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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:52 pm 

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(for some reason this sounds better with an accent from "across the pond"...i leave it to the reader to choose which pond. 8) )

Who hasn’t set up a new vendor as a newbie and wondered what to set the price for their wares? Who hasn’t been gone a while and returned to restock their vendors with items only to have them not sell since a new “upstart” is consistently selling the same things at a lower price and at a higher volume?

Now imagine if both new and veteran players alike could easily access information regarding the latest average prices for items being sold on player vendors. Do you need some cash fast? Undercut the market! Do you see a trend where nobody is selling a certain item but demand was high in the recent past? Craft that item! Do you have insider information that someone is about to GM tailoring and is intent on making the best dresses in all of the land? Then you had better start dropping your dress prices or you will be stuck with useless overstock! You…you…dress maker you!

Ideally, this information would be available through a special webpage. The data at that page would be obtained through the use of a script that would poll all of the vendors in the world on a daily basis or more often based on server load. At its most basic level the results would simply be the current average price for single items at that time. More advanced information could also be culled from the resulting numbers such as amount lowered/gained since the last poll, number of items currently for sale, and number of vendors selling said items. I’m sure there are more than a few “number cruncher” players out there that could come up with even more uses for the simple data and its history that would benefit everyone on the shard.

As far as what items should be polled: I think it would be easier at first to limit the list to single in-game generated items. The reason for this is that the nomenclature and sentence structure of said items is pretty much set in stone. Bags of items pose a problem since many people label them differently. Sets of armor, for example, would be a problem that could be tackled later with the addition of rules that would only allow bags in the list if they followed a certain set of text rules. For example: “GM Shadow Armor Set +Heater” which would be different from “Shadow Armor Set +Heater” or “GM Shadow Armor Set”.

Should this list be a static list? I’m thinking no. Let the items build up. If you don’t see an item in the list then use your best judgment for setting the initial price and let it get on the list for future reference. I wouldn’t want the devs to have to say “ok, let’s put every sword of vanquishing from level 1 to whatever” and go from there. It should be dynamic. If you snag a +3 bardiche of vanquishing and only see a +1 and a +5 on the list then you should make an educated guess.

The initial dynamic poll of everyone’s vendors will be chaotic. It will take a while (a month or two?) for the Obs Industrial Average to stabilize. Rest assured it WILL level out. The result will be that it will save many people trouble in the long run and might even throw a bit of spice into an already wonderful game. Who doesn’t want to spark an “eco-war” with another guild? Well, I don’t, but then again, maybe I have by accident by selling Mace Fighting FFF for 1k when I was just a newbie?

Can you imagine what a system like this could do for Obs? I believe it would give crafting more than just a “shot in the arm”. It just might give people an incentive to sell more things again. As much as we don’t want to admit it, some people do play this game just to craft and sell things. Yes, “people” are more fun to kill than monsters but there is a reason that the “don’t kill crafters” rule is in place. Without the Obs economy this would be just another “grind until you can kill 95% of all the players” shard. (I’m sorry. Some of you may be able to kill more. My bad. Heh heh.)

As I kick my soapbox aside, I want to say in closing that a simple system to track vendor prices is more exciting than what it at first appears. Not only would it encourage more people to craft and aggressively sell their items but it would also revive the craft of CRAFTING. With the Obs Industrial Average more people would be more apt to post in the Buying and Selling area in the forums and purchase vendor runes in the Vendor Area.

If anything, I want to keep this system simple. Do I think you should know right where to go to get that certain item at the lowest price? No. Why? Because Obs has always strived to keep its community alive and communicating.

Let’s keep it that way. That and let’s give those darn dress makers a chance, ok? What else are you going to wear at the next Obs wedding?

Speaking to you from the third eye of the society machine.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:54 am 
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Ima just keep it short and simple.

Wouldent it be neat if we can have unbreakable weapones that when you use instead of being damaged, They get stonger. For instance every time you hit with it i gets 1 point the name would be Kyrss of Vanq (1) and everytime it reachs 100 points it adds an extra damage done. But it should have a cap, and the weapon should be REALLY rare.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:36 am 
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i also think it would be kool if there were horse vendors

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:17 pm 
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Ima just keep it short and simple.

Wouldent it be neat if we can have unbreakable weapones that when you use instead of being damaged, They get stonger. For instance every time you hit with it i gets 1 point the name would be Kyrss of Vanq (1) and everytime it reachs 100 points it adds an extra damage done. But it should have a cap, and the weapon should be REALLY rare.
unbalanced and would promote multi account and afk macroing peopple sitting there smacking and healing each other all night

king of the run on sentence.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:21 pm 

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It would be more than neat to have a new crafter called an Architect.
This character would have skill at making bricks and boards and mortar and so on. An architect would buy a deed from a vendor for a piece of land. the prices would vary based on size of land and how many lock boxes allowed etc.
The Architect would then place the plot of land and it would be empty and marked by stakes at each corner of the property. Any items withing the property limits are protected by a temporary supplies chest that will be stationed in the middle. Attached to this box will be the house sign with options.
The architect would have to harvest or buy the material and make the bricks or framing himself from the ingredients. Like a stone block for a stone house would be made from a regular rock and the crafter would use tools like a chisel to square it before placing it. Mortar would be mixed in kegs and frames from wood and nails. There would be restrictions on height but other than that the creativity of the crafter would be paramount in the building of a superior residence.

