DX Gaming

We need to THANK Blinkers!!!!
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Author:  Dracula [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not always unided dolek ... asked for a ba and i got a used axe of force of heal with 7 charges left for the newb ffa event prize..

and these were all ided lightnings fires pains life leechs ect at mammoths event..

Noone here cares that they got something nice thats fine and all..

Its just that its totally inconsistent ..

Author:  Emo [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I do agree there - events should be using a generalized prize, but at the same time, Blinkers has been an Admin around here for years and he obviously knows to a certain extent what he is doing.

Author:  Dracula [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Blinkers is cool and he can do what he wants.. Everyone would be happy with nicer prizes than we usually get on a regular basis... Its just that it never happens it seems... And then one event gets more in prizes than the 100 events preceding it..

Author:  Blinkers [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dracula, in regards to the event Phantom ran, first off it was a very easy event, second I didn't run the event, thats why I had him do the prizes. The event I ran was extremely difficult, over half the people who started left shortly into it. And the people who stayed died an average of probably 5 times each. Anyway, I usually over prize my events, I've always been that way. So come to an event I run, and you'll probably get something good. The prizes are the choice of the staff running the event, I can't help it if the other staff are a bunch of cheap-o's. :wink: kthx2u

Author:  Dracula [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

k :wink:


Author:  Thassius [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 


It would be really easy for us to give out tons of high-end/rare items and/or uniques at events. Lots of players would love it, and it would no doubt make that staff member very popular. Needless to say, though, that doing so would make these items lose their charm and isnt what Obsidian is about. It has always been BB's way that even regular vanquishing weapons are not commonplace at events.

HOWEVER Blinkers is one of the admin, and he decided give special prizes for an event - that is his prerogative as a senior staffmember. Consider it the blessing that it is, but dont expect it on a regular basis. There is no intention for us to saturate the shard for high-end items.


Author:  Dracula [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was almost at a blinkers event.. But then the shard lagged us all out :cry:

We were gonna use that new arena thing in haven.

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