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 Post subject: Pen! I need a pen!
PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 2:03 pm 
Game Admin

Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:16 pm
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Location: Australia
Can you draw? Can you write? Can you design?


We are on the lookout for talented artists, writers and scriptwriters to help with a number of projects geared
towards revamping the shard. If you have some artistic or technical skill and can spare some time, we would
love the help. (More detail further down)

As for what has been happening the past month,'s the scoop as best as I can tell it.

The time loop bug we've suffered again has prompted us to look towards updating the version of sphere we are
using from 56b to 56c. It's not as much of a shift as T3A to T4A was but it will bring new challenges as well as new content.

We've been preparing for the change by establishing a test server that runs alongside the current version. This is so we can
test out the old scripts on the new 56c version and the rest of you can too! It also will give us a sounding board for future
script changes. Changes will be uploaded to the test server first and bugs ironed out before they will be implemented on the
main server. This should make future patch work simpler and cleaner!

The time loop bug has been partially fixed for the moment. We are correcting a few side issues caused by it but it should
be sorted within the week. Timers on racial abilities will be a little long until then, and you may notice you can visit
Cove for the time being.

So over the next month, with the use of the test server, we'll be releasing a steady stream of bug fixes and content to settle
back into the flow of game development. But what's a game without some snazzy graphics?

So we're asking if anyone out there is interested in helping us develop a whole range of artwork for Obsidian. Artwork including
race selection screens, website graphics, logos, banners and desktop icons. If you have any skill in these areas please PM GM
Echo with details of what you would like to help with and what skills you have.

Oh and if you see Raptor on, say hi for me.

 Post subject: Re: Pen! I need a pen!
PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 10:42 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:15 pm
Posts: 1232
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Location: Liverpool, England
Excellent! All sounding good man :)


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