DX Gaming

WEEE im 16 today :) happy birthday for me :D
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Author:  CyberVic [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alec if I see you post hate shit like that again expect to be banned from the forums. Concider this your first is your final warning.

P.S. I deleted the post. It was a picture of Hister.

Author:  seximexi [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

CONSIDER learning some grammer.

Author:  ReDr@gon [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:44 am ]
Post subject: 

CONSIDER learning some grammer.
Guys just drop all negativities you have before you ever think of posting. Seximexi - I don't care who you are but geeze get over yourself. We're posting in this thread to say happy birthday to red :)

We're not here to make an attack on anyone, regardless of their status on the forums. So shape up or ship out. And before you remove your sorry ass from this thread wish red a happy birthday: you owe him that much for disrupting his thread.
Red - I'm sorry to post this stuff here, it shouldn't have to happen.
But still....Happy Birthday! 16's a good age so I hope you had a great day :)
hehe thx dude :D and u right some ppl in here
or 1 f****** take the rolplay shit into there life too
or 2 theyr f****** ass in rl too :D
well either way i dont care just Alec' Eiffel pass the line well f*** it i dont care

btw thx vicy

Author:  Artkill [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:25 am ]
Post subject: 

how is posting a picture of hitlar bad? i didn't see the picture, but you guys just can't cover up bad things in our history, only the ignorant try to do stupid shit like that

those who try to pretend the holocaust doesn't exist are the reason why it could possibly happen again. Ex. See George Bush

Author:  F?anor Bauglir [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:05 am ]
Post subject: 

how is posting a picture of hitlar bad? i didn't see the picture, but you guys just can't cover up bad things in our history, only the ignorant try to do stupid shit like that
Artkill this has nothing to do with covering up history nor should anyone try to deny what's happend in the past, but posting a picture of AH in a post where a person is just saying it's his 16th birthday is just stupid. What has a picture of AH to do with Reds birthday.. Nothing therefore it's out of line and should be removed along with a warning since some people might take a picture of him in this kind of situation as a Racial thingy

Oh I almost forgot.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Red

Author:  ReDr@gon [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

how is posting a picture of hitlar bad? i didn't see the picture, but you guys just can't cover up bad things in our history, only the ignorant try to do stupid shit like that

those who try to pretend the holocaust doesn't exist are the reason why it could possibly happen again. Ex. See George Bush
dude cover up?
i learn about him like every history lesson im jew dude and alec know it as far as i know
u dont go to jew and post a hitlar pic :S
my grandma was in the holocaust i never said it wasnt happend i wish it was only bad dream
and i about hitalr he was smart man but nuts and as i jew i will allwys remmber what he did and wtf is the idea of post a pic of a man that kill 6 milion jew when i post abot my birthday and im jew :S

Author:  Artkill [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

you are avoiding the point, it shouldn't be censored, the words themselves.

because some idiots prefer to use those words in a negative context doesn't mean we shouldn't have access to those words without purposely mispelling it. They are facts, events, RELIGIONS. You have censored j.e.w. and i find that highly offensive.

are you censoring j.e.w. because you hate j.e.w.s.? Why can't we say it? Are you implying it is negative or vulgar?

Author:  ReDr@gon [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

you are avoiding the point, it shouldn't be censored, the words themselves.

because some idiots prefer to use those words in a negative context doesn't mean we shouldn't have access to those words without purposely mispelling it. They are facts, events, RELIGIONS. You have censored j.e.w. and i find that highly offensive.

are you censoring j.e.w. because you hate j.e.w.s.? Why can't we say it? Are you implying it is negative or vulgar?
to who u talking about??
i dont get ur point? who say ppl cant say jew? wtf u talking about?
u even see alec post?

Author:  Kinetic [ Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Red hope its not too late, HAPPY BIRTHDAy. 17 is the best age, I will always remember being 17, oh the fun. When I get really old say 30 :) I'm just going to be 17 at heart all over.

Author:  Artkill [ Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:12 am ]
Post subject: 

you are avoiding the point, it shouldn't be censored, the words themselves.

because some idiots prefer to use those words in a negative context doesn't mean we shouldn't have access to those words without purposely mispelling it. They are facts, events, RELIGIONS. You have censored j.e.w. and i find that highly offensive.

are you censoring j.e.w. because you hate j.e.w.s.? Why can't we say it? Are you implying it is negative or vulgar?
to who u talking about??
i dont get ur point? who say ppl cant say wee? wtf u talking about?
u even see alec post?
you do realize that what you said is censored? idiot

Author:  Thassius [ Tue Feb 08, 2005 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

You are clearly a complete fool, Artkill. Let me break it down to you *why* such matters remain censored.

In your self-absorbed desire to 'fight the power', you merely further your personal image of supreme ignorance within these forums.

Don't lecture the members of this forum as to the context within which your views and attitude are acceptable - because I assure you that this scenario rarely (if ever) occurs.

The chances of a suitable context arising here for potentially racist slurs or, in this case, the mention of a figure most likely responsible for the greatest genocide ever to be commited in the history of man, are extremely unlikely. As far as I am aware, the only figure potentially more responsible for loss of human life is Stalin.

The only time that the term Jew need be used here is in reference to a jouish person in a non-derogatory way...and I don't see how this could ever have any relevance to an Ultima Online Shard forum - other than as part of civilised conversation regarding a matter of judaism (off-topic), a known jouish figure, or a jouish player.

Otherwise, you don't *need* to mention that term - at all - with the risk that it may cause offense of a racist nature. Similarly, Natsi propaganda and articles of imagery regarding Hitlar, and other figures that symbolise racial hatred, have no place here.

Author:  Artkill [ Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm J.ewish and I find ti highly offensive that you find my race as a vulgar thing.


Author:  Thassius [ Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

My grandparents are jouish, and the race is (obviously) not what is found vulgar - it is the use of the term in an unneccessary or derogatory manner. Stop attention-seeking 8)

Author:  Artkill [ Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

So punish those who use it as a derogatory. We shouldn't all be limited because of a few assholes.

Censorship creates blindness

Author:  Tyger [ Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

that was deep....

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