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Author:  Vendetta [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Accusing Lebanon's army of terrorism? Is that what they make you believe in order to make these attacks let alone these wars acceptable?

Look they are not like us, they are terrorists, let's whipe them out!!

The thing about terrorism is that you can't completely whipe it out. Taking over a contry for it's ressources dont clear terrorism as it is present in every country and there's absolutely no way to remove it completely. Violence only brings more violence and death is the price to pay.

Now I know you are hebrew Ares and it must not be easy to be the dumbass you are at times but look past your stupidity. This isn't like a cartoon where there are good guys and bad guys. That's what the army teaches you but reality is there are people that have different ways of living their lives that don't want to be told what to do. Those people are human beings just like you are and they are dying because some powerfull people would like to be even more powerfull.

Since I do know you lack intelligence Ares I will make it very simple so you can maybe comprehend it:

You get waken up at night because of loud explosions and earthquakes. You look out the window and see your city get lit up by explosions. You open the tv and learn that the neighboring country decided to attack yours for X invented excuse. As the reason for the attack is pathetic, the bombs that are tearing apart the nearby bridges near your house are ever so real. In your heart you know your country is being attacked because your people have a different way of life than the others around. What were merely border tensions one day have become a world acceptable invasion of your city the next. What do you expect your people to do?

You have lost your beloved wife and 2 kids, mother and father due to last night's bombings and you are injured yourself. The media claims those bombings were not to make any civil casualties yet as far as you remember your 65 year old dad was not in the army. Your sister is broken apart, nothing but sorrow and cries in the streets around you. People who would smile at you when you walked those same streets before are now laying on the floor, broken. You are left with nothing. No job, no money, no food, no family even if you were once living a very confortable life. All you want is to die and join your blown up wife and kids in the afterlife. Would your rage and desperation lead you to suicide bomb those who did you harm? Those who never even tried to understand you in the first place.

Some would do it little Ares, hence why I say there is no way to exterminate terrorism and more violence is surely not the way.

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Lack of intelligence = Posting on a forum from which you were nbanned from the game not sure why you still have forum account because the other one was banned and actually thinking that any !of us gives a flying f*** what you think anyway. Go back to ToL Necro maybe you can get it up and running for another day and a half.

Author:  Carling [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Thass ban this prick from the forums already.

Author:  RmX [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:23 am ]
Post subject: 

First of all you f*****' peace of shit, I understnad more then you f****** think.
I DO NOT HATE ARABS. Hell I have arab friends. Secondly,what I do hate,are morrons like you,why?
well first of all,you just think your the people geting hurt,yet you did nothing,my country didn't do shit,We have a different lifestyle? Don't give me that crap.
Soldiers were kidnaped,that was the reason for those bombings. Israel has suffer ALOT from those terrorist actions,you think I like it ,that my friends sister died in a terrorist action,that alot other families I know have been hurt by those terrorist actions.
You think we just bomb you cuz ur diferrent? are you that stupid? We offered you so many ways out,we are trying to talk so much,hell we even evacuated a city of our own to give to the arabs That happened twice!
Those soldiers were kidnaped,and there's no excuse for you to do it. So yes,Israel stod up for herself and bombed the shit out of the Hizbula areas. You forgot to mention that were Israel bombed was a part of the lebanon land,where the Hizbulla rules officialy yet lebanon does'nt do shit to control them.
The only places that were bombs aimed at where houses or places where Rackets been sent to Israel,or any terrorist action that was taken from that place.
So yah,israel did the right thing to bomb the shit out of you,because you always say you don't do shit,yet you f*** up but get pwnt after it,and cry.
Don't mind the shit that my friends who serve in the army now,have been in lebanon and the pictures they saw,from arabs where horrifiying,Childrens holding guns,shooting at them. Yet they can't shoot back at them,because they're only Children (That is being a human been).
Anyway you made me thinking and you motivate me with every post you make,to join the Israel army,and kick the shit out of you f*****' terrorists.

Author:  Dark_phoenix [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Accusing Lebanon's army of terrorism? Is that what they make you believe in order to make these attacks let alone these wars acceptable?

Look they are not like us, they are terrorists, let's whipe them out!!

The thing about terrorism is that you can't completely whipe it out. Taking over a contry for it's ressources dont clear terrorism as it is present in every country and there's absolutely no way to remove it completely. Violence only brings more violence and death is the price to pay.