A good house builder would gain fame and world renown. I would say that this skill be the hardest to build. Like, in order to be a house builder you must have at least carpentry and stone masonry. Without these you can't even purchase a land deed.
This brings another interesting trade. Stone Masonry. With this a skilled crafter could make statues and fountains, or marble busks. Perhaps even coloured marble tiles for the floors or archways and fence pieces.
With a crafter like this, Obsidian would boast some of the most unique housing and some cool items not seen anywhere else.
It would be a chance to express ourselves with more than stacking folded cloth and pinning nightshade to the walls.

I would even suggest other skilled characters like gardeners who would be able to grow trees in pots and plants in different shapes and sizes. These plants and trees/shrubs would be lockable/unlockable. All in all new crafter skills would be cool but I think a real house builder would be the best.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:04 am 
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Ima just keep it short and simple.

Wouldent it be neat if we can have unbreakable weapones that when you use instead of being damaged, They get stonger. For instance every time you hit with it i gets 1 point the name would be Kyrss of Vanq (1) and everytime it reachs 100 points it adds an extra damage done. But it should have a cap, and the weapon should be REALLY rare.
unbalanced and would promote multi account and afk macroing peopple sitting there smacking and healing each other all night
Fine than instead of each hit you gain a point. How about for event prizes you get like a token or somthing and you use it on the wep to get it stronger. Would also make people wana go to events more

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:48 am 

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How about weapons that deal out a damage bonus based on karma?

For example, a "righteous" weapon could only be used by a "good" character and would deal out +x% damage based on the karma of the wielding character.

On the flip side, a "vile" weapon would take into account the negative karma of a particularly evil character.

Fame could also play a role in providing additional damage since the character would have a "responsibility" to uphold whether it be a righteous or vile path.

Misuse would be swiftly dealt with by the system itself. For example, should a high karma player turn to needless PKing of people with high karma, he/she would find that their weapon would start to not work so well. Their karma could even drop to the point where even the weapon itself could not be equipped at all. In like mind, an “evil” player may have a change of heart and start killing their fellow followers of evil while using a retched blade. They too would eventually have to lay down their weapon as they decide to pursue the path of light.

The implementation could be as simple as adding “righteous” or “vile” in the description of the weapon. Acquiring these weapons could even be an ongoing quest much like the order and chaos shields: you have to travel to one island or the other, slay one or more defenders there and see if one of them has a weapon that suites your style (mace, sword, fencing, etc.) Perhaps we should even go so far as saying that only Order and Chaos aliened guilds could use the appropriate weapon? But that may be too much. I say let a “good” character go to Order Isle and pick up a righteous weapon and let the “evil” guys do the same on Chaos Isle.

As far as the actual bonus goes it should be something like this:

Righteous Weapons: + [(Karma/2000) + (Fame/2000)]
Vile Weapons: + [(Karma * -1/2000) + (Fame/2000)]

That should give people at most a +10 weapon when they are at the absolute zenith of their most famous and righteous or vile moment in their character’s career. Maybe it should be scaled a bit with karma toward the “middle” giving better plus bonuses but later giving less of a bonus per “level”. However, having said that, I find it hard to believe that there will be that many “pure” righteous or vile characters maxed out in karma and fame. Please read on….

Wear and tear should also be a huge factor. Normally, such a weapon, when used correctly, should never wear out. However, should, for example, a righteous blade strike down a righteous character then it should receive enormous damage to its durability. That and a character should take a very major hit to karma. Why not Fame? Well, if someone just switched to the dark or light side and used a legendary weapon from the side they are fleeing from then they should get every bit of fame for the kill.

Should these weapons be repairable? I am leaning toward saying NO. However, maybe taking it to a shrine on Order or Chaos Isle to be repaired for a hefty fee wouldn’t be a bad idea.

We must not forget the so-called “neutral” players either. There should be weapons in this class that do not care for the concepts we call “good” or “evil”. However, since they can be wielded by anyone regardless of which way their karma goes their resulting bonus levels should be reduced.

We will call these weapons: Void. Their bonuses might be as follows:

Void Weapons with Positive character karma: + [(Karma/4000) + (Fame/2500)]
Void Weapons with Negative character karma: + [(Karma * -1/4000) + (Fame/2500)]

Yes, reduce the bonus from karma by half and give them a little hit on the fame side. Who likes an annoying nuisance who can’t decide what to do? That should give the “I don’t know if I’m good or evil” players less of a direct impact as they travel on the road to go to one side or the other and yet are STILL using a Void weapon. You may call it a hard road for some to learn yet with the amazing faculties of the human mind I’m sure there will be more than a few “Ronin” out there roaming the world finding amazing uses for the Void weapons.

