DX Gaming

The joy of helping noobs
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Author:  Dracula [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:37 am ]
Post subject: 

stfu, i let yashiro borrow like 5k or somthing in cove mines the first time i met you ;p thats why we became such good friends. i just randomly trusted you and loaned you it and so it began :D Blood Inc. fo life Fools

Lysol , was the best guy ever. He helped me become a Gm miner. We mined together every day in minoc by the bridge. Drizzt T knew him well. He lived right by there back then.. in that little row. Man that was so fun. I actually enjoyed mining becase of lysol...

He left me his accnt to watch when i had my old maxcarnage account. But someone stole it and i didnt know what to do to get it back... A sad loss to obsidian..

Then i accidentally delete MaxMiner my 92% miner which lysol had helped me create. Thats when i quit. But at this point i dont even care about the chars, im glad i had those times in minoc mining and talking to lysol. Some of the best times ever here for me. He was in hawaii i remember. I wish i could remember more about him. But we had many great conversations. As the boredom of mining usually produces. He would make coifs for me to sell to make money because my smithing sucked. I remember that.

Author:  Terek Molt [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:20 am ]
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Uh let's see who helped me.. At the really beginning Athena did help me.. the Vlad Tepes.. Then Lestat came along me too....
Then I met BiteMe, Count and Duck and used to hang out with them....
Prolly lots of ppl too that maybe you guys don't remember like Buddha, Johel...
Regiss helped too tho :P
And I must not forget the help from Shooter, Sandra and Bruisier..

Author:  mediumz [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:05 am ]
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As for me things werent really that great lmao. You see one of my friends told me to spam guards once I saw a gray or criminal person. Lo and I ended up at Vesper and amazed at people some were fighting so yeah I spammed and after day 1 I had like 10 vets after my ass. Yeah was kinda funny. For me Primal, Barney, Slug, BoF and many others helped me so so much without em I would be nowhere. Primal protected me almost always. Barney was the only one who would like me even though his friends hated me and yeah he bought me a house even! Slug helped me heaps too taught me some useful stuff about pvp. Yeah great memories and yeah I myself have helped about 4 people in total and the results are great =)

Author:  CptZolw [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:13 am ]
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Baldur, Arturo and Kadafi they helped me loads, thx guys. Sad part is noone of them play anymore:(

Author:  RmX [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:16 pm ]
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Well the one who helped me the most was for sure Redragon.
But on the other side,Sandra and Shooter were my first Guild leaders-Shadows,and helped me a ton aswell.
So thanks to ya all.

Exalibur helped me alot to,I remember he used to fix my armour and shit :)

another edit: OMFG how could I forget Darr,the guy helped me so much,like without him I would have got ******...

Author:  Thassius [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:09 pm ]
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"Blessed be the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Seer Thassius

Author:  Protector [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:11 pm ]
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:?: :?: :?: :?:

Author:  Crepti [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:52 am ]
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It was good, good while ago now, but the guy who helped me most was Lister. Very cool guy. Ended up being good friends with him, even had houses next to each other north of Minoc :roll:

Oh, and Primal helped me out, too. He was always very cool with me.

I still remember my first mage, Crepti. He sucked. But I remember hanging out in Cove with Wizz and a couple of other guys.
Good times.

Author:  rabbid [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  hehe

i'm still a nub, and i can't thank you guys enuff. subzero, azimuth, emo, that one guy that gave me a horse. i can't remember his name but after reading this thread i'm waiting outside his house as we speak, lol. this is a great shard, i've known bout it for years but nivir join until early this month, thanks guys.

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