DX Gaming

Poll for the tales of obsidian toon
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Author:  Duncan Kentar [ Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

You don't seem to be very intelligent so I won't bring myself down to your level. Even that 14 year old Legend Prodigy has more common sense than you but anyways I'd like to see you come say I'm a stupid newb outside of town for a change seing as how you are doing nothing but trolling the boards with half witted comments.
Oh no! Someone that doesn't even know who I am, is calling me out, whatever shall I do?

Nature Warrior, you are nothing, you know nothing. You should quit before I do decide to hunt you. Why don't you ask around as to who Duncan Kentar is.

Better yet listen to the 1st PODCAST you moron.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:55 am ]
Post subject: 

No need for other people's opinions about you when I have my own. A low life, slow minded vet wannabe who thinks hes that great. My name is Duncan Kentar - respect me cauz of my name. Lick my balls Duncan, come show me who you are face to face with any of my crafters whom I'm sure would easilly teach you some respect. You left, you came back, you're nothing to me. Only way you could prove to me that you're actually something more than a loud mouth with an ego is to actually prove to me that you are not just talk only. Good luck on that one

Author:  Hiroshi [ Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Allright, this is rediculous. You both are now warned for dragging a post offtopic, for pointless bickering, and a mini flame war. Multiple warnings will get you banned, so stop this right now.


Author:  theeggman [ Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay. After looking at the weekends final poll results it looks like its going to be 'The G Word' that gets to be toonized. Congrats Duo. I'll get to work on it this week and hopefully you'll see it posted this coming weekend

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