DX Gaming

What does T2A Mean to you.
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Author:  Azimuth [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does T2A Mean to you.

well, since we are going pre t2a..how about bringing war horses back? I have not seen one of those since about 1998

Author:  ducksternator [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does T2A Mean to you.

T2A is more then just what is added to the shard. The things that are left out are just as important.

No power scrolls
No ninja stuff
No ridable Beatles and other crazy stuff
No Tremmel
basically if it was introduced to into UOR or later then it really has no place in a t2a shard...

That being said, Obsidian is not even close to a t2a shard. Too many custom things here and too many things removed to be considered t2a. I would even go as far to say that we are closer to a pre t2a shard then anything else....and I like it like that.

I'd like to see things kept simple, and have energy spent towards making the shard extremely functional. The bless deeds were a small step in the wrong direction IMO. Adding things like champ spawns, spell weaving, pack animals, anything from the list above, or anything similar would go entirely the wrong direction.
I completely agree.

I agree as well.

Author:  Diablo [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does T2A Mean to you.

Yes Chips poison pots used to fizz mages 100%. I personally liked that system as it was very tactical. With the delays involved (before it was linked to dex) so you had to be very careful as to which spell you chose to fizz.

In my mind I'd say make it 100%, but remove the link between dex and delay so dexxer warriors can't spam them.

In the same balance movement you should disable them entirely for mages because mages have already just had a 20% casting delay improvement so they can cast the spell more frequently.

...anyway, this is completely off topic. Personally I like the shard how it is in most respects. Thinks I'd like to see introduced:

More rides (nothing that looks ridiculous)
More areas accessible to players with new, exciting dungeons. In particular more new player dungeons and more high-end content.
A few of the cool looking newer weapons and monsters

Will have to have a sit down and think of more.
Yes mages have had an increase but on my testings from speaking to all kinds of players theres spells that r fine but still spells that are too slow

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does T2A Mean to you.

i agree with who ever said war horses,,, i kinda read all the posts in order so... forgot who said that but ya...

waar hoorses!

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