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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:56 pm 

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actually the trickle down theory as Reagan proposed and did was give tax cuts (not tax more) to everyone and big ones to the top earners. might sound dumb but its smart it keeps them MAKING money and not punishing them for having made it. it also meant that they would hire more workers do more experimenting and thus keep their companies growing. this tax more and it will pay for itself is bullshit nothing the government does in the long term ever makes money they dont know how to but nnyeh its not like there is proof that government run programs are running out of money or going bankrupt.

Johnny Mother f***** Cash

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:26 pm 
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the trickle down THEORY states that by giving breaks / less tax to the rich
the money that they save will end up 'trickling down' to the lesser class. ya ya everyone knows that...

thing simply doesn't work, don't take my word for it! ask fox news, they stated it plenty of times, and it's a republican channel... I sware the republican party won't exist in 50 years, it's just to outdated, unless they change there policies and most of there beiliefs.. a party re alignment mang!. it can still happen! all you gotta do is close your eyes and believe!

trickle down- just because it sounds great doesn't mean it's gonna work,
+ the government makes money through tax, cutting tax will sure help things out for the people who complain about national debt :roll:
you might say, but by cutting tax it will make things cheaper and circulate the economy....
BULL SHIT, ask bush if that worked :roll: we will never be able to produce things as cheap as china as long as they lack proper enforcement of labor laws.
Ethics costs us ALOT as a nation, but look at our quality of life compared to every where else... look at our defense and offensive capabilitys compared to every where else...

I would say thats the SOLE reason china is a super power.. like i stated before, china doesn't even have the means to feed themselves...

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:36 pm 
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but they do have the means to own most of our debt....which they may very well trade in to get whatever they want. the fact is that right now we wouldn't be functioning without China and they wouldn't be functioning without us....

and i'm pretty sure that all those illegal immigrants who are currently collecting welfare and housing grants on our dollar will also get their hands into this health care plan. As a hard working American I can't agree with this bill, I do not think that adding even more strain on Americas social programs is the answer to our problems. Working hard for something is the only way you will truly appreciate what you have. I know people who sit at home collecting unemployment who make more then me. so no i don't agree with pretty much any social program except the ones supporting those who are not mentally/physically capable of supporting themselves (excluding the fat people who get part of my paycheck for being to fat).

If big companies get tax breaks for being here then they will have some incentive to stay and keep jobs here rather then exporting them to other countries with few or no labor laws.

Personally I think birth control should be mandatory and you should have to pass many a test in order to reproduce.

[email protected]

Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:16 am 
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ok, um i'll move to britian when that happens,

illegal immigrants that pay tax will get it in some form, but there paying for it as much as you, as far as the house grants and stuff i agree with you 100% that needs to stop unless your legal, anyway gtg to work peace!

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:03 pm 
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illegal immigrants that pay tax will get it in some form!
Illegal immigrants do not and can not pay any taxes except sales tax, my friend lol

As far as their current method of healthcare.. it's common for them to go to ERs and never pay the billz.

Dedo: Explain what you mean about paying for fat people to be fat. I'm not offended but if I'm right about what you are thinking about, shouldn't cigarette smokers, alcohol consumers, etc also be thrown into that group?

Ultima avatar: The Famed JIZABOZ,GWAR Guildmeister

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:39 pm 
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um, welp i am mis informed then! jiza! your completely right, i wasn't thinking and was rushing to work so.. ya...

but im sure they pay more then that,, like um property tax...

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:47 am 
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like the people who get to big and get handicap parking, rascals and assistance with their medical bills..... I haven't heard of anyone who smokes/drinks getting gov't assistance but I will gladly throw them into the group as well if they do!

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Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:16 am 
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ya, they have classes and stuff dedo...
i had to go to one :/

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:02 pm 
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like the people who get to big and get handicap parking, rascals and assistance with their medical bills..... I haven't heard of anyone who smokes/drinks getting gov't assistance but I will gladly throw them into the group as well if they do!
Ah, OK... yes I agree! I smoke cigarettes myself and honestly the only reason I'd like to quit is these stupid taxes they keep putting on them. If I ever develop lung cancer, I will assume it's from smoking tobacco since I was 12.. not <ahem> other activities. I would not expect for the government to save my ass... I'd expect to die LOL!

