DX Gaming

A sad day for PVP
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Author:  Adam [ Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

hehe.. well.. all this is true i suppose.. i guess they are all a bit that way.. although.. i have never seen ashes cheat.. thats jsut what i havn't seen tho ya know..

Author:  Thassius [ Sun Mar 27, 2005 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

how many non-cheaters will you loose before those players are stoped?
A very good question Kilo, and is the dilemna I am faced with at the moment.

In my opinion - we have lost more than enough players because of this, not least great *legit* pvpers like Midnight, and for this reason it ends here, today.

I will be handing out jail sentences immediately for anyone who I see behaving like this, or if there is firm screenshot evidence.

Punishment will scale with how many warnings you have had and the amount/severity of offenses.

Today I banned Valerie, because not only has she been poison stacking and spell spamming to pk multiple people, then showed contempt for the rules when warned (and kept breaking them), but he recalled away when I came to jail him.

He then proceded to argue with me in jail when I caught up with him while invisible.

I finally had enough and said he was being retarded and that we dont need players like him here. He then proceeded to say I was gay and that I liked it up the a$$.


I have screenshot evidence to both him admitting intentionally using the bug AND of him saying those things to me - if there is to be any doubt.

Anyone more a$$holes want to make it more obvious in this way so that we can throw you out for the good of the decent players here, then please be my guest.

Author:  bruhaha [ Sun Mar 27, 2005 3:05 pm ]
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Author:  devilsriot [ Sun Mar 27, 2005 6:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

no way we cant lose vlad. that sucks. there are tons of cheater and whatnot on this shard. and I like primals idea of public execution of cheaters.

Author:  Kilo [ Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:20 pm ]
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now now... lets not make this post a testosteron competition

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:54 pm ]
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Primald does suck and poison stalk :D.
But he supposedly left the shard and I'm quite happy about it and I woulda hoped his forum account woulda been banned after he repeatedly blasted this shard and told people to join the shard he was going to but as my momma says. You cant get all that u want in life so Ill sit by and watch him talk shit.

Primal = Suck = Stop posting here if you left the shard. Leave us alone n00b

Author:  Nervous Exaust [ Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:06 am ]
Post subject: 

the public execution thing sounds a good idea, we could of organised a betting pool for what number primal would of been in his own event woulda kept people amused, still not much of a detterant for cheating tho.

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:51 am ]
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If this were more of a Role-Playing shard than a PK'ing shard we wouldn't even need to have these discussions on this topic so often. Thieving murderers don't really have to put much thought into the role they play.

However, I have noticed that I'm being PK'd/looted a little less often these days. Not sure if it's because I've learned which areas to stay away from and can tell who's gonna try to kill my horse just for the fun of it just by their approach over time or what. Not being Wall spelled out of a dungeon exit by a lamer in quite some time has been nice too.

Author:  Narcom [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

we all like to win at times reguardless of what it actually takes to win, its within us all, DONT FORGET THAT!!!! for instance dave, u started this topic because you felt that the pvp obviously has some flaws and you arent going to play that charachter until....well until its fixed prolly but you do post with pics saying OHHH LOOK I OWNED THIS GUY/CHEATER/MASTERBATOR, if i was an active pvp player i would prolly think oh look at that guying thinking he is the fo shizzle and whip your ass by whatever means and if that included exploiting a bug then so be it. sure it would be wrong but i would still be walking away saying to myself i owned that foo! but hey, thats just me!!!

Author:  Thassius [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can never 'own' anyone by cheating, it merely makes you look an immature little a$$hole and justifies the superiority of the legitimate pvpers 8)

Still, I expect nothing less in terms of logic and honour (or lack thereof) from you, Narcom. Do you even play anymore? Or do you simply haunt these forums looking for places to deposit an antagonistic andill-founded opinion?

Seer Thassius

Author:  Narcom [ Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:12 am ]
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that was my honest opinion. i was on yesterday. you should re-read my post in my mind i would have owned reguardless. it is not me that starts the illogical topics wanting sympathy from players on the boards.

Author:  Dave [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:46 pm ]
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Perhaps I should get a dictionary sent your way so you can learn the word 'illogical'. You might find that it is entirely out of context for my post and in fact sums up your average contribution to the boards.

And I post to bring attention to events or elements of the shard that i find dissapointing, not for sympathy.

I find it sad that you have nothing better to do than troll these boards with no real point to make, and I wish you the best of luck in obtaining a life in future 8)

Author:  Echo [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now really Guys. Lay off the name calling and harsh words. If you can't say anything nice....Don't say anything at all.

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