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About PVP
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Author:  mediumz [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dont pvp outside town because in town its much more fair I cant use poison and the other cant also and it all comes down to timing and luck then not like outside town. In Nox, port ort grav, in nox GG. Although if kegs are fixed and the delay on them is removed id love to start pvping once again.

Author:  vlad [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

jeez... there comes lestat with his old bs... WE KNOW! WE HEARD YOU THE 1000 TIMES YOU SAID THE SAME THING...

just link to your 999th time you said this rather than retyping it... or perhaps make a mage yourself instead of 1000 post complaining about pvp system?

Author:  Thorfin [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Warrior fully armed good armour weps about 200k's worth min.

Mage fully armed "Regs" myth worth 12k max.

Thats why a warrior would be reluctant to pvp a mage.
i agree, theres a big difference in stuff between warrior and mage...but if u r fighitng mage u dont have to bring good ar unless he is summoning daemon or bear(s) but u still gotta bring good wep.
jeez... there comes lestat with his old bs... WE KNOW! WE HEARD YOU THE 1000 TIMES YOU SAID THE SAME THING...
just link to your 999th time you said this rather than retyping it... or perhaps make a mage yourself instead of 1000 post complaining about pvp system?
LMAO!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

but on other hand something must be done with healing fails at gm skill..there r way too much fails

Author:  belgarion [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Lestat stop crying about poison and make yourself an alchy and train it ffs, poison is a part of the pvp system period. Otherwise fights out of town would take just as long as they do in town. I love how ppl say oh yeah mages are so overpowered blah blah blah. Get out and train resist and you shouldn't have that problem. People on here have always thought that once you GM a cpl of melee skills you should be able to stand up to any1 and that's total bull. If you had any idea how much money and time it takes to make a good PvP mage you would think that maybe it might be worth having a slight advantage. The only thing that I have always disliked about warrior PvP is the healing fails. and i also think that since most of you sacrificed str for high dex, which IMO is only good for intown fighting you should just accept the fact that it is a product of what you chose.

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Lestat stop crying about poison and make yourself an alchy and train it ffs, poison is a part of the pvp system period.
What do you mean part? PvP completely revolves around it unfortunately...

Author:  Diablo [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:40 am ]
Post subject: 

posioning gets abusedmakes it boring i have relised while using it and defending it it doesnt make pvp fun....i killed van imp with it and all i ddi was just cast posion now its not right

Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I dont pvp outside town because in town its much more fair I cant use poison and the other cant also and it all comes down to timing and luck then not like outside town. In Nox, port ort grav, in nox GG. Although if kegs are fixed and the delay on them is removed id love to start pvping once again.
lol man, pvp has changed, and you should change your pvp too.. A warrior itself with good parrying and good resisting owns a mage, that's all...

Author:  Diablo [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

In-correct mages own warriors. GOOD mages can kill warriors and mages
but then a shit mage with gm posionign can kill warriors but when they fight a mage that can cure it they get droped

restile & heartless vs diablo = posion owns him

Bm vs restile heartless = heartless got droped and restle ran coz it wasnt a gank

Author:  blob [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

i for one dislike poison... ask anyone i really havent liked it since it came out but then when it first came out it atleast didnt hurt you as much and a mage could heal through it. also a good pvper doesnt need poison to kill a warrior mages owned warriors for alot of years before it came out all poison did was f*** up a good thing. without poison warriors had a slight advantage with their high str but there are ways around that other than just using a shit ton of people. all in all i really dont like poison and i dont fight out of town anymore because i severly dislike poison.

Author:  regiss [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Isn't it only Deadly Poison that's way overpowered? Remove just it.
Otherwise poisoning is fine I'd say.

Author:  Eraser [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

lol ross we did fair duel heartless was with crap stuff no +dex pot nothing ive like owned you both Sub/Diablo alone with heartless healing oh you killed heartless (ive loot him weapons and bag lol gived back) so what 2 min l8r dint we killed bm/hellraiser/staind in another fair fight dont cry about poison many trick can be used by warrior to make poison not work lol....just use greater cure potion shield and poison urself with damn it lesser posion pot just learn PVP and stop cry in town telling mage own too much its not balanced

Author:  Diablo [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:01 am ]
Post subject: 

didnt you die 1 on 1 vs me? on BM sucker then u tryed to gank me
and then u ran? then u tryed killing with a deamon adn that failed lol restile its ok u will get good sumtime...u played what 3-4 years on ur own accoutn and about half a year with someone elses and u still suck balls awww poor kid i do feel sorry for u...*not really*

Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:55 am ]
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as regiss said, Deadly Poison is overpowered... it hits you for 25hp a hit... should be removed tho..

Author:  Xkill [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:32 am ]
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What is this PvP you guys are talking about?

Author:  a Player [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

as regiss said, Deadly Poison is overpowered... it hits you for 25hp a hit... should be removed tho..
along with the 140/160 dex healing (non)delay.

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