DX Gaming

Downtime? :(
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Author:  belgarion [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

He's probably doing the same thing every1 else is doing. Going to like 4 different family dinners and doing the whole christmas thing. Sure it sucks that it is down but the guy most likely has a life and every1 is busy during the holidays.

Author:  Abib [ Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im Not 8)

Author:  Taz [ Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah i agree, this christmas seems to be one of the busy ive done in my young 16 years :) Being stuck in Montreal, around 5 family suppers and running around to find presents.
But everything turned out cool, Got my new laptop:)
cant wait for Obs to come back

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