DX Gaming

Killing of Stangs in Houses
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Author:  Thassius [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

There is no need for you to use an Area of Effect spell to kill anything in a house, to be honest...

If there is an untamed animal in a house, then this breaks the 'no trapping NPCs in houses' rule and thus is a matter for a staff member to resolve, not a player.

Vigilante tactics are not acceptable.

Author:  Drizzt [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

whoah wait a sec i think there are a few things to at least consider here.

first of all i want to say that i realy could care less either way so im not taking sides its just a couple horses after all.

but id like to bring up a few points to consider...

1) is there not a way to stable horses with a stable vendor anymore? probably not, so is it not odd that we dont have stable vendors here anymore? it seems they are needed.

2) those stangs were in the biggest pk area on the shard for quite a while,
personally it seems common sense to not leave them there for too long. and i was under the impression that area was basically a no rules area.

3) i guess area effect near houses is illegal because we have no insta log in houses? that would probably help.

4) its just 2 horses, who cares?

i have no reason to side with anyone on this and i am not trying to do so, just bringing up a few things that naturally come to my mind when considering this event. as for any other offenses anyone might have commited i have no opinion i could care less really we all have consequences to our actions. im just stating my thoughts on the stangs.

Author:  mumu [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not that i care or anthin but i tamed one of those and it took me a long f***** while and i go bak to my tmain is messed yp post so yea do somtin i tame his stangs alot

Author:  KaoNashi [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:34 pm ]
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just curious, when you jail someone for 24 hours, is it 24 hours in real time or gameplay?

Author:  Drizzt [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:37 pm ]
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yah mumu sorry bout that i was on my way to tame them for him when he said he had someone already. glad i didnt waste my time taming em, id be pissed lol. taming sucks...

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  lol

so dracula is the stang pinky in u house tamed? :roll:

p.s. just j/k

Author:  Nervous Exaust [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 12:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Just to inform that I jailed BK after repeated reports, screenshots and first-hand observations of his behaviour in terms of reskilling, bug abuse, abuse of AoE spells, cheating in events, and being rude to myself.
So how exactly does he cheat in events and res kill from what he tells me he doesnt do either of those things and i believe him since i know him in real life, also the being rude thing was a two way thing i believe you shouldn't be calling people immature tw*ts theres better ways to deal with situations than that.

Anyways you can go ahead and argue the opposite of my post now as I'm sure you will.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 1:03 am ]
Post subject: 

I god damn agree with you Dance. Thass expects all this respect from players but he shows crap respect to them. Oh wait, hes a staff member so that means hes allowed to disrespect us and only thing were allowed to do is stfu or get jailed? F*cking pathetic

Author:  Rippa [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:08 am ]
Post subject: 

imma have to agree here also because guess what alot of noobs were thanking me for pking ares 8) since I was informed he was the one who was rez killing and looting noobs dry :shock: You know me loves the noobs. Noone should complain about BK I wish to veto his Sentence! plus anyway like drizzt stated its a no rule pking area he did it by accident as he was testing out those spells on me :x

Author:  Adam [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

i do believe its illegal to use area of effect to target in a house.. im not sure but i believe that anyways wether it is a person or a horse or what.. anyhow.. umm.. so why not just not do it sh.it.. how come as soon as something comes to light that can be done in some kick to the nuts dirty fighting way.. ppl will jump right on the band wagon.... i mean is it only me and a few others that wont do this.. or am i wrong... come on guys... damn yo..

Author:  Kinetic [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

The area is a anything goes PK wise area. Nowhere does it say that you can use what is nothing less than an exploit to damage or destroy people's property within their house which is seen as a safe haven for all property/players when the door is locked.

I find it very unlikely BK did not mean to kill the stangs, and was only testing them on a friend, since it would take about 3 direct hits from an EQ to kill a stang, and if he was testing he would have noticed the stang was injured and would have stopped dead in his tracks.

Concerning BK cheating in events, well lets list them, hiding until everyone was dead then popping out to kill the last man, re-entering after being killed and denying so.

Res killing, yes I have seen him doing so on my player a few times.

Author:  Rippa [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:58 am ]
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it was a joke.... but hey the owner of that house isn't a angel when it comes to people's property if you want to get down and dirty :wink:

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 12:16 pm ]
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Yup ashes used the master key he still had for a house he sold me to steal decorative ns and some tables. He is sad. Staff took away the key he had but he brags and claims he has another one. Oh well, staff will have to teach him a lesson again. If it was me I woulda killed the horse and stangs coming from a banned player who shouldnt have been brought back and was.

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 12:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

bk has been a friend of mine since we met but i dont agree with what he dose alot of times...when it comes to stuff like this you have to forget all personal opinions about the person and look at the straight facts.. he dose cheat and he needs to be punished...him and dracula poisioned stacked me while in an event therefore me and drizztz lost cuz i cant heal thru 3 times poison stacked... it dosnt bother be about losing really its just the fact that he poisoned stacked me...so i could see why 24 hours of jail is neccesary...if it is true he was being rude and stuff he deserved 48 hours....I dotn care what bk told you he killd 2 red stangs inside someones house so therefore he needs to be punished...get over it

Author:  belgarion [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

All the GM's I have met in-game have treated me with nothing but respect. Perhaps the ones that they don't are doing something that does not deserve respect.For example everytime a GM sets up an event it takes about 2 hours to get started because someone is always f#%king around. Perhaps if you're not being treated with respect it is because they are a little bit frastrated with you.

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