DX Gaming

Dissable poison?
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Author:  Emo [ Sat May 14, 2005 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I understand that, you've said it twice, and I ignored it because it's utter bullshit. Poison is a tactic of a mage, thats like me telling a warrior to fight me without using armor .. you just sound stupid nemo.

Author:  Emo [ Sat May 14, 2005 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah that really sucks that some people have lost their talent at pvp.. but just because you can't adapt to the system doesn't mean we gotta change the shit to babysit you guys.

Thats what makes me decent at pvp. It's all I do. I'm always adapting and innovating, thats why you'll never see me in here bitching for changes, cause I can take what gets handed to me, like a man.

All in all, suck it up, stop being pussies, and learn your tactics.

OH YA, and I can kill ANY warrior without armor, come try it Nemo.

Author:  Emo [ Sat May 14, 2005 5:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Who ever said YOU lost your tactics Nemo?? don't flatter yourself, I wasn't speaking about you, although it WOULD fit.

As for warriors being able to heal through poison. The simple answer? They can! They chose to take higher anatomy instead of being able to heal through poison. Both my chars have lower than 60 anat and I never have a single problem staying alive.

But I'm done on this topic, it's strayed for it's intentional path and Hydro's already spoken on the matter. This thread should be considered dead.

Author:  Emo [ Sat May 14, 2005 6:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Meh, it's a sacrifice they're going to have to make if they want to heal through poison, and if you don't wanna sacrifice your 40 extra anat, then keep dying :wink:

But yes, I'm done with this topic.

Author:  Jozmonger [ Sat May 14, 2005 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bleh... warriors have been gimped since the first healing delay and that's why there are many more mages now... just how its always been... everybody look at every aspect of mages and warriors before they start flaming me

Author:  Drizzt [ Sun May 15, 2005 12:30 am ]
Post subject: 

before the change where you needed poisoning for a skill is when it was most balanced.

also healing wasnt messed up back then.

im one of the worst pvpers here with my mage all the other mages rape me usually but i still can kill any pure warrior almost effortlessly just by keeping him noxxed. it wouldnt have been so bad if it had stayed how it was but now warriors...

1)fail heal like little bitches even if 120 dex gm anatomy and healing and their food level is perfect. (tf?)

2.) stacking is the craziest thing i ever seen, and there many ways to accidently do it, also wtf is up you can make yourself invincible to spells. wow huge bugs i mean what was wrong with the old system everyone thought it was near perfection.

3.) ashes is right though without poison youd play hell killing a good player ever, even two on one. itd be comparable to before warriors had heal delays, how impossible it was to kill them.

4.) what was wrong with the old system again?

we lost over half the shard cause of this, im like oh well my mains are a mage and a rogue i dont have a pure well i do but i stoppped working on him when i realized how bad pures suck. so whatever, the way the system is now it leans towards my guys, and i have adapted. so ...yay?

Author:  Thassius [ Sun May 15, 2005 7:21 am ]
Post subject: 

With no poison most players would be unkillable unless you could cause damage in excess of their heal rate.

Therefore disabling poison entirely would render 1v1 or even 2v1 pvp useless.

Warriors can absorb alot of damage, and mages can heal at an alarming rate if neither are poisoned, so this solution would be unworkable in my book.

I have no doubt that a maxed warrior with his shit together and a little scenery could take 3 maybe even 4 GM mages nuking FS no problems if there was no poison.

And yes, I have adapted as you guys know but I still find that things like the healing fail rate are currently broken for warriors, and poison stacking is a major issue.

I also believe that poison range between pots and spell should be more balanced if the current system is kept, and that mages should get an added delay on poison pot throws in proportion to their magery, just like they get a delay for bandages - otherwise that class can poison twice as often as a pure warrior.

Anyway, thanks for the input - rest assured that these issues have been discussed with the higher staff by me personally and amongst themselves.

I am actually going to lock this, NOT because we do not value your points but because we all know that this is the 14176976th thread about the issue - it is now entirely in the hands of the admin.

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