To all fellow obsidian players and administration. Ive left obsidian and deleted my chars. Obsidian is too damn addicting and i needed to rid myself of it. Thanks to every comrad who fought next me and helped me out. i still have a house outside vesper( 2nd from the south called Bud) it contains some alright items wich id like to give away. i was stupid and didnt think about giving them away before i deleted. so gm if you would like to hold an event to give away my house feel free. i owe you gm's anyways. take care everyone. and maybe after my job (at the brick) is more secure, and im really bored ill come on obsidian. id like to be a nube helper rather than a player. take care yall devilsriot/epidimic over and out.
hey thassius. please put my items in the donaters box. if you can. Id hate to waste that x bow of fire of force, or anything else. the stuff would be great for events and for treasure hunts. in fact it be great if you guys had a WIN DEVILSRIOTS/EPIDEMICS LOOT TREASURE HUNT or w/e. n e ways im sure ill be back in good time.
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