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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 11:27 am 
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i agree 110% with bb mainly the forums are out of control and all the negativity spreads like a disease. I have no problems with this shard at all, because if u have been around uo for a long time and have been bouncing around from shitty free shard to the next u would know that this shard is the best out there, and there is no comparision. I have been trying to tell people to stop being asses on the forums but they dont listen. This shard is the greatest one out there and i dont want to see it die. I hope bb and staff can pick themselfs back up and ban all those idiots who started all this stuff. Staff has been doing there best, and staff is not responsable at all for what has been happing letely in the forums and people leaving. its all the players fault, we have alot of good players, but we also have a bunch of jackasses. I have played on shards with average player base of over a thousand and i never seen the forums used as much as this shard does. Everytime i get on the forums all i see is the same people writing 8 paragraph posts about how this sucks this isnt fair, crying all day long. I am rambling on no so bb keep up the great work i appriciate it and alot do, and ban all those idiots that bring everyone else down with there bullshit


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 11:38 am 
isnt someone from here that once told me that scripting is 10% of writing the script then 90% of debugging?

first of i just love this shard more than any other i ever tried, since i started playing obsidian i just fell in love with a game i would have got bored with after a few weeks, now ive been playing for months and feel like im really just starting to really enjoy it to its true value, running a thing like this is almost a full time job so i can understand how complains all around can make BB and vic feel. btw i thought it was really nice to make this christmas patch at least for the time you were in vacations

overall i like the new changes, some work is still to be done but im sure itll be done right if you guys decide not to shut down this wonderful shard because of some idiots whom no matter what just wont be happy anyway for them ill say make your own damn shard if you think its that easy to do. im sure more than half of the complainers would have no clues how and would end up giving up right at the beginning.

if some of my posts sounded like complains i apologize but the idea was more about to point some things that could need to be worked on eventually not to whine for whining, i have been overstressed with christmas like i am always at this time of the year so sorry if i said something wrong i didnt meant it. i know you guys do it for free in your free times and if i could affrod it id more than gladly donate but alas my car died and i had to buy one right before christmass

if you ask me you guys do a great job and this shard is what i consider close enough to be perfect, if theres changes i just adapt my strategies to them and live along, but then again what is 4 ppl to run a 40+ community? you guys need some ppl you can trust to help you and by the same time relieve some pressure off your shoulders you cant be everywhere at the same time and i guess you guys have a life to live (unlike me).

most ppl i met on obsidian are great ppl and a few are assholes. and of course its easy to say mages or necros are overpowered for ppl who plays pure warriors and have like 30 magic resistance, all ppl i heard complaining about that had real low on that skill, and only a few gmed parry(still being insanely low on magic res). then on the other hand if i ask about their magic res to ppl claiming its balanced its always in the 70+
on that skill. yet again unbalance is complaining for complaining, instead to whine about it go run around in shame and then see the difference.

and as far as monster loot is concerned if ppl took the time to grab the sales loot theyd see it aint all that bad actually, usually almost double your amount of money depending on what you hunt and monsters now being too hard? i guess it is if you have 70 str but at 108 like i had (now 107, had to rez once) it seems just fair, i mean it would suck if i could already slay a drake by myself (not that i couldnt but im not sure id wanna spend a few hours to try to kill one alone). to me its just normal that those things are hardcore fucks. i mean it just seems more realistic now, than if someone could just go around and kill one of these mini dragon all alone without being one of the strongest fellow around.

apart for the delay that seems quite long sometimes healing is now pretty much the best system i seen. id cry if we came back to the old one. used wisefully this new system already saved my life countless times in situations the old one would have forced me to either retreat from battle or die, its all about using the land to your advantage, lure your victim somewhere you can hide if you need to heal and fail and you're all set(usually works great against monsters, dunno for PvP). and for pvp well at least now warrior vs warrior arent always never ending fights but i guess some ppl dont get it that the luck factor always have a big impact on pretty much anything

ive been working my ass off since march to get where i got with my chars and i dont want to see it all vanish because of some ppl that have nothing more interresting to do than to whine so i say kick their ass and lets revive obsidian to the best. im sure both BB and vic arent too interrested into seeing all their work turned to ashes just because of some ppl that have nothing better to do than to whine and be an ass.

the last decision belongs to BB and vic, but i ask, please try to think of more solutions before shutting down this amazing work you guys did, would be a shame to give up because of a few peeps that maybe will now realise they've gone too far with this thread. its not because some ppl will never be happy no matter what that you should let it bring you down. i do not plan to leave this shard not even for a day. all day long at work i keep thinking of the good times ill have on obsidian in order to motivate me go through the whole day might sound weird but heh i have close to none social life (maily because i dont really want one yet), but still id rather play obsidian than to go in a bar to meet ppl and waste all my money on beer or such

you guys do it all for free for f***'s sake and put loads of efforts and time in this dont let a few losers discourage you please

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:17 pm 
I think Ghandi put it best: "You must be the change you wish to see in the shard." (He really said world but in this case it's the shard).