As far as helping people who drink their livers into ruin, I'd much rather a liver transplant be given to someone else who had their liver ruined due to no fault of their own. For instance, I had an Internet friend who was the husband of a fat woman (fairly hot for a 50+ fat woman I must say LOL) who used to post naked pictures of herself all over newsgroups for free. He was a medic in Vietnam.. After inquiring why his wife did this for free and so abundantly when I happened to see him on IRC, dude told me he was dying because he contracted a nasty case of Hepatitis from just doing his duty in the war and his wife does everything she can to make him happy in his final days. The only thing I could possibly support in such a health bill is if it helps guys like this out. But time and time again, our veterans are pissed upon by the system as far as any form of help after war time.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:34 pm 
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um,,, wait he...
,, nvm

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:37 pm 
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After inquiring why his wife did this for free and so abundantly when I happened to see him on IRC, dude told me he was dying because he contracted a nasty case of Hepatitis from just doing his duty in the war and his wife does everything she can to make him happy in his final days. The only thing I could possibly support in such a health bill is if it helps guys like this out.
Ya I agree. This would be a good instance where this health bill could assist. Too many people recieve this
sort of action for reasons that they did to themselves while others that suffer from causes they could not
control do not recieve the assistance.

Agree'd Jiz!


PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:38 pm 
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Jiza-sometimes I think the VA invents paperwork so they can point fingers and deny you what they promised...

Chips- I dont really care if they have to go to probably paying for that too....I really fail to see how allowing them to park at the closest access to a building will help them with their obesity issues, or giving them a rascal....all of these methods seem counter productive to the goal of helping them overcome weight issues

the problem is this bill applies to EVERYONE we do not get to pick and choose who deserves it and who doesn't. Americas health care system will soon go the way of its education system. make it available to everyone the people providing the service do not make as much, therefore less skilled people go into the profession while the more skilled people go into high paying professions. roughly 2 out of 10 people with teaching degrees actually become teachers, 23k a year isn't very inticing, barely more then what I was making at Subway....

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Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:19 pm 
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Jiza-sometimes I think the VA invents paperwork so they can point fingers and deny you what they promised...

Chips- I dont really care if they have to go to probably paying for that too....I really fail to see how allowing them to park at the closest access to a building will help them with their obesity issues, or giving them a rascal....all of these methods seem counter productive to the goal of helping them overcome weight issues

the problem is this bill applies to EVERYONE we do not get to pick and choose who deserves it and who doesn't. Americas health care system will soon go the way of its education system. make it available to everyone the people providing the service do not make as much, therefore less skilled people go into the profession while the more skilled people go into high paying professions. roughly 2 out of 10 people with teaching degrees actually become teachers, 23k a year isn't very inticing, barely more then what I was making at Subway....
:mrgreen: I'm against any new bill that enforces some "rule" that everyone must follow, and good point on our gov public education system. I've always believed it should be mothballed and put forth in a new way. A progressive idea would be self-teaching by high-school students via the Internet, thus freeing up classrooms for the elementary and middle school kids.

On the issue of weight-loss... I must say that I don't believe that being "fat" is by any means something worth ridicule. I'm not very large myself, but many Americans are. However, trying to use complete morbid obesity as a "handicap" without seeking real treatment while paying and working for it, should be rightfully shameful.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:10 pm 
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oh dedo, i didnt mean fat people!

I ment people who do drugs and stuff...

get caught with the right amount and u have to take hella classes :(

you honestly think i had to take a class on obesity? LOL!
damn am i that fat? :(

but hey 165 is just super chunky today. ? :(
by end of next semester ima have abs, already got the flat stomach Lawl

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:10 pm 
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Sadly I lost my semi-flat stomach :(


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