Now I know you are hebrew Ares and it must not be easy to be the dumbass you are at times but look past your stupidity. This isn't like a cartoon where there are good guys and bad guys. That's what the army teaches you but reality is there are people that have different ways of living their lives that don't want to be told what to do. Those people are human beings just like you are and they are dying because some powerfull people would like to be even more powerfull.

Since I do know you lack intelligence Ares I will make it very simple so you can maybe comprehend it:

You get waken up at night because of loud explosions and earthquakes. You look out the window and see your city get lit up by explosions. You open the tv and learn that the neighboring country decided to attack yours for X invented excuse. As the reason for the attack is pathetic, the bombs that are tearing apart the nearby bridges near your house are ever so real. In your heart you know your country is being attacked because your people have a different way of life than the others around. What were merely border tensions one day have become a world acceptable invasion of your city the next. What do you expect your people to do?

You have lost your beloved wife and 2 kids, mother and father due to last night's bombings and you are injured yourself. The media claims those bombings were not to make any civil casualties yet as far as you remember your 65 year old dad was not in the army. Your sister is broken apart, nothing but sorrow and cries in the streets around you. People who would smile at you when you walked those same streets before are now laying on the floor, broken. You are left with nothing. No job, no money, no food, no family even if you were once living a very confortable life. All you want is to die and join your blown up wife and kids in the afterlife. Would your rage and desperation lead you to suicide bomb those who did you harm? Those who never even tried to understand you in the first place.

Some would do it little Ares, hence why I say there is no way to exterminate terrorism and more violence is surely not the way.

hey french boi go hide like the french allways do

Author:  Thassius [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:39 am ]
Post subject: 

He's now been rebanned.

However, it is important to remember that for many people, good/evil and right/wrong are just alternative points of view. The person who has polar beliefs to you may believe they are right just as vehemently as you do.

I would ask you to try and remain tolerant of each other. I am proud of the multiethnic/multinational community we have here and would rather that heated political discussions are kept off the public boards.


Author:  RmX [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:45 am ]
Post subject: 

He's now been rebanned.

However, it is important to remember that for many people, good/evil and right/wrong are just alternative points of view. The person who has polar beliefs to you may believe they are right just as vehemently as you do.

I would ask you to try and remain tolerant of each other. I am proud of the multiethnic/multinational community we have here and would rather that heated political discussions are kept off the public boards.

Then keep this prick banned,and all will go well :)

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:22 am ]
Post subject: 

What no love on the ToL crack? Ahhh f*** you guys!! :P

Author:  Dedo [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Vendetta had many good points... besides all the flames and what not there was a lot of good things to think about in his post. :roll:

Author:  RvnScarlet [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Back to the topic of army. I might consider it but the powers that be often lie to the soldiers, I have a friend whose husband is in the army and he is often lied to. They don't even give him the money they promised in writting to him. So neah, me no join.

Author:  Dedo [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 


watch the dance monkeys! dance! video........ And yes if you go through the pictures there are a bunch of me :roll:

Author:  Thassius [ Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Don't quote my posts with a comment, please. I'm perfectly capable of doing my job, thanks.

My instruction was to you as much as Vendetta, rmx. Keep heated political discussion off the boards. Not to mention that 'you f****** piece of shit' is not acceptable language.

As I said, and Dedo has spotted, the two of you are on polar sides of a conflict and as such none of us can declare who is right or wrong in that respect. The best thing to do is to remain neutral, and if the discussion turns from intellectual/civil to outright flame wars then it will not be permitted on the forums.

Author:  RmX [ Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't quote my posts with a comment, please. I'm perfectly capable of doing my job, thanks.

My instruction was to you as much as Vendetta, rmx. Keep heated political discussion off the boards. Not to mention that 'you f****** piece of s***' is not acceptable language.

As I said, and Dedo has spotted, the two of you are on polar sides of a conflict and as such none of us can declare who is right or wrong in that respect. The best thing to do is to remain neutral, and if the discussion turns from intellectual/civil to outright flame wars then it will not be permitted on the forums.
Yah,you're capable to do it,that's why that ass has been around the forums for quite some time. Not that I care,but banned people start a war flame,(he flamed first and started this all issue if you havn't noticed) yet you go on me?

Author:  bruiser [ Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:01 am ]
Post subject: 

To be fair, RmX, u told him to f*** off and made fun of Allah, that seemed to be the start of the flames.

Author:  Thassius [ Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

To be fair, RmX, u told him to f*** off and made fun of Allah, that seemed to be the start of the flames.
Exactly. RmX if you post a direct argument with my judgement again after a warning, I will suspend your forum access indefinitely.

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