im sure adam would like a chance mabey once in his life to use his good weps without losin em too.

lol.. like i said.. i dont not use them for fear of loosing them.. i just dont use em... gm weps do just fine for me... and usually i recycle my armour by when hunting wering the +armour that drops.. even chainmail and ringmail and still have 45+ar without a shield.. by the time somthing breaks i end upw ith more +armour to replace it there for.. i recycle my hunting armour that way... so armour is not a cost on my hunting.. so with that the 45 ar and a gm ba.. i can still do whatever i want.. even contend someone wanting to bring it... im not an easy target.. its gonna take a min to kill me even if im badly equiped with cures and bandies and such... basicly pkers go out not wanting to risk alot go gainthe goods.. esspecially warrior pkers.. mage pkers really dont have to risk anything at all hardly to pk.. but.. lets just say.. its not like they would be prepared to walk into an event.. anyhow... best thing to do is just attack em and not run...
i dont even know why im posting this really your talking about turning obsidian into something like all these other bs shards out there... lol..
tuffen up drac...
oh and duck.. haha.. yea i prolly should start using my good stuff more.. im just a whore i guess hehe i really need to have a big sale on wepons.. i am just to lazy to make a list on the forums and come up with the prices and all