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How long have you been playing Obsidian
4+ Years Baby!  10%  [ 12 ]
3+ Years  16%  [ 20 ]
2+ Years  21%  [ 26 ]
1+ Year  12%  [ 15 ]
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Less then 3 Months  32%  [ 40 ]
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 9:51 pm 
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Just as it says guys. Name the one most memorable moment you've had in obsidian. Try to make your post as detailed and story like as possible.


I was running a quest back in the day when obsidian had 50+ players on. I spent hours developing it and then running it for all to enjoy. At the end of the quest the players came to the shocking realization that they didn't get anything special besides the satisfaction of completing a quest and saving someone or something. As they all left I could just hear their constant whining about how they'll never participate in another quest because it was a waste of their time. I spent countless hours setting this up so I was pissed off and rightly so.

Anyways to get back at all the players I summoned every playing ingame into the center of Hyloth lvl4. The lag was horrendous and a fire elemental was nice enough to cast a firewall right on top of the stack of 50 some players. They slowly tried to scatter and retreat and then I filled the dungeon with explosion potions. It took about 10 seconds for one idiot to throw one and 3 seconds later everyone in Obsidian was dead. At this point i took down the server giving everyone a timeout.

Talk about a laugh.

Last edited by Broadband on Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:09 pm 
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what if you've been and gone and come back? Do you go since the date you originally started playing?

I guess my fondest memories of Obsidian was the initial creation with you bud. The decoration of the towns and the creation of all the animal/monster spawns.

Making my skill guides as been pretty great too especially since people have found them so useful.

Victor F. Laurence
aka GM CyberVic, Livistos, Soriathus, etc.
Read my blog "Enthusiam" at

Last edited by CyberVic on Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:11 pm 
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hehe, I remember hearing tale of that, not sure If I was playing at that time and missed it or just heard it as an afteraffect.

Lets see, my fondest memory of obsidian?
Well, I don't really have just one, so hard to pick.
top 5 maybe?

In no particular order:
1. The day I joined the angels, met tigg, bishop, shooter, my lasting friends
2. The last death of plinkers, at least by the hands of an angel hunting party. Still have his head somewhere.
3. The 3v3 team pvp at the buc's den dock's, first time I ever won one, back when i was a half warrior half mage. I owe it to my two team-mates for that. That was the same duel the robes of fire were handed out.
4. Buying my first house
5. <insert seeing anything blinkers pulls when he's in a good mood here>, that guy never ceases iwth the tricks.

Now lets see, I bet that was kinda anticlamatic for you guys, so lets give you a memory you will appreciate.

Well, a long time ago there was a type of event that was run only three times. This event was called a chicken run. The staff running it, usually blinkers, would turn everyone into chickens, and put us all in a big pen inside one of the many unused labrynths, then would release us alla nd firsst one to reacht he finish line wins. Well that sounds easy enough right?


We're running, and running, and we go good for around 5 screens, then about half the runners stop. Seems there are invisible walls throughout the maze, so now it's a little harder. Oh well, no biggie.

After about another 3 screens, we encountered a group of slime and a few weak floor traps. No one died, and it was more laughable then scary to see a bunch of chickens dodging buzz saws, slimes, and spears.

Then all hell broke loose, literally.

In the form of 5 daemons, the home stretch was turned into hell. The only thing missing was fire and brimstone on the floor. Well there was much KFC that day, and only 10 of us made it out, but it was memorable.

After the event we ate the remains of the winners after blinkers cooked it up.

Ano hi chikatta makenai koto.
"Give me an inch, and you've given me too much of a head start. :)"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:51 pm 
uhh around 2 years for me, hmm most memorable time? ha.. all of them.. everything usually has to do with garrs mom. so heres props to garrs mom.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 11:14 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:14 pm
Posts: 323
its been almost 3 years for me, i'd have to say that i have a few memorable moments. One of which is when i met zhad the second day i was playing, we just ran into each other, then he had a diff char, but it was still the same guy...:P us as newbs, it was great, lol. since then we've been tight. Another memorable moment is when i was in the angels and shooter, was tellin me bout rahbdul and madeliene. This is before i became friends with them of course. Well, he told me they were online somewhere, and to watch out, so we went to the old angels guildhouse which was the white marble one they had by the britain farm lands. anyways, out comes rahbdul from hiding, and he casted a few fs's and we ran like hell, lol, good ol times. And one more moment, is the first time i killed plinkers...he used to kill my fisherman all the time....Xzero, and he must have stole 40 str fish all together, i guess he is what got me to start zureese, i started zur with magery wanting to kill plinkers, so i thank him for that, lol. But i remember the first time i actually killed him, it was outside britain graveyard i believe, he attacked me and i finished him, it was great, i looted him of everything he had.....there are plenty more memories and im sure once more ppl bring up some, i will spill out some more...but until then, that's all ur gettin out of me

Zureese - GM flamestriker, hehe
Jake - Back up mage(until zur is fixed)
Seven - On his way, stacked stats (warrior)
Cleetus - GM tailor
Xzero - GM fisherman

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 11:53 pm 
hmm about 2 yrs for me. Dam i feel like ancient wonder how rich and fiskern are.

Most emorable moments are easily fileld with Dragon Slayers and Freeze. Wish hed come back for good.

