DX Gaming

!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Need your Questions tonight!] !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Author:  theeggman [ Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:27 am ]
Post subject: 

When you 1st started Obsidian did you already have a small playerbase waiting to join consisting of freinds and family, or was it totally void of players until it became better known. Also, have you got a screenshot of Obsidians very 1st day open to Joe Public

Author:  Killar [ Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I was wanting to know if you all play any other games like UT2k4 or war craft, lineage 2, and other than UO what would your all time fav game be from NES or pc ps2 just what ever. I have played and still do play a varity of games so I was just wondering thanks.

Author:  Dracula [ Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

what kinda car did you buy after you wrecked yours. you were fiddling with the stereo wires and ran into a ditch or somthin. man that was a crazy story. luckily we still have a BB! Wootz

Author:  Adam [ Mon Jul 04, 2005 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

do u love me?
lol j/k

what was your first idea that made u want to create obsidian.. i know u had to be like.. "this world sucks to be honest... we should make it this way" what was that one first thing that made u decide to make your own shard and make that one thing your certain way?

this second one is of big importance to me..

do you think u will ever expand certain areas of obsidian to create a more pvp type enviornment?
such as.. i think it would be neat if everyone that could buy it could buy their own personal reg garden.. and i also think to be honest that the top wepons (vanq lightning) of the game should be sold on vendors at really high prices (but not too high or would defeat purpose)

ppl would still be able to collect them.. but they just would be able to buy the certain top main used ones for pvp if they wished.. this along with ppl growing their own regs would allow more free pvp activity..

you think this could ever grace obsidian?

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