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About Staff member
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Author:  Chaos-Mage [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Me for staff woot :)

Can defend myself in french and portuguese. :)

Author:  Xkill [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lets Supose You are in a shard Called Ultima Frenchies ok ? and you play for about 6 mouth and you have good stuffs and you are alone english maybe 3-4 friend english and staff of this shard are French Like you said
ok? can you understand this ? ok i continue And a day a french from nowhere come and start behind a moron and a fuckign retarde ... you Page the staff ok ? You start speak and speak and the staff say you `we ne parle aps langlais`What did you saY TO this ? O.o Can you answer me ? maybe not Because you have no idea of the word he just say . So You go on the forums of this shard and start a Topic called ( About Staff Member ) And you say Hmm We want a staff can speak french and english ( i eman a staf can listen and understand both of the langage ) and some one Named Restile come and say that...
1st off this is a english based, free shard. Thats why I started playing here. I don't speak French so I would not play on a french shard.

Whats next?
We will next a german speaking staff for the german speaking players.
A Mexican staff member for the spanish speaking players.
An Italian speaking staff member, so we can understand WTF Terek is saying. J/K U know I luv ya, Terek.
I'm sure there are more lang. that are ppls native lang. I'm just making a point.
Just because someone doesn't speak english and wants to play on an US server. (Which was your choice!) Doesn't mean that staff should be apointed to fit your needs. If you want french speaking staff you should play a french shard. Thats why I play an english shard. BECAUSE I SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!

BTW Adam, your english is pretty damn good, if you ask me!
I myself have talked with most of the french speaking players you listed.
Ox - Vanishment - Ereaser - Swampas - Xtremis - Roberts x2 - Bane
And most of them can speak english enough to get their points across.
The only real problem is, if staff take the time or not to try and understand them.

My reply is in no way a flame to your idea. It is just my 2 cents. And a point of veiw from an english speaking player.

Author:  Ambient [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

It doesent work that way that the society adjust after the individual. (sorry enought) its vice versa.

you dont see the 2 tarts, me and cirius, demand/suggest the staff to learn swedish. and there should be no different no matter what non-english country you come from.

Author:  Drakkar [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

It doesent work that way that the society adjust after the individual. (sorry enought) its vice versa.

you dont see the 2 tarts, me and cirius, demand/suggest the staff to learn swedish. and there should be no different no matter what non-english country you come from.
Well we do have a tart staff member. :P
Love you Sonne! :D

Author:  Emo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

................................................ sweet jesus you guy's really don't lack of stupid ass shit to f****** say...

"LOL I CAN SPEAKA TEH OTHER LANGUAGES" .. yer still a retard who quits bi-weekly.

Ill just leave it at that before i get judgemental about those stuck up frenchies... oops

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

he is not demanding anything, and we have a staff member who knows some french and yes all the "frenchies" do know alot of english BUT they still dont know how to translate some words ( theres one in the previous statement by adam that im sure most of you noticed was a bit "off") and its sometimes hard to get the point across.

All he is doing is making a suggestion which in my mind is a valid one since some of our most active players are french it would make sense to have a staff member speak french. I AM NOT saying just hand them a staff account that would be nonsense. but consider it :?

Author:  Emo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Unless these frenchies are coming from France, they damn well better be shutting the f*** up and learning English.. we have to put french on all our goddamn road signs as it is to satisfy them..

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

now that this thread has been stamped with the mark of awesomeness I shall put my 2 cents in...


Author:  Dedo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

then move to America and have to deal with spanish its everywhere get over it ffs. its part of your countries heritage so stop crying and being bitter about it. they ARE trying to learn english but it takes time. while they try to learn english maybe you should try to learn french and see who is better there give you something else to fight about.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

maybe you should try to learn french and see who is better there give you something else to fight about.
I would.......but..........................
they got a head start, no fair!!!! MOOOOOO!!!

just a note but. if i found a shard as good as obsidian shard I would definately learn french :P
I passed french class.. it was easy enough

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

take first year in college then tell me its easy :wink: i got a c and was happy with that. Basic first two years of high school french was easy peasy but first year college french was a kick in the pants :(

Author:  Adamantium [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

WTF Hey its is hard to understand =/ Check why do you think i have put the story there? Because Ody jhave do it himself i just reply with the same thing and i have put english
Grrr im blored of all that ... f****** BORED YOU GUYS WIL NEED GET AHSES BACK BECAUSE IF ALL FRENCH LEAVE YOU DAMN SHARD WILL BE GONE it wil be funny just hunt and cant pk you all friedn to everyone only frenchies Q! block this fucktard post i dotn fuckign care now shit this i wotn EXPLAIN ALL FUCKIGN TIME BAAAGAKDNGJL;GNBJNG;LSNBJGSLNGBGNBJGFNBA

Author:  Emo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

chips where's that translator you were talking about..? ahah.. I'm not even gunna try with that restile type speech.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think translators would be just fine, because if you can write a huge post you can definately get your point across on a single issue.

This would be a great post, if you were a new player and didn't know any english and couldn't communicate with the public or staff.
But in the event we get all brand new french players somehow, we would need a few translators (if it was your or restile or dedo it wouldn't matter)
long as they can communicate generally with staff and enable the all french speaking players to communicate generally with staff.

chips where's that translator you were talking about..? ahah.. I'm not even gunna try with that restile type speech.
Lolz, but the point is for the un-understandable person to speak almost all french to the translator and have a full translation, of that speach, and only have a small portion of english accually spoken by the original french person.
If not you get unreadable output, like that last one :lol:

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

translations for everyone:
Xkill said : learn English its an American shard, you guys speak English well enough

Ambient said: we can not put a french speaking gm there just for you guys.

Emo said: I'm banned but i still troll the forums and i'm not happy that Quebec is part of canada.

Adam said: its hard to read what you guys write because I am french, like his story said what would you guys do if obs was only in french? and the rest is we will need ashes back to have someone to hate when all the frenchies leave. and im gonna guess the rest is i need a smoke frustrations :lol:

translated enough?

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