Actually, the closest without going over was echo.
Originally peninsulas were available for sale, and i bought mine for around 4 million, although it was only the two smaller peninsulas, not where the wall is currently, originally as a guild area for the angels to expand into for crafters who needed more safety than yew. This was back when rahbdul and the other pkers were around running rampant in more than just the dungeons.
There were 9 blocked off peninsulas at that time.
yes i test bugs, and because of that, my original house, and the warehouse behind it, got glitched up. Apparently the signs weren't linked quite right afterwards, not something that showed up. Long story short they got wiped in the next house wipe. Ironically, similar bugs happened the next 2 years in a row, one due to a new system blinkers was working on, the other due to vendors, so i'm now on my 4th house there, and which is why i don't have my weapon collection or most of my rares from the past.
Emo - I've never lost just the secure chests, although i do know what bug you're talking about. The 3 times i've lost stuff, it's due to a new bug in the housing system that ends up taking the whole house.
Broadband offered to move the wall up in lieu of recreating a good portion of what i lost, which at that time was around 2-3 years into the game. This move also gave enough area to where there is one complete section contained within the wall. Which, as far as bug goes, means the chances of a bug affecting anyone not in the walled area is near nothing now, where in the past, if someone was on the other side of the wall but in the same section, it would hit them.
At that point the area turned less into a guild area and more into a bug testing ground. The reason being is that it's the only area that i know people won't walk into on accident. Ask ransom or some of the other old players about them accidentally walking into a test and getting their chars glitched up. It was never fun. :/ Duo was once stuck as a chicken for a month.
As for the angels guildhouse, that was, i believe, 12 million. I might be wrong. you will have to ask tigg and shooter exactly how much the guild paid for it. I don't have to remind the older players that money back then is not quite as worthless as it is now and 12 million then was a bit harder to get.
And i resent it being called "my house". You won't find any of my personal effects in there. Just because i've been busy and the guild has died down a bit doesn't mean it's not guild property.
And emo, i'm not given the "ok" to use any bugs. It's called trust. If i find a bug through playing or i think there could be a bug in how something is implemented, i try to isolate if it is a bug and how it occurs, then i send that to the scripter in charge who can do something about it. You keep claiming i'm above the law, and yet you don't realize that i've spent most of the time playing the shard w/ at least one staff, usually jorus or blinkers, invis following me around thinking they can't trust me and "monitoring" what i do. All i've done is earned trust.
And in the effort of honesty and full disclosure, yes, there has been one time I have ever abused a bug in the shard, and that was against, i believe, either wizz or zureese, at trinsic bridge. It was a mistake, i knew it, i just let a little anger get the better of me. Afterwards i paged staff and sat in jail for 3 days like everyone else.
Ano hi chikatta makenai koto.
"Give me an inch, and you've given me too much of a head start.