Should a Void weapon be repairable? Nope. Sorry. It’s forged from the very “yin and yang” of the universe: matter and anti-matter. By its very nature it is unstable. However, by the time one starts complaining about it’s abilities they should have already found where they are at and how they want to play. The only real bonus of using a Void weapon is that it will not give you the karma hits or durability damage to itself that the “pure” weapons do when they are used improperly.

Well, this description has gone on way to long. Even if it is never implemented I would still love to hear some feedback. No idea, no matter how good it may seem in the beginning is ever perfect. I think my idea is sound but I am sure that the math for the weapon bonuses could use a little tweaking.

Take care all and happy “Obs-ing”. Be careful out there… :)

Speaking to you from the third eye of the society machine.

 Post subject: .
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:11 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:48 am
Posts: 3
Wouldn't it be neat if you could fix the damn registration problems and new players could play without having to email people left and right and wait a week or two?

I still need a password.

This is more important than anything else right now. You need to fix this thing now if you want new players.

People are lazy. People don't like waiting. If they want to try a new shard they're not gonna wait around for Obsidian. They're gonna register, they're not gonna get their password so they'll register to another one and they'll play there.

 Post subject: wouldnt it be neat
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:27 pm 

Joined: Tue May 23, 2006 1:23 pm
Posts: 582
wouldnt be neat if ya posted in the right place ya might get more help and oh yeah pms work well :) on a side note my wife had no prob geting hers going did you look in junk mail maybe?

 Post subject: Re: .
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:03 am 
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Wouldn't it be neat if you could fix the damn registration problems and new players could play without having to email people left and right and wait a week or two?

I still need a password.

This is more important than anything else right now. You need to fix this thing now if you want new players.

People are lazy. People don't like waiting. If they want to try a new shard they're not gonna wait around for Obsidian. They're gonna register, they're not gonna get their password so they'll register to another one and they'll play there.
If Bob could fix registration then he would have already. As much as i agree registration needs to be fixed - we really don't need to take up space in other threads to just point that out.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:54 am 
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ive always had a vision in my head about a way to tame dragons, and other monsters....

Wouldnt it be neat if we had Entrancement Orbs, i had a dream of this once

to have 5 GM mages, all dressed in special Aesthetic's robes that helped them control the beast and they need all the Entrancement Orbs, kinda like we have the Elemental orbs now. Something to collect in order to tame a monster.

Each mage and the tamer must have a set of these orbs in order to keep from angering the beast. If one person doesnt have the set, then the beast will go wild and begin killing everyone *mwahaha*

the orb in the center represented by my purple race stone could be the Entrancement control, the spell that the mages use to control the beast as the tamer tames, each mage must stay to the outside of the beast, arranged like so, if the beast walks out of their circle of magic the spell breaks for the ones outside of the circle, So if the dragon walks to the outside of the two mages on the top left, The spell stops and they have 10 seconds or so to reset themselves, if they fail to do so the creature will become angered and begin attacking.


and if all goes well and the mages keep this up long enough for the tamer to tame the dragon, the beast can then be shrunk.

"How come I was the only one to vote for sinspawnvip.. His was the best!" --- regiss


<img src=" ... opycw2.jpg" width="600">

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:16 am 

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Nice swedish gothenburg metal band you listen to there Sin! :D

sorry offtopic i will edit this post once i come up with an idea worthy of posting

Ambient - GM Crafter
Pagan Hellfire - GM Mage
Black Coffee - GM Fisher/Chef/Alch

I game on Ubuntu!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:44 am 
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Perhaps "Bane" weps. Each one has one class of monster or player type that it does extra damage to. Such as a Drakes/Dragons, Undeads, Deamonic, Orc/Trolls/Giantkin.

Try not to let your mind wander...It is too small and fragile to be out by itself.

Fisker GM Fisherman
Noah [TLC] GM Lady Charmer
Pheonix PVM mage

How many staff does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One to script it.
One to debug it.
One to place it.
One to take the player pages bitching about it.
One to tell the others that they got it all wrong.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:51 pm 

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Critical hits for warriors and mages. These hits would do about 2x-3x damage of the normal hit.

The chance of getting a critical hit would be adjusted based on the speed of the weapon or circle of the spell (i.e. a 1% chance for a halbred hit, or a 0.4% chance for a kryss/ a 1% chance for a flamestrike or a 0.3% chance for a lightning). This would keep critical hits from making lower circle spells/faster weapons having a higher critical hit rate over the same period of time.

Implementing critical hits would keep PVP between warriors from lasting forever and would make it PVP in general more exciting, since a weapon hit/FS wouldn't do the same damage range EVERY time. It would also help cut down on the whole poison/cure/repeat aspect of PVP.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:45 am 
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bane weps are on other shards, and chips other shards have warrior abilities and one of them is dismount. almost everything we can think of is on other shards one way or another. gonna be tough to find some original ideas indeed.


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