mmmmk had to post in this since im a dexer and all
My dex is 170 on Hemlock and im a fencer. and i have 110 str and im a ice elf witch raises me to 120 hp. I have not done to much pvp on him cause im stilling working on a good build for a dexer. Things seme balanced for me i have killed some good pvpers on him but i have also been owned by good pvpers. Since i have 110 str i can only use two weps and get good damage pitchforks and long spears.
As the healing delay goes... If im at 180 dex or over and with no wep on im a very hard person to kill until i run out of bandies
BUT i have been killed tho by venom
. Having alot of dex is mostly defence and helping your allys in a big guild fight but it can kill people if your lucky and you know how to your your char.
But I im happy with the dex system if u do take healing away make sure you balance it out with something else.