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:40 pm 
sup guys i havent logged in cuz i have been sick as hell... but wow i guess bb finally realized that omg ppl here will never change.... all i have to say is that these staff members never get the respect they need.... they are nice and they dont complain for about 5 hours when a patch is released but after they start bitching left and right about stupid, idiotic things... cmon guys remember that these ppl dont need to be doing this, they do this to bring you some fun and entertainment.... if u have something that u dont like then post it but dont whine about it over and over again! respect these ppl becuase although we sometimes dont agree with them.. they know what they are doing, and they are doing it for the better of OBS!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:04 pm 
Down with fat people!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:09 pm 
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Ok how are you suppose to train magic resist when ur mostly will get pked in any place on this shard except for towns so basically having warriors complaining ins't wrong until they make a place where warriors can go make lots of money and actually have a chance to train magic resist without worrying about being pked. Im kinda glad people are leaving less pkers so warriors can train now.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:20 pm 
hah my friend got a license plate that said [ IH8FATPPL ] :P but then he actually lost weight and had to get rid of it... on principle of course

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:29 pm 
Rippa I'm not a pk and I don't do pvp unless I absoultly have to, that means being constatly on watch for reds and pk's. I don't have trouble with pk's. Voldemort has tried to kill me a couple of times but I've managed to get away. I've accedently attacked Midnight on a dungeon hunt with my guildmates (thought he was a real deamon until the energy field pot was used) and that misstake ended with me and my friends being killed and looted dry, funny as hell anyway :). I hunt in almost all the dungeons except Wrong and many other places where u can go hunt and never had a problem with pk's. There are many places where u can go and train magic resist, parr or whatever, so there is no need to have a none pk zone other then for noobs. That means that warrior shouldn't have to complain about being pked, and besides pk's a vital part of the game.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:13 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 12:09 pm
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BB is a cool, softhearted guy. I'm not his biggest fan but, I understand that keeping a shard alive for over 4 years and getting "nothing" in return is a "nice" act. Nevertheles, this is just a game.. he is not god.. and does not deserve more than we will ever be able to give him. Its your world and you can be arrogant whenever you want but, about the f*** you part. man.. alot more to be desired. Peace out bitches.

UF=# 1 party school in the nation! Feels good to have contributed to that hahaha.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:16 pm 
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Well we've banned 4 people so far. Lets see how many out themselves.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:34 pm 
Mod Edit: It's amazing. The bottom of this post is actually pretty constructive although abit rude. Unfortunately the top of this post has been removed due to name calling, personal attacks, blatent lies and just general malace. Welcome to the ban club. Hope you have fun with your bro.


Players: stop bitching, f****** staff does this shit for fun and its not their god damn job to amuse you fucks.
Staff: if you can't handle people bitching and moaning about little dum shit, welcome to the real world, quit being staff.
To Staff and Players: its a game, if you are not having fun then stop playing it, no purpose on playing a game you dislike.
Just my 2 cents.
Happy new years everyone :wink:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 9:10 am 
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I can understand that BB is upset....he put a lot of hard work into Obsidian, and when the work was done, he got nothing but complaints. I was bitching, and I'm not going to apologize for it. The fact is, there are some things that were done wrong on both sides. Players should have understood that BB does this for free, and we should show a little gratitude....BB could have saved himself a lot of headaches if he just replied to some of the complaints in a constructive manor before they got out of hand. Most of the complaining threads started off as constructive bug threads or suggestions. Some threads were locked; others were ignored and fell off the page...

People love this shard, and want to see it succeed just as much as BB does...we point out major problems in the hopes of making the shard better, and we get ignored...maybe not intentionally, but there's very little constructive communication regarding major issues. There's a fine line between love and hate. A few players have reached that line in the last few weeks because they felt ignored. A few staff members have reached that line because they felt abused. And now BB has his foot on the line because he feels unappreciated. Everyone needs to take a step back, and get to the root cause of this...

In my opinion, it?s a few players causing the problems, and a few staff members allowing issues to get out of hand....plenty of blame to go around. I see that staff is starting to get rid of a few players making the most static noise, which will fix part of the problem. But unless a plan is made to address issues as they are brought up, those players will be replaced by other players who crossed that love/hate line. Good communication by staff will go a long way.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:28 pm 
I've got two things regarding this:

1) Obsidian is by far the most lenient shard I've playing on. So give more beatings with the ban stick. This is a free server you were kind enough to provide us, and if someone abuses that privelege, you shouldn't feel guilty about giving them the boot. And if their friends complain a lot about someone getting banned, ban them too.

2) The last time you got mad like this last year, I along with many others suggested something very important: there HAS to be more communication between staff and players.

Classic example is the crippling int gains fencers get: many constructive, nonwhiney posts were made about the issue with many experienced, veteran players participating, and I never once saw staff reply. If it's not something that's going to be or won't be fixed, at least tell us. It doesn't have to be a novel, just "This isn't possible to do" or something.

But as it is a great deal of the frustration comes from the *appearance* that staff either doesn't care about these issues or are oblivious to them. I think you DO care, it's just that when all people get is silence on the issue, it's natural to think the worst. Especially when alll sorts of new features are being introduced, and these serious issues are left behind.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:42 pm 
spawn, pkers are suppose to kill you just because they dont know you or suppose to kill u becaues they do... its their purpuse.. pkers have nothing to do with destroying the shard.. what are u talkinga bout...
are you serious, when pkers kill some one and loot some one, it makes the other person get upset and do things that they normaly wouldnt, and when the pker wont let u res urself at an anch, and he or she keeps killing u, u get very mad and take it out on the game masters, like seriously, some people are stupid and think its their fualt for allowing pkers in game, witch it is, but its meant to be this way, but pkers are such bitches, they have fun pking, but have no idea what it does to the players they kill!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:00 pm 
false generalization

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