DX Gaming

I am a red tamer.
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Author:  Llama [ Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

Killing and/or abusing animals during adolescence is one psychological characteristic common to almost all serial killers.

Author:  chips LL [ Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

well to my knowledge serial killers never had to clear spawns to get more animals........ :roll:

Author:  GMBob [ Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

You don't have to clear spawns now.
Also karma loss to killing neutral/good npcs has been reduced by a factor of 20.
Hopefully later this week i'll implement the pet proper follow speeds so they can keep up with you.

Author:  belgarion [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

You don't have to clear spawns now.

That is the problem, it used to be that you could clear spawns and make a good living selling stangs. Now you wander the map and if you cover it entirely you may find a stang 1 out of 10 times that you do it. You have made taming a skill that used to be a good living and made it something you need to train a little if you want to use bears for pvp.

Author:  chips LL [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

agree with belg IF he changes it to train ALOT

Author:  belgarion [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

agree with belg IF he changes it to train ALOT

Either way i have a whole guild of tamers who used to make a good living that are far from impressed.

Author:  GMBob [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

I am only assuming you are talking about the recent self-clearing spawns patch (december 7th). If you aren't, then i have no clue what your response is about, because my answer of "you don't have to clear spawns" was about that patch.

If you are talking about the self-clearing spawns:
Well your guild can shove it.
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=19988 <- I see no objections there to the idea when it was first voiced for input.

Second, if your guild is relying on that to make money, you're doing it wrong.
The only way your scenario works is if you're the only one taming/killing on the spawn which means either:
A. It's a private spawn, which shouldn't exist.
B. You're relying on no one else wandering through that area.

B. is gonna go away real fast when the shard picks up in players, so saying that your guild is unimpressed when it's basing a system on low player count is just silly.

Likewise, this helps your guild even WITH that failed assumption. Because now you can assume no one's going through the area AND you don't have to kill the animals yourself which saves time.

Right now you're basically complaining that, "Waa, it takes me 10 minutes to clear 1 spawn in the old system, and i can check that spawn an hour later for a new set of 10 animals. But in this new system i can check 5 different spawns in 10 minutes and then come back in an hour and they have 10 different animals each"

Which excuse my math but that makes 10 minutes for 10 animals vs 10 minutes for 50 animals.
So really you're bitching about running around for profit rather than sitting on your ass for less profit.

I mean seriously, talk about gm bob not being able to please anyone. I make things harder, people bitch. I make things easier by automating wholesale slaughter of wild animals, and people bitch.

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

What i am talking about is the fact that when a spawn is cleared b4 and you kept a close eye on that spawn you had atleast a chance that if noone else found it you would get a stang but now you could clear a spawn in occlo and some idiot will be wandering around near wrong and find a stang and you get nothing. It is i would have to say atleast 60% harder to even find a stang now. Would any players here like to agree or disagree?

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

i didnt run into many, i dont really clear spawns for gain (monitary)
but for skills, so its a completely different ball game,, ill just refrain from this than lol

Author:  GMBob [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

What i am talking about is the fact that when a spawn is cleared b4 and you kept a close eye on that spawn you had atleast a chance that if noone else found it you would get a stang but now you could clear a spawn in occlo and some idiot will be wandering around near wrong and find a stang and you get nothing. It is i would have to say atleast 60% harder to even find a stang now. Would any players here like to agree or disagree?
The chance is still there.
As far as you're concerned, nothing's changed if you're just camping one spawn and waiting for it to respawn, in terms of you having a chance to get a stang from it. You just don't have to kill animals now to have it respawn.
You don't "lose" a chance just because a stang spawns halfway around the world.
You still have the same chance every time an animal spawns that it will be a stang.
There is nothing in the code stopping a mustang from spawning every time if it's lucky enough. Likewise there's no code saying, "well a mustang spawned in the world, so don't spawn another one for 5 minutes minimum".

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

Well all i know is i haven't found not 1 stang since itwas changed and everyone who i have talked to has said that they DO NOT find stangs anymore or atleast hardly ever, so for whatever reason they are not spawning as frequently or something else is happening but they just aren't there.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

ya i have noticed less stangs with the little wondering around i do..

and ive been running all over the map (comparatively to before) and still find no mustangs

i ran around the map and found my OWN mustang someone ported to ap lace they didnt think i would find before i found a wild one (well i didnt find a wild one,... so ya )

also, note the slowness of the buying and selling section when it comes to stangs and such... none for auction in a while now

Author:  GMBob [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

You can tell about where the spawn cycler went in in the following graph. It's hourly snapshots, over the past 480 hours.
A lot more mustangs are around.

First notice the huge amount of green at the start of the new system (middle of the graph), that's the system spawning up to full, since hte world had to have all spawns reset. then once it starts kicking off, you'll notice it adds/destroys mustangs at around the same rate.
except it doesnt' have matching red for the first amound of mustangs.

So you can roughly assume in a given full world spawn, at any given time there's between 5-8 mustangs loose in the wild.

Everytime a mustang is added, graph shows green bar of 1, everytime one dies/removed, red bar of 1. If both an add and a remove happen in the same hour, the bar shows 0, since it's a net change of 0 in mustangs.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

are u sure those mustangs arent exclusively on horse isle? or it recongises the right colors as mustangs? because my observations still hold true...

Author:  Falin [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I am a red tamer.

since i gmed taming ( 2 weeks) i have found 3 stangs..and while i was training, i found about 6 or so that someone tamed for me or i told where they were soo there out there, ohhh and one was a peg!

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