DX Gaming

Question about Poisoning.
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Author:  vlad [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

U don't lose the pot tho when u stumble...
lol, OK, You use your warrior with 75 poisoning and fight me with over 85, and we'll see who wins.
I find it rather expensive to spam gpoisons anyway... i just use lessers to fizzle mages and to prevent them from in mani... warrior vs warrior fights tend to take very long, specially with dex crazed warriors that heal every 2 seconds...

Author:  Azimuth [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Warrior fights do take a long time...even with a 180 str build behemoth. That’s just a fact of life when it comes to Obsidian. I spent a lot of time on paper and a lot of gold doing trial and error testing to get my healing delay as low as possible while still maintaining a good balance of everything else. It's not my fault that a handful of people copied me, and others copied them, and now the shard has dex monkeys galore. Those folks should be paying me royalties, dammit. As far as spamming G poisons…it costs a hell of a lot more to spam G poison pots then it does for a mage to spam the spell. But the effect is the same. To play a good warrior, you have to be able to keep up with the mages, no matter what the costs. Spamming lesser poison has absolutely 0 effects when fighting a decent warrior. A warrior using lesser poison on another warrior is about as effective as using a ruin kryss on a mage with RA and full myth…an exercise if futility.

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Warrior fights do take a long time...even with a 180 str build behemoth. That’s just a fact of life when it comes to Obsidian. I spent a lot of time on paper and a lot of gold doing trial and error testing to get my healing delay as low as possible while still maintaining a good balance of everything else. It's not my fault that a handful of people copied me, and others copied them, and now the shard has dex monkeys galore. Those folks should be paying me royalties, dammit. As far as spamming G poisons…it costs a hell of a lot more to spam G poison pots then it does for a mage to spam the spell. But the effect is the same. To play a good warrior, you have to be able to keep up with the mages, no matter what the costs. Spamming lesser poison has absolutely 0 effects when fighting a decent warrior. A warrior to use lesser poison on another warriors is about as effective as using a ruin kryss on a mage with RA and full myth…an exercise if futility.

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dedo wrote:
belgarion wrote:
PvP mage
Start with an advanced character pick 50 med/ 50 resist for your skills
Healing, meditation, resist, magery, Eval int, and poisoning. Also 60 anat doesn't hurt either.
PvP mage
Start with 50 healing/50 resist
Healing, resist, magery, parry, tactics, and wrestling.

Wrestling is completely useless on a PvP mage.

But you are probly better off to make a warrior and a cpl of crafters first because training mages is expensive.

erm try again? you have PvP listed twice

Yea sorry the second one would be PvM mage. Tahnks for pointing that out. :oops:

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

:D np good advice

Author:  Tad [ Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:25 am ]
Post subject: 

PvP mage - Start with 50 healing/50 resist
Gm: Healing, resist, magery, parry, tactics, and wrestling.

Wrestling is completely useless on a PvP mage.
- Why would you want Parrying if you're a pure mage? Are you fast equipping a shield in between casting spells? Think I've read that some people do that but it doesn't seem worth it. For wrestling maybe? (But you can't equip a shield while polymorphed)

- It IS possible to gain poisoning from casting the spell, right? The gains just seem to come a lot slower than if you throw a potion.

..Clearly, you'd want to get to 100 and throw Deadly poison, but it sounds as though Greater poison is pretty effective if you can get your skill ~85, at least for PvM that is. Yes?

Author:  Dark_phoenix [ Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:43 am ]
Post subject: 

shut up noobs u all suck

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:19 am ]
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To win in PVP vs a good / great mage you need greater poison pots, simple as, i would have never beaten Ashes and others without them now with the fooked up healing etc, however point agreed you can be an 8x GM warrior and still suck if your timing is shizzled

p.s Deadly poison pots dont work

Author:  belgarion [ Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Tad wrote:
belgarion wrote:
PvP mage - Start with 50 healing/50 resist
Gm: Healing, resist, magery, parry, tactics, and wrestling

Wrestling is completely useless on a PvP mage.

- Why would you want Parrying if you're a pure mage? Are you fast equipping a shield in between casting spells? Think I've read that some people do that but it doesn't seem worth it. For wrestling maybe? (But you can't equip a shield while polymorphed)

- It IS possible to gain poisoning from casting the spell, right? The gains just seem to come a lot slower than if you throw a potion.

..Clearly, you'd want to get to 100 and throw Deadly poison, but it sounds as though Greater poison is pretty effective if you can get your skill ~85, at least for PvM that is. Yes?
Yeah that was a typo sorry. GM parry is for PVM mages. And you can equip a shield while pollied. It just gives you more AR, that plus reactive makes you hard to kill so you can solo the tougher monsters. I've got GM tactics and wrestling and almost GM resist and Parry on mine and it owns trust me, and i'm not even done with my stats yet.

P.S. if you haven't already guessed i suck at quoting. :P

Author:  Dedo [ Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:35 am ]
Post subject: 

shut up noobs u all suck
Gives a cookie.....smile and be happy :D......or atleast go be cranky somewhere else :P

Author:  kilourious [ Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

pvp is so simple on obsidian... i miss it sometimes :P i see many things have changed, and many things havent. its a shame the poisoning skill completely out of contexe. Is poisoning not suppose to poison weapons? hence the need of an alchemy skills as well as a poisoning skills. anywho, i su ppose it seems to be working fine.

Author:  lordoevil [ Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll make a reply for you plain and simple. Don't start a warrior at all for pvp. I am waiting on hound fro them to reinstate races so I can compete, but until that time human warriors are gimped. As barney stated it takes a vamp to be able to compete with a mage or vamp warrior, so just make a crafter and skill up a mage! Mine's almost done, muhahahah

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