DX Gaming

rune chamber
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Author:  Dedo [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

it's an enclosed room.
with no windows.
Oh my, you have my full support XD This really made my day sad I know.

I can try using the race ability but logging on to ankh just scares me to death watching all those hours of work just tick off...... :/

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Don't forget you should probably still bind the help menu on the help button on the paperdoll to the same help menu as the one you get when typing .help

It still isn't fixed, and I had a new player say to me today "I don't have a runestone :(". It was not exactly simple explaining how he needs to type .help and that the help button on his paperdoll isn't the same thing :?

Author:  Cybershaman [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

If anyone has already mentioned this, please feel free to whip me with a wet noodle. Actually I prefer them el dente if you are serious about the whipping. :P

I believe most would agree that it would be a HUGE help (and look WAY cool as well) to have some sort of torches, flaming cauldrons, the burning bodies of the latest banned players or SOMETHING to illuminate the Rune Chamber, the Vendor Area and any other currently dark essential areas that I'm forgetting.

Let me make it clear that this would be a good "back burner" fix since I think everyone would agree that the current gameplay bugs should be focused on and fixed ASAP.

I'm cool with carrying around a torch or two in my pack but I still firmly believe that any permanent windowless fixture that is intended for heavy player use should be lit somehow. It would be like going to a subway station or an elevator lobby and having to bring your own flashlight or, in UO's case, a torch.

As a side note (yet, sort of related): Some sort of permanent lighting fixtures should be available for purchase or through crafting to help permanently illuminate player houses. Again, not only would this be very helpful and functional but also very cool visually. Why should the UO world of Obsidian permanently be in a "black out" state? If anything, permanent illumination of the RC, Vendor Area and (optionally for players) Housing would help provide a warm cozy contrast to the many dark and evil places that the more heroic of us dare to tread...

Again, just some thoughts that would be good to work on after the major bugs.

Peace! 8)

Author:  _Venom_ [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

If anyone has already mentioned this, please feel free to whip me with a wet noodle. Actually I prefer them el dente if you are serious about the whipping.
I havnt laughed that hard in awhile.

Author:  Dedo [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I disagree having to have a torch/lantern makes the games more realistic. granted it is kinda hard to see whats attacking you in dungeons. torches and lanterns last forever so its not going to be a big expenditure just one more thing to carry around. we should be lucky we have an rc, i remember when i first started playing i didn't have a clue about the rc it took ages running to covatous and back all the time!

Author:  Cybershaman [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I disagree having to have a torch/lantern makes the games more realistic. granted it is kinda hard to see whats attacking you in dungeons. torches and lanterns last forever so its not going to be a big expenditure just one more thing to carry around. we should be lucky we have an rc, i remember when i first started playing i didn't have a clue about the rc it took ages running to covatous and back all the time!
I shall clarify...

I don't mind having to use torches or lanterns. However, I guess I need to have a clarification on your statement. A well placed comma would totally change your first sentence.

"I disagree, (edit: comma added) having to have a torch/lantern makes the games more realistic."

This would mean that you disagree with having permanent lighting in certain areas and thus forcing players to carry their own illumination would be more realistic.

Now, as far as the direct quote is concerned:

"I disagree having to have a torch/lantern makes the games more realistic."

This seems to mean that you believe that forcing players to have their own personal source of illumination does NOT make the game more realistic (to play, maybe?) since it is more of a nuisance than it is worth simply for the sake of said realism.

As far as not being able to clearly see what is attacking you in dungeons and the expense of torches/lanterns, again, I have no problem with that whatsoever.

Being lucky to have a RC? Well, this I think we all know too well. We all love the RC. I was just trying to say that having such a place be dark didn't make sense to me.

In closing, the noodle you used was a bit soggy. Also, I prefer angel hair pasta. Before you say that it is too light for flogging just remember that I do prefer it el dente. Just as nature intended. :P

(PS...I'm not trying to be mean in any way. You taught me how to make GM Bowcraft/Fletching after all! I'm just trying to make sure I understand you correctly, girlfriend! :P )

Author:  Cybershaman [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I havnt laughed that hard in awhile.
It's the best medicine brother. At times I may be a bit heavy handed but I always try to get people to smile especially when talking about serious matters. 8)

Author:  chips LL [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

just put damn torches in the RC its not a big deal lol
and f*** realism where talking about a game u acn transform into a deamon and then hunt a tall man like living flame,,,,
but i guess living flames are Oh to real 0.0

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