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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:00 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:14 pm
Posts: 323
It has come to my attention that somethign very harsh, very cheap and very gay, has happened to a good friend of mine. For those of you who don't know listen up, i'm going to say it once, and after that.....whoever is responsible will die by the hands of MOB. Vlad, who was sitting outside of vesper bridge earlier today, was minding his own damn business talking with a friend of his, drizzt. He was then cheaply attacked, ganked and looted. He was sitting for a little while when his batteries in his mouse had gone dead, seeing how he was having a good chat and wasn't worried at all, decided to stay there and keep talking. Eventually, a mage came with some other culprits who i do not know the names of (and believe me, i'm going to find out who they are) the mages name was Spellmasta(for those of you who do not know who that is, its necrowarrior). Even after vlad told them his batteries had went dead and he couldn't move, they kept ganking. So here is how it's going to fall into plan. Me and the rest of the members of MOB are going to start with Spellmasta, we will kill him over and over and over again, until he tells us the names of the other fools....or until we find out on our own. If anyone has any information at all about this, and you would lke to come forward, I would be more then happy to put you on the "do not kill list" for So yes, let the fun begin....oh, and for the looting part, I never do loot, but in this case, these five boys will be looted everytime we kill them....done and out, see ya soon fellas

Zureese - GM flamestriker, hehe
Jake - Back up mage(until zur is fixed)
Seven - On his way, stacked stats (warrior)
Cleetus - GM tailor
Xzero - GM fisherman

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:11 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:17 pm
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kill them and kill them good thats f***** bullshit and cheap

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:37 pm 
Thanks dude...

I decided to log on for a mere 30 minutes today for a quick scrap and to chat with Drizzt...and yet I have this sh1t to contend with :?

I find it wholly depressing that the only way any of these immature little pvp wannabes (that seem to have infected the shard of late) can kill me, is to drop to this level.

I've been killed 4 times in as many months in serious pvp, and I've fought an awful lot in that time! Thrice was screenshot-supported poison stacking bug abuse, and now this?

Im sorry, but it appears that there is no honour or decency left on this shard for many of the new generation of players. A long-term player chills with friends and says that his wireless mouse battery has run out, so a group of n00bs decide to attack him 5v1 (yup, 2 magic users 2 archers and a retarded little 0dmg warrior)...

They then, after what is quite possibly the most lame gank I have witnessed in my entire time on the shard (5v1 against a player who cant defend himself lol) they then looted me like a group of vultures.

I remember a time when pvp actually meant something in terms of honour and players fought 1v1 for the challenge of proving their supremacy, as I have done countless times vs these little shits - even 3v1.

It now appears that, with the average 'pvper' having the maturity age of around 12-14, the 'scene' isnt for us old-skool legit fighters anymore. People would rather win by cheating or ganking with ridiculous odds to a disadvantaged player than fight fair - and its pretty sad.

I can take most of them 2 or 3 v1 one now, even those that have trained up their skills and chances are have more str than me lol.

This may seem like bragging or lying but the harsh reality of it is that it is nothing more than dissapointing for me.

I would rather be repeatedly faced with opponents that give me a good battle 1v1 than GM runners, cheaters, and pack hunters.

While there are still a few good active players keeping the flame of decent pvp alight, namely MoB and Destiny, it seems that after a period of being the most active pvper on this on the shard, i've finally lost faith in pvp.

Maybe when the bugs are fixed, a$$holes ejected and reactive absorbs less damage than a steel wetsuit then I might want to come back.

The good guys - I love you all :)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:15 pm 
tell me who did this when you find out i would like to know..i belive venom or viper one was in this deal tho he went to vepser saying he owned vlad....kinda pathetic really

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:17 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:14 pm
Posts: 323
ok, so we have spellmasta, and viper...thx, that's two....need 3 more

Zureese - GM flamestriker, hehe
Jake - Back up mage(until zur is fixed)
Seven - On his way, stacked stats (warrior)
Cleetus - GM tailor
Xzero - GM fisherman

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:19 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:17 pm
Posts: 619
Location: Miami,Florida
Come on vlad dont give up only these 5 r gay ppl on the shard the others have been banned sides me and nightmare still want that rematch we never got hehe

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:35 pm 
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yeah it was sad vlads mouse sucked it took 5 minutes for me to hand him 2 int pots and a dex fish. then they got looted. the int pots anyways, i think he ate the dex fish already.

i should have helped but i wasnt paying attention i was blabbing with someone while they all ran around like madmen, i am not used to vlad needing help so i wasnt really concerned, and it took em so long to kill him i figured his mouse was ok and they were all gonna die, then he was so close to house there was no way to res and stop the lootfest, it was solid dry loot, nothing left. sorry vlad. and too bad it was in the bridge area where anything goes. nothing illegal about it, just cheap. honestly, if it was me, id be sorta happy cause now you got someone to go after. keeps the game fun.

i know the names of some of em but i wont tell cause theyre mostly noobs and shouldnt be totally ran off the shard till they get a chance to be taught honor by someone. no harm killin em lots though. its good for character. and after all, theres no rule against having no honor, those are the ones you get to kill a bunch and stuff. just do what id do vladdy, get friends and killem lots. i might help since im out 2 int pots and a dex fish.
im poor :(


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:13 pm 

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i wouldnt expect viper/tommy to do that imo, unless he seriously dislikes vlad :(

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:14 pm 
hahaha. sucks to be gankers now doesnt it...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:18 pm 
well umm it might have been venom...either venom or viper they were both talking and there names are similar so i got confused :?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:51 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:14 pm
Posts: 323
ahhh viper = tommy...i couldn't see him doing that either, but even if it was him, i am still going to kill him, even tho me and im are cool. No one should be kept alive after doing something so lame like that. And drizzt, the newbs that did it, will get killed once by me and warned once, if you tell me their names, i would be more happy to take care of it. pm if u dont want too many ppl to know. Killing a newb for doing something like that is more then ok if u think about the extent of the crime....

