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Author:  Zureese [ Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

kinda looks like he is dancing as well(the fat kid that is) and I'd like to point out that everyone can talk trash about other ppl and say they are the best, and yes, everyone dies, no matter how hard they try to stay alive, you will die a few times in this game...and if you lose one fight against a person, it does not mean you will lose again.....everyone who was ever good at pvping gets to a point where they can not be beat by the normal one two three, your dead...and you all know what i'm talking about....ahve you ever seen a fight between two good vets and it goes on forever...that is simply because they have both gotten to point where they can't lose unless something drastic happens...example, lagg, lack of regs/pots, weapon breaks, armor breaks......and there are many more, but you know wut i'm talking about.....alot of the good mages have gotten to that, i remember goin around about a year ago and being able to kill almost any mage that was around at the time....but now, alot of them have gotten to a point that they know how to pvp and it is not a match of a skill, but a match of luck or something along those.....if anyone doesn't know what the hell i'm talking about i'd be more then happy to explain it to them one on one.....i'm basically saying all this crap is stupid, if u lose to someone, u lose.....I've played this game too long to hold grudges or get mad at something like that....I've been told i'm a good pvper, but there are many ppl out there that can beat me if they just try.....it's a matter of who is quicker at the draw and who has the best connection speed after pvp skill is elimanated........haha, sorry for that long speach, i'm just bored and needed to express my points in one paragraph, hope u all understand what i'm talking about

Author:  silencesg [ Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

yea imo
once ye 7x gm yur skills
its all down to timing and equipemnt
and most vets have timing
its the fella with the best shit who wins

Author:  Zureese [ Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

not only that silencesg....it's also about lag and connection speed...some ppl may think that does not have alot to do with it ,but when ur laggin and freezing for 2 seconds at a time, that does alot of damage, especially, if the person you are fighting is another experienced pk who can cast fast.....honestly tho if a true pk wants to survive a pvp, all he/she has to do is heal.....no one can outcast a pro pvper if they just heal when its 1 on 1.....and i'm talking about a pro pvper.....u gotta have enuff str, and either gm heal to heal or gm magery to cast heal and greater heal...and here i go again with some lessons i've learned :O lmao

Author:  daffy duck [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, the days of killing a mage by going *Kal Vas Flam* 3 times are over...

Nice speech btw Zur, I agree 100%...I guess the reason I still die in PvP is my lack of experience ;)

Author:  xfire [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:16 am ]
Post subject: 

well i still think that slug is one of the best.never met this galahad dude but i think slug could take him.i only know a few people above slug and i wont name them cause 1 dont play anymore and the other you will see on a bit.but ive only been playing the game for a little over a year now so ill stfu right now.lol :evil:

Author:  mediumz [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  sluggy

yeah well I have fought slug (my master) a few times and he kicked my ass real hard not that I am good or anything but the thing is that he ios fast and when it comes to warrior vs warrior it totally depends on luck or somethin like that and umm redragon u aint so tough without ar and ra fish =D learn some pvp and then go around fighting vets cause u suck ass without fish...hmm anyways nice to see Zur and Galahad are kinda back and umm I guess I will cya all in game if that is possible since I am kinda red and cant come into town u can all visit me at brit GY if u wanna cya there =)

Author:  ReDr@gon [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: sluggy

yeah well I have fought slug (my master) a few times and he kicked my ass real hard not that I am good or anything but the thing is that he ios fast and when it comes to warrior vs warrior it totally depends on luck or somethin like that and umm redragon u aint so tough without ar and ra fish =D learn some pvp and then go around fighting vets cause u suck ass without fish...hmm anyways nice to see Zur and Galahad are kinda back and umm I guess I will cya all in game if that is possible since I am kinda red and cant come into town u can all visit me at brit GY if u wanna cya there =)
lol dude in the milion time i could use pro and ar magic what the diffrent?
it tactic dude half of pvp is tactic and to know what to do when :S
go to all magce and say dont use pro and ar :S

Author:  Jackal [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:51 am ]
Post subject: 

lol wtf is this.. noobs like red trying me.. thats plain disrespect.

Author:  Optimous Prime [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

hes bitching about lestat saying shit........... when i faught lestat he said dont use fs or protection or reactive armour so i didnt stomped him said dont use eb and poison still stomped his ass... lestat will find anything and everything to bitch about him losing its kind of like the whole things hes the best just everyone fights unfair.... and btw lestat why do you insist on believing slug is your "master" when you annoy the hell out of him and pretty much everyone else on the shard?

Author:  ReDr@gon [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:43 am ]
Post subject: 

lol wtf is this.. noobs like red trying me.. thats plain disrespect.
lol why disrespect ???
i just love to fight good player :)
if i wont respect u i wont ask u for a fight :)

Author:  Bleh [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think zur is completly right, fights last forever now days cause many people have learned how to pvp and for mage battles it comes down to regs and for warriors its their bandies and equipment.

Author:  Jackal [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah i have to agree with that... its all about equipment now adays.. but its still hard to die.

Author:  slug [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

thats why we all need to gank i dont complain if people wanna 2 v1 me or whatever just please do it well. i mean seriously if 3 people gankin me and i run around the bank a few times and can kill one of them or 2 mages after me and they cant kill me ... seriously.......

Author:  mediumz [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Optimous

yo Optimous since u think ur such a hot shot u couldnt take on me and Virus how many times did we kill u again? 5? 6? I am not sure but actually u suck ass I have asked many vets and they all admit that u suck ass.....so just stfu and if u want a fight then come over to brit GY alone and we can sort it out..and yes using fishes is gayness in a way since ur not a mage

Author:  bruiser [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:52 am ]
Post subject: 

fish is not gayness, its tactics...........emmmm i guess ur gay for wearing armour since ur not ablacksmith and hoilding a weapon an that shit too.

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