DX Gaming

What are the spell damage boosts in regards to int?
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Author:  Oigen [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:21 am ]
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well, then what's the best stat setup for a mage? 120 str 160 int? or 130 str 150 int?

Author:  Carling [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:43 am ]
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140-140 and what ever is left for dex

Author:  Oigen [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:08 am ]
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i don't think that's better than 120 - 160.

Author:  Adam [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:26 am ]
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ok your basic thought on your int and str is based on this... how good you are........

if your good u wont need much str... if your not... u will need it......

and threw that u willeither gain or sacrafice mana... from the knowledge of ppl trying stuff on me as a warrior.. i can tell ya u will proll want 160 int if you are wanting to go the rout of actually killin ppl.. if want to be more durrable.. sacrafice a tad of int for your str.. but be aware... it will make more difference than u think offensivly...

annother thing to consider no one has touced down on is this..... mana works in a way where u cant use it all.. u cant go below 1 int.. and i think most spells are based on multiples of 5 so you may want to do something like 161 int.. thats just my idea on it tho.. :) never know it could cause u to get one more spell off

alot of ppl do under 10 dex.. and also be aware with lower than 10 dex u cannot run threw annother.. so umm it could be possible u get blocked in on something like this.. especially if someone got u in the conrer of an ewall with a few shrunken bears...... ;)

so umm on all that.. base your own setup u may think is best for u

Author:  Carling [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:09 pm ]
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ok.... but dont forget I told you

Author:  Rippa [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:21 pm ]
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max damage you can do as a mage is gm magery and gm eval int but really I don't see a difference. I was doing the same amount of damage at 90% magery all the way to gm. Like count said if you want to be able to stay alive in any kind of fight 120 str and 160 int or so is the standard but it's whatever you like to do and feel comfortable with but below 120 str you will have a hard time.

Author:  blob [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:37 pm ]
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the only spell that has dmg based on your intl is mind blast its based on your intl and the person ur casting it on

Author:  phoenixhunter [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:46 pm ]
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Ur gonna need alot of int to kill a good 170 str warrior...

Author:  Oigen [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:47 pm ]
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ok guys, thanks a lot.

count, i think you might actually be right about that 161 int, heh.

Author:  Adam [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:05 pm ]
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if i had something better than dial up i would let u all embrace me as a mage.. lol.. but for the time being... my dial up dont really let me do well on magery... its to hard to judge timing when delayed that much.. maybe sometime ill get some highspeed tho :)

i always thoguth that about having 1 extra int.. it could be one more spell.. ya neva know...

about mindblast lol.. i hate that damn spell.. lol.. i have seen it used on me and take as much as a flame strike at times it seemed... just like voom.. life gone.. lol...

umm with your stat setup do remember say u went 120 str and 160 int... u can always still even boost ur int more with a spell lol..

i think someone tested this.. wiz if im rite by going 130 str and getting to hit the 150 mark via Str spell... being able to endure same tuffness as a warrior but have less int.. but not a whole lot less just like 150.. but with that 10 less.. he seemed to not be able to dish out enuff to defeat me on his attacks but as i said.. its all about how u want ur style to be..

straight up offensive.... or have the good defensive for your offensive.. or a line somewhere inbetween...

if u stuck to a style on each and got good at it id say any of them would work fine

Author:  Oigen [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:31 pm ]
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i didn't start it yet. but it's best to be informed before starting something as costly as a mage. mindblast is a definate against warriors. i got it used on me also and with my 1 int it dealt some serious damage.

Author:  Adam [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:36 pm ]
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nemo used it non stop on me as offensive goes... when we fought here while back. i only had 2 int at the time i think... it did loads.. but i try to keep the mage on the deffensive ;) lol.. its been debated wether it is to powerfull in reguards to its delay and such and mana cost.. if it alone was casted... and nothing else im pretty sure it would be a hard thing to escape from or heal out of

most respectible mage pvp'ers i think consider it as a cheap tactic so i dont see to many doing it

Author:  Oigen [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:12 am ]
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if your int is that low you can't outheal it. bryan used it on me and in 10 to 20 seconds it did at least 140 damage. but i guess it only works on almost completed warriors. an average warrior will have about 40 to 60 int if he's still training.

Author:  Adam [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:12 am ]
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i can manage :)

the trick is to not allow yourself to take to much dmg.......... my not gettin hit...
and always only heal when nesecary... for any defensive action on a warrior will take your offensive down by half its effectiveness... the key is to maintain a solid offensive ;)

if anyone has seen me in a good fight and says... well.. "he did get you low a few times" its usually because i allowed it... i have a little leway to allow myself to take dmg... and when they see my meter deplete their own seems to be less their concern.. and without the heals at some crucial moments... i gain alot more attacks ;) and somwhere in the battle u will see my life stay around half and then the mage take on a full deffensive of survival

Author:  Kinetic [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:22 pm ]
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Tanks do the same damage with 0 eval int as do mages with GM magery and GM eval int I have found.

I believe it is simply a matter of how high the person's resist is. You are going to resist more at GM resist, so seems less damage being done, and GM mage spells seem harder to resist also. so yeah a combo of your magery + the person's resist determines the damage.

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