Zureese - GM flamestriker, hehe
Jake - Back up mage(until zur is fixed)
Seven - On his way, stacked stats (warrior)
Cleetus - GM tailor
Xzero - GM fisherman

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:58 pm 
LoLz, this is soooo funny because for one, I personally like the attention. During my 9 months playing I've always enjoyed it when players would threaten me and talk shit. Althout I would have hope it would be with more respect coming from Zurese in Vesper. C'mon dude, we can be like the worst enemies on the shard but that dosnt mean you should disrespect me, and then expect for some answers from me? No. Respect me and I'll respect you. I'll tell you anything you wanna know.

Now Vlad, this is pathetic. Everytime you get killed I find it funny to see you act up after your HUGE ego was hurt. This time, one of the attackes got 2 days of jail. Although I greatly respect the fact that you didnt start calling names like other immature players such as Ashes. Now this time, your ego is hurt but thats no reason to tell stories... I truly hate hurting ur ego because thats just the way you are and I dont want you to change but we were not 5 but 3 mages and the gank was planned via msn. Call me a liar, I seriously dont give a f***. I speak the truth and I'm not trying to protect anyone at all. Youve been attacked by 3 mages and one of them, me, as SpellMasta (75% Alchemy, 40% Magery, 30% Med) my alchy. The other 2 were higher magery but still not gm mages. They could fs good though. One of the mages you jailed after the gank. So now you got 2 names. One is missing and thats for you to find out.

Im looking forward to MoB hunting me although thats exactly what they were doing before lol. Maybe thell hunt me * 2 this time. Anyhow, I don't feel threatened by any of the ones who decide to hunt me and I bid you good luck in doing so. :D

The gank was prepared after I was informed Vlad had attcked one of my friends who was the third mage in the gank. My friend mage had perished at Vlad's and Arese's hand. Before Vlad was ganked, Ares was taken care of. Dario was also there helping Ares but he didnt even see it coming. He was on a blue bubble when Vlad was ganked althout he tried shooting my alchy with a normal bow and his attempts were pretty pathetic really. Dario however was not killed to my knowledge. After killing Vlad I told him that it was because he attacked and helped kill my friend that he had been killed too and I used the saying : *If you had enough mouse to kill my attack my friend, you surely had enough mouse to defend yourself* in caps. We then looted him dry while Julia, Drizzt and a few others were watching. After the gank Julia responded to my message *Dont help Vlad while we gank* and said he had ganked him the same way before while his mouse was low battery. Everyone has participated in a gank before but I'm mostly known for ganking. I do ganks a lot. See I'm a guy who plays to win. I rarely lose. :)

Dont get me wrong I'm not trying to buy my actions. I had my reasont o gank Vlad and I surely did. And those from MoB, I want you to hunt me. I LAVE-IT. Unfortunatly its gonna put my Restile hunt to a pause but Oh Well... what can ya do?!?

PS: Drizzt did not interfere because 2 of the gankers are his friends on the game and I thank you Drizzt for not interfering. I'd hate to lose your friendship for a matter of my own cause your just cool. I think Drizzt get honor for not interfering in a fight that is not his own.

If you MoB or Zur in particular want to talk, please do so respectfully. If your gonna hate in the middle of the game show some maturity in the forums? Thank you in advance

Last edited by NatureWarrior on Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:59 pm 
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ok, u said that spellmaster was in on the deal, and that u'd kill him untill he told u the rest of them, or u found out the rest

i say, if he doesn't tell u, u should keep killing him repetivly, even if u do find out. It'd be more like a punnishment for not saying anything

lost - mage
Lost -[Cove Trades] Gm smith, Gm alchemy
Peter - GM fisher, GM cook, 80% tailoring

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:16 pm 
OMfg I made a mistake on the attackers. The one who was jailed wasnt even on his mage. He was on his warrior. So it was me 40% mage, another 90% mage and a puny warrior. LoLz

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:20 pm 
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First of all I respect all players on obsidian if I do something that may seem harsh I always apologize what can I say I have a guilty conscience but you Vlad has always had a huge ego. I never knew you had low battery I could of never guessed since minutes before as I was fighting ares I was being shot by someone. Only animation I saw of someone shooting was yours. I even seen you move around pretty well before the gank and during the gank. As a ghost I watched you again shooting ppl. The gank was planned with three people only. You even talked crap before your death as if I would be scared of you or your friends. I was never informed you had low batteries and I was informed you attacked me as I was fighting Ares so guess what we attacked back since you are the "Great Warrior" of the shard ofcourse we needed a gank :roll: 2 mages Necro got it wrong I was the only mage who could fs it was one warrior one noob mage and me. I hope your ego takes a big dive down a f***** lake come back and pk the shit outta me and I will laugh with my ghost right by your side( bring your lil friends too). Remember Im waiting..... I used to think you were cool and still do but seriouslly if you able to run around i think you had enough battery to run into town being that it tooook you sooo long to die cough lag cough. Also pk bridge duhh who needs honor there?

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