I liked Duos list so ill add one.
1. Killing my first Wyrm
2. Gettin pked the first time ever , by picos girl warrior ( wtf was the name started with a L)
3. Any time involving Timmy and Garrs mom. Timmy needs to come back too . God i miss his goofy ass.
4. Sephiroths first day on obs i kille dhim for afk macroing.

I remember a chicken run also but it was shorter than yours duo. Though muxch the same results. I think my favorite time was my first CTF. It was the first time i ever saw BB too. Kind of inmpressive entrance. In fact it was the first time i ever really pvped so i sucked bad. My first run in with people like Madeline and Ikarial and Iceblade Lualyr Froid Freeze Pico and even Plinkers was there. Was a great time and i neevr figured where that dam flag was or ho to get it from point a to point b.

Also The day Plinkers got banned. Pico had th ebest Screen shot of it. omg imagine 100 bodies easily strewn about the area around the entrance to brit graveyard. all of them one person. That was crazy. LOL

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 12:17 am 
lauryel? something like that picos char.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:07 am 
My favorite memory is when I told MD he was a moron.

My favorite in game memory would have to be when I tamed a few Pikachu's and unleashed them on someone else.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:13 am 
I have been playing for only a few months, but I have some very nice memories already. I can only imagine what great experiences the many-year veterans have... *sigh* Hopefully, some day I can have same kind of memories.

Perhaps the most fond memory is from my first or second day ever.
I was so excited about the huge world and tried desperately to find out how everything works. I was especially surprised by the kindness of people. When I asked some questions only a total newbie would ask, the answer wasn't "lol stfu n00b rtfm" or such. Everyone that I was asking answered very friendly and clearly.
Then, I made the first friends in Obsidian. Some more experienced players took me under their wings, protecting me from monsters, giving me a horse, helping me train and teaching me much about the wonders of Britannia. Time passed, and the weak warrior Coolblue grew stronger, gradually learning more and more.
That is my dearest memory.

Another unforgottable experience was much later, when I slayed my first orc. Oh, that was a fine day indeed. All the time of my newbieness I had trained for enough str and swordsmanship to defeat orcs. It may sound really pathetic to veterans, but to me it was a big thing.

Admins do truly a wonderful job offering people this kind of shard. I respect thee deeply.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:44 am 
when i first starting was the best time for me:)

meeting mad, who gave me a full spell book :)

i also started about the same time tyger, known her since then :)

like duo buying your first house is always the big thing, i remember buying it with a guy called massimo. The house was a small one which is in the same spot where my large house is now. :) I have always lived round covetous. I got to know most of the vets while we were going through hard times on the shard. i hope the are still all my friends, even though i dont speak to them much now. :) they are all good guys and girls.

looking back now, as i am suppose to be a vet :P seems so long a go. Some old memories. saving up to buy regs or armour, running away from a skeleton with an axe, getting my first Gm skill, making my first bit of BR armour and failing :) and now meeting all the new guys. All good memories :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:55 am 
I've only been here a month...Maybe a bit more...

My first great memory was one of the first days I left Cove...I ran into Tigg and Shooter and joined the Angels, whereupon Tigg set me up with a 3-room house, which I'm now in the proces of buying from her (despite the fact that she placed it so, the rear two rooms have trees in them) :wink: And Shooter set me up with a mine...

I think my next would be when I GM'd smithing...

And my final one atm, was when my mage, Thorn, went to a FFA stricktly to watch as she couldn't fight worth sheit, then got thrown into a 3-way in the finals despite her protests, poly'd into a lizardman and ended up winning with 4 health left... :shock:

And I'm looking foreward to more good times...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:59 am 
So far in my 2 months here my favorite memory was but last night, when I got killed at least 15 times fighting that Liche Shadow in Brit graveyard.

Seriously tho, it was having the satisfaction of my smith/miner being able to work with rusty for the first time and getting the hell out of Cove.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 3:53 am 
My favorite memory? Oh man so many to pick from.

#1 - Mining with a friend and having a PK come up and start attacking me while I was like WTF and just stood there talking smack to em. And when I died he turned on my friend who then killed him with no armor and just a pickaxe. If you're all armored and die to an unarmed minor you're pretty sad that's all I have to say.

#2 - Setting up the Hall of Hero's with a lot of the old players good gear in it. Too bad it went poof. Wish it had been made an actual shard building when I wasn't able to log in anymore.

#3 - Chillin w/ Zur as he collected all his bones for his tower next to one of mine.

#4 - Punching Skeleton Knights to death

#5 - Sitting around the bank talkin to the cool people.

Word up party people.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 4:59 am 
I made my acct 2,2 years ago(musleman is 46 years old, 26 months that he is created)

Best memory was when I first started playing, getting slaughtered by Hunters :P
Second best memory, gm'ing mining and blacksmith way after that, like a year after.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 5:07 am 
Being in the under 3 month category, I don't have that many memories, but if I had to pick something that was memorable....

Probably meeting Madeline for the first time....she never killed me, and now I bet she wish she had :P lol

Actually another one that sticks out comes from my first few days of adventuring is when I found Wind, that place looks really cool...and its so different from a lot of the other towns...

But now that I think of it my most memorable moment is when I actually got it working and my account up an running...I had it installed on my computer for a week before I started and I had been wanting to play a MMORPG sicne I saw the review of Ultima Online in a magazine when it first came out...and that was a long time ago so to finally get there....was very pleasing, its been everything that I had hoped for and I'll be playing it for many years to come... :D


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