DX Gaming

A movie: Shutter Island
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Author:  Azimuth [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

the way I've heard it, the idea was to break you down much like the military does during boot camp, and then train you back up the way they want....but the manchurian experiments go far beyond this.

they take someone who is almost dead. Then they use strong LSD along with the most disturbing images mankind ever got on film to create new neurological paths in a subjects brain. The idea was that these paths were created in such distress that the mind fails to comprehend morality. After several months and even years of conditioning on the edge of death these people had absolutely no concept of right or wrong...or even that such concepts ever existed in the first place.

Once the scientists who performed the experiments knew that it was not only possible, but relatively easy to remove all trace of morality, they concentrated on controlling and conditioning the individual. It seams that a lack of a conscious also came with a lack of reasoning, no sound judgement, and zero ability to follow orders.... basically crazy. From what I read, they never did get the control part of the program to work, and thats when the brain removing doctors were called in...some brains were removed from the subjects and studied...other subjects just had some of a lobe removed to turn them into vegetables.

You still wanna be an LSD test subject?

Author:  chips LL [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

i never said i wanted to be LSD test subject... i wanted weed lawl.... like pinneapple express

Author:  Azimuth [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

I misunderstood....come to think of it, I do remember you saying something about weed

Author:  Apocalypse [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

What's wierd is my parents were watching this movie and I was on my itouch on the forums and saw this post...

Author:  chips LL [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

if i would had to nominate someone for testing.....

it would be spawn............

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