Was great fun and very enjoyable alternative to fighting events. Big thanks
to Sonne, Subcity (who didn't manage to show up lol) and Echo! :)
Ofc, completely forgot to take screenshots while running around.. :/
X marks 12 chests, in 6 of those were 6 different pieces of leather armor,
others contained a bunch of big stones. Corridors to chests contained rare
teleporters back to main corridor.
1 - 4 walls with camouflaged doors. openDoor macro rendered this
obstacle useless, though..
2 - Chest with shoes. No traps to get to it after passing No.1.
3 - A corridor with invisible labyrinth.
4 - A corridor with invisible teleporter labyrinth (Sonne's pic).
The whole mob at the start. Not sure if any others joined later, therefore
sorry if anyone didn't get into shot but participated. :p
And we're off!
Took a sec to take a shot on the crossroads. Notice me without cap,
somehow managed not to check first chest on the right to get it. lol
Winners get their prizes. Yay!
Affliction - 1st, LegendProdigy - 2nd, Eva Braun - 3rd. Congrats! :)
(hopefully i'm right about winners, otherwise correct me!)
And I was corrected: Eva Braun - 3rd
Oh wait, I didn't win?! ..damn. :p