:21 am 
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Seasonal Changes:
-- Snow and ice monsters have now melted completely

New Features:
-- Added a global light level that changes throughout the day
-- -- Peak daylight is from roughly noon to four
-- -- Peak night is from roughly 11pm to 5am
-- -- This has a byproduct of making dungeons think they're in sunlight
-- -- -- I'll fix it later, for now enjoy your bright daylight dungeons. :P

Bugs Fixed:
-- Guards should now only clear criminals after they have been jailed.

Balance Adjustments:
-- Full Resist failures now have a possibility to gain skill.
-- Partial Resists gain rate has been lowered.
-- Partial Resists have been reduced from a maximum effect of 90% to 50%.
-- -- This means for spells that resisting mitigates("You feel yourself resisting magic"), it no longer makes them near worthless.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:32 am 
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Balance Adjustments:
-- You will no longer resist spells cast on yourself
-- You will no longer lose karma when killing animals
-- Synergy bonus to necromancy now reduces stun time by 50%, not negates it entirely

New Features:
-- Town Invasions
-- -- You may still log out instantly in towns being invaded, they are just not guarded
-- -- Occasionally the town guard will fall and the town will be invaded by an outside force
-- -- -- This will continue until the invasion is surpressed (invading force < 10 when someone clicks the invasion checkpoint)
-- -- -- Once the invasion is surpressed town life will gradually return to normal
-- -- -- -- A global announcement will go out informing people of this.
-- -- -- -- Everyone who was in the town when the invasion was surpressed will receieve an invasion achievement point(Used for many things later).
-- -- There are four forces that are strong enough to invade towns currently:
-- -- -- Demonic (Strongest, if a town falls to these, good luck)
-- -- -- Undead
-- -- -- Goblins
-- -- -- Mother Nature (Least problematic)

Bugs Fixed:
-- Fixed a few bugs in the quest systems updating and tracking systems

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 1:07 pm 
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Seasonal Changes:
-- Easter is over

Balance Adjustments:
-- Mustang spawn rates have been approximately doubled
-- Horse and Llama spawn rates reduced by roughly 3/4ths
-- The sale on skill transfer crystals has now ended and their price has returned to normal
-- Lowered skill starting for new chars from max of 20 untrained to max of 10 untrained
-- Hard skillcaps implemented for classes
-- -- When you login if a skill is over the class limit, it will be reduced to the class limit

Bugs Fixed:
-- Fixed bug where tamed animals poofed to nowhere
-- -- Animals now unset their poofing location when tamed
-- NPCs will now again poof back if far from their spawn since this bug is fixed
-- Fixed a bug in the third blood magi ability

New Features:
-- Bloodrock reneration is now enabled.
-- -- To regenerate your bloodrock, it must be left out in the sun(sitting out, not in a container or on your person)
-- -- Bloodrock currently regenerates(up to full hp) roughly 1 hitpoint per in-game day(may be adjusted later)
-- Fortune System
-- -- Every day will start with a different fortune(shown on the day popup), which will affect things throughout that day
-- -- Some things will only happen with certain fortunes
-- -- You can also check your fortune at a crystal ball
-- Calendar
-- -- The calendar has been in for awhile, but now there is a way to check it
-- -- If you are online when the day changes, you will get a popup similar to the world save dialog
-- -- You can also check by consulting a nearby person and asking about the date

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:16 pm 
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New Features:
-- The first new counselor has arrived
-- A virtue item has been added
-- Magic Lock and Unlock now work
-- -- Magic lock will fade over time, and can be pulled open with strength as it grows weaker

Bugs Fixed:
-- I have added one more system to account for house decays and reset all decayed houses.
-- -- Taxes will go in in a month or so after ensuring it is working fine.
-- -- That means this will be the last saving of decayed houses.
-- Reworked the temperature code on avatar isle and frost isle a bit

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:12 pm 
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Bugs Fixed:
-- You can no longer fizzle your own spell that hit yourself (Credit to apocalypse for flamestriking themselves)
-- Bail stone re-added to 1 hour timeout
-- Animals now correctly should not give karma loss
-- -- Instead of everything not an animal not giving karma loss. Whoops. :)

Balance Adjustments:
-- All poison potion timers increased from 5 to 8.
-- Poison potions now have a 75% chance to instantly hit when thrown at a person
-- -- The other 25% they will create a cloud as usual
-- -- Targetting the ground will always resort in a cloud
-- -- All clouds now gain an extra 10.0 effective skill over their direct hit variant
-- Bandage Healing while poison reduced from 66% heal amount to 40%.
-- Bandage Healing delay increased by one second globally
-- -- Minimum heal delay increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
-- All Explosion potions have had their timer increased from 1 to 10.

 Post subject: Re: Changelog for T4A
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:14 pm 
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New Features:
-- Several trade routes have been established between the cities
-- -- Some by land, some by sea
-- -- The cities primary trade will be conducted along these routes, including delivery of taxes, building materials, etc
-- -- Whether you choose to help the convoy or hurt them is up to you.
-- The race selection stones have been added to the tutorial start and end
-- -- The start in case you want to skip the tutorial
-- Boats have returned to obsidian(Carpentry + Cartography)
-- -- Boats may only make landfall in guarded regions
-- -- I swear to god if i catch people abusing boats, i will rip their heads off.
-- Piracy has come to obsidian
-- -- If you are killed upon your boat, the person who killed you gets your boat
-- -- You may board a boat from another boat using a grappling hook(Fletching + Tinkering)

Balance Adjustments:
-- When crafting an item far below your level, you will get bonus work done on the item, completing it faster since it is so simple
-- -- An item 25.0 below your skill level will get a 50% bonus
-- -- An item 50.0 below your skill level will grant double work

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